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Unit X. Clinical Psychology

Task 1. Read and translate the text “American Clinical Psychology”:

American Clinical Psychology

American clinical psychology includes the scientific study and application of psychology for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically-based distress or dysfunction and to promote subjective well-being and personal development. Psychological assessment and psychotherapy are central to its practice, although clinical psychologists also engage in research, teaching, consultation, forensic testimony, programme development and administration. In many countries clinical psychology is a regulated mental health profession.

The field is often considered to have begun in 1896 with the opening of the first psychological clinic at the University of Pennsylvania by Lightner Witmer. In the first half of the 20th century, clinical psychology was focused on psychological assessment, with little attention given to treatment. This changed after the 1940s when World War II resulted in the need for a large increase in the number of trained clinicians.

Clinical psychology may be confused with psychiatry, which generally has similar goals (e.g. the alleviation of mental distress), but is unique in that psychiatrists are physicians with medical degrees. As such, they tend to focus on medication-based solutions, although some also provide psychotherapeutic services as well. In practice, clinical psychologists often work in multidisciplinary teams with other professionals such as psychiatrists, occupational therapists, and social workers to bring multifunctional approach to complex patient problems.

Since the 1970s, clinical psychology has continued growing into a robust profession and academic field of study. Although the exact number of practicing clinical psychologists is unknown, it is estimated that between 1974 and 1990, in the US the number grew from 20,000 to 63,000. Clinical psychologists are experts in assessment, and psychotherapy, and have expanded their focus to address issues of prevention, gerontology, sports, the criminal justice system to name a few.

One important field is health psychology, reflected in hospitals as being the fastest growing employment setting for clinical psychologists in the past decade. Other major changes include the impact of managed care on mental health care; an increasing realization of the importance of knowledge reflecting the multicultural and diverse population. An important and challenging specialization is the emerging privileges to prescribe psychotropic medication. The prescription laws passed in the states New Mexico and Louisiana, thus new area has the support of the American Psychological Association and will soon expand to other states. It is already changing the way clinical psychologists practice in the US and in other countries around the globe.

In practice, clinical psychologists may work with individuals, couples, families, or groups in a variety of settings, including private practices, hospitals, mental health organisations, schools, business, and non-profit agencies. Most clinical psychologists who engage in research and teaching do so within a college or university setting. Clinical psychologists may also choose to specialize in a particular field or common area of specialization (from http://en.wikipedia.org).

Task 2. Translate the words and word combinations into Russian:

1) preventing; 2) assessment; 3) forensic testimony; 4) alleviation of mental distress; 5) robust profession; 6) major changes; 7) challenging; 8) private practice; 9) non-profit agency.

Task 3. Match the words and their definitions:

1. to relieve

a. to say what medicine or treatment a sick person should or must have

2. distress

b. to lessen pain, anxiety or trouble

3. clinic

c. a building or a part of a hospital where usually specialized medical treatment and advice is given to outpatients

4. to prescribe

d. the study or treatment of diseases of the mind, especially when considered as a branch of medicine, that deals with mental, emotional or behavioral problems

5. psychiatry

e. great suffering of the mind or body, pain or great discomfort

Task 4. In the text “American Clinical Psychology” find equivalents to the following Russian words:

1) дисфункция; 2) быть занятым в … 3) лечение; 4) многофункциональный; 5) оцениваться; 6) разнородное население; 7) психотропные средства; 8) организации по охране здоровья.

Task 5. In the text find synonyms:

1) medical psychology; 2) founding; 3) hospital; 4) to be mixed; 5) alleviation; 6) physicians with medical degrees; 7) certain, particular; 8) the Earth; 9) higher education establishment.

Task 6. In the text find antonyms:

1) social; 2) decrease; 3) problem; 4) simple; 5) slowest; 6) mono-cultural; 7) group; 8) non-profit agency.

Task 7. Answer the questions:

1) What is the purpose of clinical psychology?

2) What do clinical psychologists engage in?

3) When and where was clinical psychology born?

4) What was the main aim of clinical psychology in the first half of the 20th century?

5) Why do you think after World War II clinical psychology changed its priorities from psychological assessment to treatment?

6) What is the difference between clinical psychology and psychiatry?

