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Indicative vs subjunctive

Be Careful!

We know that our products are good.

We require that our products be good.


It’s well known that our products are good

It’s important that our products be good.

Exercise 3.

Example: Each secretary has a typewriter.

I know that each secretary has a typewriter

The secretary opens the mail

I insist that the secretary open the mail.

  1. That man speaks five languages.

I don’t believe that he _______ five languages.

  1. I’ll pay in cash.

The salesman requests that customers _______ in cash.

  1. I don’t think the director is in his office.

I doubt that he _______ in his office.

  1. All the forms were typed.

The director prefers that they _______ .

  1. I took it easy for a few weeks.

My doctor suggested that I _______ it easy.

  1. Our products are overpriced.

The marketing people agree that they _______ overpriced.

  1. Plant maintenance has been a problem.

The manager feels that it _______ a problem.

  1. He went to the meeting last week.

It was recommended that he _______ to the meeting last week.

  1. Bill is the company’s top salesman.

It’s well known that he _______ the company’s top salesman.

  1. The figures on the balance sheet are correct.

It’s necessary that the figures _______ correct.


Don’t smoke here!

It’s requested that you not smoke here.

Indicative Subjunctive










… that







not smoke

Exercise 4.

Example: I will be at the meeting on time.

It’s important that I not be late.

I know that I won’t be late.

  1. Please don’t smoke in the office.

It’s requested that we _______ in the office.

  1. I’ll be at the office until nine o’clock.

Please tell my wife that I _______ home for dinner.

  1. We were talking in the library.

The librarian requested that we _______ in the library.

  1. Today’s meeting lasted over three hours.

I hope that tomorrow’s meeting _______ so long.

  1. We drove slowly on the country road.

The law required that we _______ over 20 m.p.h.

  1. Anne is usually on time.

I didn’t know that she _______ on time this morning.

  1. The director spent $900 on new office furniture.

It was important that he _______ more than $1,000.


(Tru-Tone) … was still relying almost exclusively on print advertising, which was largely misdirected.”

Main sentence:

My car is still on good condition.

Parenthetical information:

(I bought it over six years ago.)

My car, which I bought over six years ago, is still in good condition.

Other Examples:


Discuss it with my assistant, who’ll be in charge while I’m away.


The Woods, whom we’ve known for years, will be moving in next day.


I’d like to move to Miami, where it’s warm all year long.


Last week I was away, which is why I didn’t call.

Exercise 5. Expand the following sentences using which, who, whom, or where.

Example: We’re traveling to Europe in May (That’s the best time to go.)

We’re traveling to Europe in May, which is the best time to go.

  1. The new secretary has been doing an excellent job. (We just hired her last week.)

  2. The company paid $400,000 for the plant site. (That’s expensive for unimproved land.)

  3. We’re planning a special retirement dinner for the director. (He’s been with the company for 30 years.)

  4. In New York City many people use public transportation (Parking is very limited there.)


Peter wanted his marketing people to follow up on the Tru-Tone sales problem before things got much worse.”

I’d like these letters typed.

I’ll have my secretary type them.

I’ll ask her to type them today.

would like




l et



would like











something done

someone do something

someone to do something

I didn’t type the memos myself.

I asked someone to type them.

I had the memos typed.

Exercise 6. Use the causative to make new sentences.

Example: Joe didn’t repair the T.V. himself.

He had it repaired.

  1. We’re not going to invest the funds ourselves.

  2. The personnel director didn’t screen the applicants herself.

  3. We didn’t write up a contract ourselves.

  4. The company doesn’t deliver their products themselves.

  5. You shouldn’t check the figures yourself.

I had the memos typed by my secretary.

I had my secretary type the memos.

Exercise 7. Use the causative to make new sentences.

Example: I didn’t bring the menus; the waiter did.

I had the waiter bring the menus.

