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10. Business tourism

For many people tourism means leisure. However, a significant part of tourism revenues come from the world of business. Business tourism is defined as ‘the provision of facilities and services to the millions of delegates who annually attend meetings, congresses, exhibitions, business events, incentive travel, and corporate hospitality’.

The main components of business tourism are:

  • Meetings

  • Incentive travel (leisure trips given to business people as a reward for high productivity)

  • Conferences

  • Exhibitions and trade fairs (exhibitions open only to professionals from a sector of industry).

Another important component of business tourism is individual business travel, which involves individual business travelers giving presentations and consultations, or attending one-to-one meetings.

Business tourism is not the same as leisure tourism. With business, the main reason for traveling is to attend events that are related to business interests. Secondly, business tourism is not tied to a specific climate or season.

Other important differences are:

  • the lack of flexibility the business traveler has when choosing dates

  • the greater spending power of business travelers

  • the preference for quality, city-centre accommodation, often with international hotel chains

  • the need for specific business and telecommunications facilities.

Many major cities now have purpose-built conference and exhibition centers with facilities such as conference halls, high-speed internet access, videoconferencing, and so on.

There are several key benefits to business tourism, the first of which is economic. A second benefit of business travel is that it can increase the level of leisure activity at a destination. Finally. business tourism provides employment. Often this work is temporary – helping at conferences, trade fairs, or hospitality events – but it can be permanent.


Once you’ve been asked to find a venue and organize a conference there are certain key points you need to know and decisions that will have to be taken before the booking.

The first, most important point, is the number of delegates attending.

The next thing to decide is what you actually want to achieve with your conference; is it a training session or a sales launch? So you obviously want to know what you want to achieve at the end of the day.

Then you must decide how long your conference is to last, how many days and what time of year you want to hold it.

Another point is where the conference is going to take place. Will it need to be reasonably central – near to an airport, near to good railway connections, or easy to get to by road?

And of course you need to know who is actually paying for the conference. Are the delegates paying for themselves or is the company paying?

Then it’s time to think about conference facilities: conference rooms and conference equipment. Conference equipment usually include computers, flip charts, microphones, wi-fi and so on.

Another thing to consider is about catering services and menu arrangements. One more thing to be taken into account is accommodation and how many delegates will be staying.

And the last question is about leisure time. The delegates might want some activities organized. Perhaps they want to go out and see the local sights, perhaps they want an organized sporting activity.

So when you have all this information you can go about booking…