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VII. Read the text and translate it into Russian. Find in the text words with "s"-ending. Divide the words into three groups (verbs, nouns, pronouns). Ending “-s/es” is

а) показатель 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite;

б) признак множественного числа имени существительного;

в) показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного.

Office work

Brenda works for a company, which produces office furniture. She works in the office, which is just opposite the factory where the furniture is made (производится). The woman is very busy during her office hours. This is how she spends her day.

She works at a computer most of the time. She uses it for word processing (writing letters and reports). It's well-known that office work is impossible without a computer. More and more people are becoming computer-literate. Today being computer-literate is a must for office workers. Sometimes Brenda uses spreadsheets and databases. If she wants to connect her computer to the computers of foreign partners she uses Internet. They often send each other e-mail (electronic mail) messages using this system or network.

Brenda also answers phone calls, mostly from retailers (shops selling the factory's furniture). Sometimes she makes phone calls to retailers and the factory making office furniture. Besides Brenda sends invoices (papers showing products sold and money to pay) to customers. So, she does general paperwork (filing reports, writing memos, answering letters etc.).

From time to time Brenda shows representatives of other companies around the factory. Moreover, she arranges meetings for her boss and other managers in the company.

VIII. Read the profile of Derek Stirling. Write another profile about yourself.

Answer the questions below to help you.

 What's your name?

 What nationality are you?

 What's your home town?/Where do you live?

 Who do you work for?/What company do you work for?

What is your position in the company?

What are your responsibilities (duties)?/ What are you responsible for?

 What are fond of?/What do you like doing in your free time?


My name is Derek Stirling and I'm Scottish. I live in Hadlow, a lovely English village near London. I work for the Swire Group. The Swire group is Britain's largest private company. The Group's activities are divided* into 5 business areas: shipping*, aviation, property, industries and trading. I have been working for the company for 8 years. I work at our London head* office*. I'm head of Corporate Finance. I'm responsible for developing the business of the Group. I'm always very busy and I don't have much free time, but when I do, I like fishing. And I grow my own vegetables just for fun.


profile - краткий биографический очерк; сведения из биографии

are divided (Present Simple, Passive Voice) - делится, подразделяется

head office - главный офис корпорации, компании

shipping - транспортировка, перевозка (напр. продукции)