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Task 4. A. Find the English equivalents of Russian words and combinations:

День согласия, соломенное чучело, Христос воскрес, Дед Мороз, Снегурочка, карнавальное платье, рождественские песни, праздничный, ждать с нетерпением.

    1. Make your own sentences with these words and combinations.

Task 5. A. Find synonyms for the following words:

1. Festival

2. To celebrate

  1. Assistant

  2. Combination

  3. To continue

  1. Harmony

  2. Hymn

  3. Marvel

  4. Custom

  5. Revolt

B. Find antonyms for the following words:

1. Hate

2. Sad

3. Routine

4. Secular

5. In contrast

6. To forget

    1. Match the words with the definitions:

1. Carol

2. Tradition

3. To celebrate

4. To commemorate

5. Parade

6. Concord

A. The body of customs, thoughts, practices etc., belonging to a particular country, people family or institution over a long period.

B. Agreement or harmony between people or nations

C. To honour or keep alive the memory of.

D. To rejoice in or have special festivities to mark a happy day, event, etc.

E. An ordered, especially ceremonial, march assembly or procession, as of troops being reviewed

F. A joyful hymn or religious song


Task 6. Look at the words and fill in the table:















Task 7. A. Find sentences with Passive Voice and translate them into Russian.

B.Choose the right variant and explain your choice:

1. New Year knows/ is known to be on the most favourite holidays in Russia.

2. Until recently this holiday knowed / was known to be the Soviet Army Day.

3. In the evening a coloured salute is fired/ fires as a token of victory over fascism.

  1. Revise your Grammar. Check yourself consulting the rules in Lessons 6, 9 and 14.

Task 8. Make up your own sentences using Passive Voice.

Task 9. Choose the right sentence:

1. A. When I was in Russia a very strange holiday called Maslenitsa was being celebrated.

B. When I was in Russia a very strange holiday called Maslenitsa was celebrating

2. A. Christmas in Russia celebrates two weeks later than in other countries

B. Christmas in Russia is celebrated two weeks later than in other countries

3. A. Russia celebrates Victory Day on May 9.

B. Russia is celebrated Victory Day on May 9.

Task 10. Choose the right variant:

1. Why do Russian women adore March 8th?

A. They don’t need to go for a work

B. Care and attention of men is guaranteed

C. It’s a day of struggling to equal right with the men’s ones

2. Why do Russian like to celebrate holidays so much?

A. It’s a part of the history of the country

B. It’s a chance not to go for a work

C. It’s a chance to have a lot of fun

3. Fortunetelling is the traditions for:

A. New Year

B. Christmas

C. Easter

D. Maslenitsa

4. The highest celebration of the Orthodox Church is:

A. Shrovetide

B. Christmas

C. Easter

5. Maslenitsa appeared after the tradition:

A. To make pancakes

B. To organise carnivals in Western countries

C. To burn a doll of straw

Task 11. Complete the sentences:

1. On Russian Orthodox Easter that is also called Paskha people greet each other with words…

2. Demonstrations with bright banners, balloons and spring flowers is the tradition of…

3. Veterans come out into the streets wearing their…

4. The difference between Russian Christmas and Christmas in other countries is due to the Orthodox church that follows the…

Task 12. Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. Recently Man’s day was known as Soviet Army Day.

2. March 8th was recently called International Solidarity Day.

3. The traditional food on Easter is pancakes.

4. Christmas in Russia comes three weeks later than in other countries.

5. On Victory Day all men and boys are congratulated as defenders and helpmates.

6. The Russians love holidays because they reflect multicoloured Russian history.

7. Kolyadky is one of the Christmas traditions.

8. Another name of Mayday is Day of Spring and Labour.

9. Red Square is the place where a military parade on Victory Day is organized.

Task 13. А. Match the titles with the corresponding passages. One is extra:

A. Easter

B. Maslenitsa

C. Victory Day

D. May Day

E. Man’s Day

F. Christmas

1. This holiday is rich with beautiful traditions. One of them is called Kolyadki when at Christmas night young people put on fancy dresses, gather in a noisy crowd and go in every house on their way, singing carols and merry songs; hosts of the houses thank singers with all the kinds of sweat stuff like candies, chocolates and pastry. It was a custom for young ladies to tell fortune on these days; lots of fortunetelling methods have kept till days - yet they are not so widely used, of course.

2. It’s a great holiday for Russian people. Flowers and wreaths are laid on wartime graves and veterans come out into the streets wearing their military orders and medals; a solemn military parade takes place on the Red Square in Moscow. In the evening a coloured salute is fired as a token of the victory over fascism.

3. It is a good time for visiting friends and relatives. People greet each other with words "Christ is risen" and "Indeed risen..." and treat each other with brightly colored boiled eggs, a symbol of Easter. The holiday table is served with such specialties as Paskha (rich mixture of sweetened curds, butter and raisins) and kulich (Easter sweet bread).

4. Recently this holiday was called International Solidarity Day of Workers but now it is known as Day of Spring and Labor. Some people like following the Soviet tradition of May Day demonstrations with bright banners, balloons and spring flowers.

5. February 23 was known as the Soviet Army Day but nowadays it has become a holiday for all men by analogy with the similar Women's Day. All men and boys are praised as eventual defenders and helpmates.

B.Write out the key sentences for each point of the plan.

Task 14. Put the sentences into the right order:

A. Russian Christmas is rich with beautiful traditions one of them is called Kolyadki when at Christmas night young people put on fancy dresses, gather in a noisy crowd and go in every house on their way, singing carols and merry song.

B. The Russian love for holidays is known the world over.

C. So, the New Year is the first in calendar and in popularity.

  1. Children are looking forward for Father Frost (actually he is Grandfather Frost - Ded Moroz in Russian) and his granddaughter Snow Maiden (Snegurochka). to arrive at night and leave presents under the fir-tree.

  2. This difference is due to the Orthodox Church that follows the Julian (old style) calendar.

  3. It was a custom for young ladies to tell fortune on these days; lots of fortunetelling methods have kept till days - yet they are not so widely used, of course.

  4. The most favourite holidays are New Year and Christmas.

  5. Russian Christmas comes two weeks later than in other countries, on January 7.

  6. National holidays reflect multicoloured Russian history

  7. Long before December 31 sparkling fir trees appear in the streets, shops, offices and houses, bringing the joy of festive preparations and hope for happy miracles in the coming New Year.

Task 15. Prepare a summary with the help of tasks 13B and 14.

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