  1. The director didn’t research the matter himself; his assistant did.

  2. I won’t show you the latest model myself; a salesman will.

  3. I never take packages to the post office; the mail clerk does.

  4. The teacher didn’t answer the question herself; the students did.

  5. You shouldn’t fill out the medical forms yourself; your doctor should.

Exercise 8. Choose the correct words to complete the following sentences.

Example: (wanted, told, had)

Mr. Jones had his secretary type up the memos.

  1. (get, make, let)

I’d like to ____ these letters mailed today

  1. (had, asked, made)

My boss ____ me to come in early this morning.

  1. (allow, let, want)

I won’t ____ my children to stay out later than 9:00 p.m.

  1. (makes, requires, has)

The law ____ all employers to make Social Security payments.

  1. (forced, got, made)

Waking up late ____ me miss my train.

  1. (made, had, ordered)

The policeman ____ me to move my car.

  1. (wanted, let, encouraged)

Students should be ____ to ask questions when they don’t understand.

  1. (would like, asks, requires)

Management ____ the labour contract signed as soon as possible.

  1. (made, persuaded, let)

The salesman ____ me to buy something I didn’t need.

  1. (makes, has, requires)

The company ____ its supplies shipped from Europe.

Exercise 9. Choose the letter of the correct verb form. _______

Example: I asked my friend b a good doctor. a) recommend b) to recommend c) recommended

  1. I had the operator _______ the number.

a) dial

b) to dial

c) dialed

  1. I had my reservations _______ by the travel agent.

a) make

b)to make

c) made

  1. The bad weather forced me _______ my weekend plans.

a) change

b) to change

c) changed

  1. My friends would like me _______ them to the airport on Saturday.

a) drive

b) to drive

c) driven

  1. The director wants these letters _______ as soon as possible.

a) send out

b) to send out

c) sent out

  1. My teacher lets me _______ only English in the classroom.

a) speak

b) to speak

c) spoken

  1. The law requires you _______ your income.

a) report

b) to report

  1. reported

  1. We have to get that project _______ before the end of the month.

a) finish

b) to finish

c) finished

  1. I finally persuaded the owner _______ his price.

a) lower

b) to lower

c) lowered

  1. That car accident made me _______ how dangerous these roads can be.

a) realize

b) to realize

c) realized




(You’re waiting for me now.)

I’m sorry to keep you waiting.

(You’ve been waiting for me for two hours now.)

I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

(You were waiting for me yesterday.)

I was sorry to keep you waiting.

(You had been waiting for me for two hours yesterday.)

I was sorry to have kept you waiting.

Exercise 10. Complete the following sentences using the present or perfect infinitive.

Examples: I didn’t call you yesterday.

But I intended to call you yesterday.

Larry has been appointed vice-president.

He’s proud to have been appointed vice-president.

  1. Let’s leave in about an hour.

I’ll be ready _______.

  1. The new accountant hasn’t had any training.

But by now he’s supposed _______.

  1. Will we see an improvement before year end?

I hope _______.

  1. We didn’t see Nick at the party last night.

We were surprised _______.

  1. The director hasn’t consulted anyone about the matter.

He’s foolish _______.


“… patent litigation is known to be long and complicated, …”

They say (that) George is the company’s top salesman.

George is said to be the company’s top salesman.


say (that) George is

said (that) George was

the company’s top salesman.


is said

was said

to be the company’s top salesman.


say (that George (has) sold

s aid (that) George had sold

more than any other salesman.


is said

was said

to have sold more than any other salesman.

Exercise 11. Make new sentences using the present or past infinitive.

Example: Everyone knows smoking is dangerous to your health.

Smoking is known to be dangerous to your health.

  1. They say this is the best restaurant in New York.

  2. People believe that Lincoln was a great President.

  3. Some think that lower speed limits have prevented many accidents.

  4. Everyone knows the company has made some bad investments.

  5. We understand Henry is in line for an important assignment.

  6. Not long ago people felt that a woman’s place was in the home.

  7. At first, people reported that Columbus had discovered a new way to India.

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