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Task 4. Find the English equivalents for the following phrases in the text.

  1. широкое разнообразие,

  2. возможность учиться,

  3. всемирно знаменитые коллекции,

  4. редкие книги,

  5. сравнительно новый

  6. предметы искусства,

  7. играть на музыкальных инструментах.

Task 5. Find the synonyms for the following words in the text:

  1. an adult,

  2. to like something,

  3. a diversity,

  4. an enjoyment,

  5. an occupation,

  6. a worth,

  7. a chance.

Word Formation

Task 6. Find and translate the words with suffixes and prefixes given in the text. Fill in the table. The first line is done for you.



Base word (Root)






Which prefixes and suffixes are common for nouns? For verbs? For adjectives? For adverbs?


Task 7. A. Find the sentences in which Present Simple is used. Translate the sentences.

B. Explain the use of Present Simple in each case. Check yourself consulting the following rule:

Present Simple (настоящее простое) образуется с помощью глагола в основной форме или глагола с –s для 3го лица единственного числа.

V / Vs

Present Simple используется для выражения:

- регулярного действия - He goes to Washington every summer.

- общих устоявшихся фактов - The sun rises in the east.

- запланированных действий и событий (расписание) - The plane arrives at 8.30.

- в анекдотах, спортивных репортажах - A husband and wife walk into a restaurant.

For more detailed rules see Unit III. Lesson 5.

A. Find the sentences in which Future Simple is used. Translate the sentences.

B. Explain the use of Future Simple in each case. Check yourself consulting the following rule:

Future Simple (будущее простое) образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will и смыслового глагола в основной форме.

Will V

Future Simple используется для выражения:

1.запланированного, ожидаемого действия. - Next week he will go to the USA

2.Согласия, желания или отказа - I will help you if I have time

Task 8. Choose the correct sentences from each pair.

1a. He enjoy painting.

2a. They need to grow flowers.

3a. I want to tell you about my hobby.

4a. He will stays here.

5a. We not will play football.

6a. It will be nice to see your drawings.

1b. He enjoys painting.

2b. They needs to grow flowers.

3b. I wants to tell you about my hobby.

4b. He will stay here.

5b. We will not play football.

6b. It will nice to see your drawings.

Task 9. Make up your own sentences using Present Simple and Future Simple.


Task 10. Answer the following questions:

  1. How many classes of hobbies are described in the text? What are they?

  2. What is the most popular hobby group?

  3. What kinds of activities are included into “making things”?

  4. All collections are of great value, aren’t they?

  5. What is the most exciting aspect of any hobby?

Task 11. Finish the following sentences:

  1. You are lucky if you …

  2. Doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things are …

  3. Collections are held in museums in case they are …

  4. Hobbies help us to …

Task 12. Say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:

  1. Making things is considered to be the most wide-spread and popular hobby.

  2. Painting, playing musical instruments, sculpture, gardening and handicrafts form a “making things” class of hobbies.

  3. The Spanish are very fond of growing roses.

  4. Computer games are exciting and captivating either for children or for grown-ups.

  5. All people are fond of collecting different things – at least at some period of their life.

  6. If a collection is expensive and rare it is given to the National Gallery.

  7. Every hobby brings people pleasure and excitement.

Task 13. A. Match each passage from the text with a title. One is not needed:

    1. Collecting things.

    2. Making things

    3. The role of hobbies

    4. A new kind of hobby

    5. Valuable collections

    6. Classes of hobbies

    7. Learning things

    8. Doing things

    9. An English typical hobby

B. Write out one key sentence to each passage.

Task 14. Put the sentences into the correct order:

  1. Well-to-do people usually collect expensive things.

  2. Gardening is a typical English hobby.

  3. Hobbies and tastes vary according to people’s characters.

  4. Every activity can teach us something new.

  5. Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts.

  6. Hobbies are divided into doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.

  7. Doing things is the most popular group of hobbies.

  8. All people collect stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards or toys at different periods of their life.

Task 15. Retell the text, using Tasks 13 and 14 as a support.

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