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Trains that fly on air.

Submitted byAkshat Jain Roll No.-13/167

What is meant by Maglev?

Maglev = Magnetic + Leviation

Any thing which may levitate(raise or float) by means of a magnetic power is simply called as magnetic levitation.

Purely based on magnetism and magnetic fields

Magnetic fields produced by powerful electromagnets

Wheels eliminated from the train allowing it to essentially move in the air frictionlessly

Maglev trains have to perform the following functions to operate in high speeds

1.Levitation 2.Propulsion 3.Lateral Guidance

Based on the techniques used for Levitation

there are three types of Maglev trains

1.Electro magnetic Suspension

2.Electro dynamic Suspension


Electromagnetic suspension

•The electromagnets on the underside of the train pull it up to the ferromagnetic stators on the track and levitate the train.

•The magnets on the side keep the train from moving from side to side.

•The train is levitated by the repulsive and attractive force between the magnetic fields of the train and the guideway

Magnetic field produced by superconducting magnets located at the bottom of the train

The major difference between the Inductrack and the Electrodymanic System is the use of permanent magnets rather than superconducting magnets.

An alternating current is ran through electromagnet coils on the guide walls of the guide way. This creates a magnetic field that attracts and repels the superconducting magnets on the train and propels the train forward.

Braking is accomplished by sending an alternating current in the reverse direction so that it is slowed by attractive and repulsive forces.


The Maglev train is a noncontact system that requires a guiding force for the prevention of lateral displacement

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