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Private Sub cmdShortOnly_Click()


CancelAll = False

mintHowManyShort = 10

tmrShort.Interval = 250

tmrShort.Enabled = True

End Sub

' Run a long task, then run short tasks serially while it's running.

Private Sub cmdShortLong_Click()

Dim cft As CoffeeTracker


CancelAll = False

Set cft = NewTracker(macfe(1).ThreadID, LONGTASKSIZE)

Set cft.Coffee = macfe(1)

Call macfe(1).StartLongTask(LONGTASKSIZE)


' Line up some short tasks to run (one every quarter second) while task runs.

mintHowManyShort = 10

tmrShort.Enabled = True

tmrShort.Interval = 250

End Sub

' Start N long tasks (1 - 9), then run a series of short tasks.

Private Sub cmdNLong_Click()

Dim intCt As Integer

Dim cft As CoffeeTracker


CancelAll = False

For intCt = 1 To CLng("0" & txtN)

Set cft = NewTracker(macfe(intCt).ThreadID, LONGTASKSIZE)

Set cft.Coffee = macfe(intCt)

Call macfe(intCt).StartLongTask(LONGTASKSIZE)



' Line up some short tasks to run while the long ones run.

mintHowManyShort = 10 + CLng("0" & txtN)

tmrShort.Enabled = True

tmrShort.Interval = 250

End Sub

' Compare the call overhead for calls to an object on the same thread, vs. calls to an object on another thread.


Private Sub cmdXThread_Click()

Dim cfeSame As Coffee

Dim cfeNew As Coffee

cmdXThread.Caption = "Working..."

cmdXThread.Enabled = False

' Create a Coffee object on another thread.

Set cfeNew = macfe(10).GetCoffeeOnNewThread

' In case of thread pooling; except in the degenerate case of one thread in the pool, this should get a different thread the second time.

If cfeNew.ThreadID = macfe(10).ThreadID Then

Set cfeNew = macfe(10).GetCoffeeOnNewThread

If cfeNew.ThreadID = macfe(10).ThreadID Then

MsgBox "Unable to run comparison between same-thread and cross-thread calls; can't get an object on another thread."

Exit Sub

End If

End If


' Create a Coffee object on the same thread.

Set cfeSame = macfe(10).GetCoffeeOnSameThread

' Use the newly created coffee objects to perform the test.

MsgBox "Same thread: " & macfe(10).CallAnotherCoffee(cfeSame) & " sec/call" & vbCrLf _

& "Cross-thread: " & macfe(10).CallAnotherCoffee(cfeNew) & " sec/call"

cmdXThread.Caption = "Cross-Thread Overhead"

cmdXThread.Enabled = True


' The Coffee objects created for this test are terminated when cfeNew and cfeSame go out of scope at the end of this procedure.

End Sub

' List the thread IDs of the Coffee objects created when this form loaded.

Private Sub cmdIDs_Click()

Dim intCt As Integer


For intCt = 1 To 10

lstResults.AddItem macfe(intCt).ThreadID _

& " (" & macfe(intCt).NumberOnThread & " on thread)"


End Sub

' Create a series of Coffee objects, each on its own thread. (If you recompile MTCoffee with a thread pool

' less than 10, some of these will share thread and global state.)

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim intCt As Integer

For intCt = 1 To 10

Set macfe(intCt) = New Coffee


Form1.cmdMT.Enabled = True

Form1.cmdMT.MousePointer = vbDefault

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

Select Case KeyAscii

Case 48 To 57, 8

Case Else


KeyAscii = 0

End Select

End Sub

' Provide unique keys for CoffeeTrackers.

Private Function NewKey() As String

Static lngLastKey As Long

lngLastKey = lngLastKey + 1

NewKey = "K" & lngLastKey

End Function

' Add a new CoffeeTracker. Properly speaking, this should be a method of a CoffeeTrackers collection class.

Private Function NewTracker(ByVal ThreadID As Long, _

ByVal Size As Long) As CoffeeTracker

Dim cft As New CoffeeTracker


' Cache the thread ID of the Coffee object the tracker will be keeping track of.

cft.ThreadID = ThreadID


' Set the size of the task assigned to the Coffee object the tracker will track.

cft.Size = Size


' Give the tracker a unique key for the collection.

cft.ID = NewKey


' Put the new tracker into a collection.

CoffeeTrackers.Add cft, cft.ID


' Return a reference to the new tracker.

Set NewTracker = cft

End Function

' Timer is used to start a series of short tasks, at regular intervals, using one Coffee object (that is, a single thread).

' Before starting a new task, it checks to see whether the preceding task is done.


' If you run MTCoffee in the development environment, comment out the code that checks for preceding task completion.

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