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Task 8. Choose the proper tense-form:

1. Over the course of the next few weeks, I … (to conduct) a thorough psychosocial assessment of this patient. 2. Medical social workers … (to graduate from) schools of social work with a master's degree. 3. The social worker … (to help) her reduce the feelings of isolation when her husband died. 4. Talking about the family's feelings and providing support for decisions made by the family … (to be) the most frequent activities provided by social workers. 5. When I performed my research I … (to examine) hospital records of 253 patients. 6. The role of a social worker … (to vary) depending on what type of setting you work in—hospitals, schools, and nursing homes. 7. I’m sure that many of these individuals … (to experience) a wide range of emotions during their adjustment process such as grief, anger, depression, fear or concern until they come to terms with their situation. 8. Prior to my current position, I … (to work) with mentally retarded adults in a hospital clinic. 9. Alice Salomon … (to be) a key figure in the development of social work in Europe in the first half of the twentieth century. 10. He … (to work) as a general nurse and then a teacher before qualifying as a social worker. 11. I always … (to enjoy) helping patients cope with their medical problems in a health care setting. 12. According to the National Institutes of Health, an estimated 22 percent of Americans aged 18 and older … (to need) help dealing with feelings and situations that … (to seem) beyond their control. 13. A survey performed by Consumer Reports in 1995 … (to show) that almost everyone who sought psychological help … (to experience) some relief that made them less troubled

Task 9. Answer the following questions:

1. When did you enter Volgograd medical university? 2. How much did your family encourage or help you to prepare for University? 3. Did you attend any preparatory courses? 4. What was your total score in biology, chemistry and Russian? 5. Which courses do you do in the first year? 6. What does clinical psychology study? 7. What do social workers do? 8. What motivates you about social work? 9. How long does it take you to do your homework? 10. What type of social work will you choose when you graduate from the University? 11. Will you do your English homework tomorrow? 12. Will you have any lectures tomorrow? 13. What degree will you receive upon graduation from the University? 14. Will you enter into a master’s degree program upon graduation? 15. What personal qualities and values does a social worker need to have?

Both … and, either … or, neither … nor, not only … but also

Task 10. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the conjunctions either… or; neither… nor; not only … but also:

1. You can collect your test results either on Friday evening or on Monday morning. 2. In school, social workers help students achieve their potential, both academically and personally. 3. Your condition is caused neither by smoking nor chronic stress. 4. Not only the lecturer, but also the students were pleased with the examination results. 5. Internship programs exist for both master’s and doctoral degrees. 6. Many clinical psychologists go into private practice, either solely or with a group of other psychologists.7. He considered the job not only interesting, but also quite rewarding. 8. She often sees clients who face either a life-threatening disease or a disability. 9. Medical and public health social workers advise both family and patients on how to deal with such conditions as Alzheimer's and AIDS. 10. Stresses affect not only all significant relationships in an individual’s life, but also the ability to cope with major losses and changes. 11. Some of social work practices specialize either in one type of disorder, or psychological framework. 12. Clinical psychologists neither prescribe nor apply medicines in their practice. 13. A clinical psychologist working for a children’s hospital will need in-depth knowledge of both neurodevelopmental disorders and psychopathologies related to childhood and adolescence.

Reading and Speech Practice

Task 11. Find some information on training of social workers in the USA and Great Britain. Discuss the following issues:

  • degrees awarded

  • duration of training

  • qualification requirements

  • professional personal qualities

  • career options

Task 12. A. Find the Russian equivalents of the following English words using the Multitran online dictionary.

Advanced education; undergraduate degree; graduate student; to gain firsthand knowledge; salaried; National Health Service; at one’s own pace; continuing education; supervised; workshop; to take audited classes; to reach goals.

B. Try to predict the contexts in which these words might occur or the problems which may be related to them.

Task 13. Now read the text and say which paragraph speaks about:

What are the Requirements to Become a Clinical Psychologist?

Becoming a clinical psychologist involves advanced education and practical experience. Clinical psychologist training requirements include the preparation necessary to teach courses at the university level, conduct research, and offer direct care to patients, making a degree in clinical psychology very versatile.

The training and licensing of clinical psychologists ranges from 4 year undergraduate degree plus a 4 to 6 year doctorate program. When considering educational options, a clinical psychologist needs to study for a Doctor of Psychology degree (PsyD) if their primary interest is working with patients in a clinical setting. The programs resulting in PsyD are mostly in private schools and have a greater focus on treatment.

A Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology degree best prepares the clinical psychologist to work in research and scientific settings. There are more students enrolled in PsyD programs overall so that both degrees are about 50/50 in terms of number of students.

Most educational institutions recommend that students start by majoring in psychology in college. However, other institutions accept graduate students with other academic majors. Most programs have internship requirements during which clinical psychology students gain firsthand knowledge of this field.

In the U.K., those training to be clinical psychologists have to complete a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (D.Clin.Psych.), which is a practitioner doctorate with both clinical and research components. This is a three-year full-time salaried program sponsored by the National Health Service (NHS) and based in universities and the NHS.

Both traditional and online institutions offer courses to help students reach their goals. With the increasing demand for and acceptance of distance learning institutions, there are dozens of accredited universities with excellent online clinical psychology programs. Online courses of study allow working professionals to complete their studies at their own pace and offer considerable flexibility in clinical psychology training. Online continuing education credits or individual classes also allow those with degrees in clinical psychology to enhance their education with further study in specialized areas.

In the U.S., Canada and the U.K the practice of clinical psychology requires a license. Although every state is somewhat different in terms of requirements and licenses, there are three common elements—a degree from an approved educational program, a minimum amount of supervised clinical experience, and passing an examination. Most states also require a certain number of continuing education credits per year in order to renew a license, which can be obtained through various means, such as taking audited classes and attending workshops.

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