7) Do clinical psychologists work alone?

8) What is the number of clinical psychologists in the USA?

9) What are the new perspectives for clinical psychology?

10) Does clinical psychology deal with multicultural population’s health problems?

11) Whom can clinical psychologists work with?

12) Where can clinical psychologists work?

Task 8. Say whether these statements are true or false, correct false statements:

1) Promoting subjective well-being and personal development is out of the interests of clinical psychology.

2) A clinical psychologist is a qualified profession.

3) The founder of clinical psychology is W. Wundt’s former student Lightner Witmer.

4) The first psychological clinic was opened in Pennsylvania, one of the British counties.

5) After 1940s clinical psychology was focused on assessment rather than curing.

6) Clinical psychology is the same term as psychiatry.

7) Psychiatrists treat their patients with medicines.

8) Usually clinical psychologists prescribe simple solutions to complex patients’ problems.

9) The number of clinical psychologists in the USA has decreased from 1974 till 1990.

10) There is no influence of managed care on mental health care.

11) All clinical psychologists can prescribe psychotropic medication.

12) Clinical psychologists could not be engaged in teaching and fundamental research.

13) A clinical psychologist could practice only in a general setting.

Task 9. In the text “American Clinical Psychology” find sentences with the word “subjective”, translate it into Russian. Form words of different parts of speech from this root, explain their meaning. Check yourself looking through vocabulary notes:

1) subject – тема, предмет разговора, сюжет (to dwell on a sore subject – остановиться на больном вопросе; to change the subject – переменить тему разговора; to traverse a subject – обсудить вопрос); повод (for – к чему-либо), (a subject for pity – повод для сожаления); предмет, дисциплина; подлежащее; подданный; (филос.) субъект; (муз.) главная тема; субъект, человек (a hysterical subject – истерический тип); объект, предмет (of); труп (для вскрытия).

2) on the subject of – касаясь чего-либо.

3) subject – подчиненный, подвластный (subject nations – несамостоятельные государства); подверженный (to); подлежащий (subject to – при условии, допуская, если).

4) to subject – подвергать (воздействию, влиянию и т.п.); подчинять, покорять (to); представлять (to subject a plan for consideration – представить план на рассмотрение).

5) subject-heading – предметный указатель, индекс.

6) subjection – покорение, подчинение; зависимость.

7) subjective – субъективный; (грам.) свойственный подлежащему (subjective case – именительный падеж).

8) subjectivism – (филос.) субъективизм.

9) subjectivity – субъективность.

10) subject matter – тема, содержание (книги, разговора и т.п.); предмет (обсуждения и т.п.).

Task 10. Translate the sentences into Russian, pay attention to the word “subject” and its derivatives:

1) What is the subject of your discussion?

2) Though he is disabled, he is not a subject for pity. He lives a full, active life.

3) Find the subject in the sentence: “It is cold today”. Translate this sentence into French.

4) She is a hysterical subject though almost all of the time she is quite bearable.

5) Hong Kong was a British colony and was returned to China in 1997 but still it is a subject nation.

6) You should have subjected your anti-crisis plan for consideration two weeks ago! What are you thinking about?

7) Black people were fighting against their subjection in the USA for a long time.

8) You are subjective as you are convict’s uncle. The court will not pay attention to your testimony.

Task 11. Translate Russian words in brackets into English:

1) John didn’t like to dwell on a sore (тема) of being a jobless and tried to change the (тему разговора) but Mary suggested him a new well-paid job.

2) Take this strange hat off or you are such a (предмет насмешек).

3) He is a (подданный) of Netherlands.

4) There is a (труп для вскрытия) on the surgery table. You should do the expertise as soon as possible. Our police office needs the results badly.

5) He is (подвержен) to panic in every problem situation.

6) Do not (поддаваться) to his influence. Prove your point of view.

7) You are so (субъективный) in this situation.

8) Do you find the (содержание) of the play true to life?

9) English nouns have two cases: (именительный) and possessive.

Task 12. Translate the sentences into English, pay attention to the word “subject” and its derivatives:

1) Необходимо обсудить вопрос о помощи пострадавшим от землетрясения в Малайзии.

2) Физика – мой любимый предмет.

3) Главная тема этого произведения – это верность национальным традициям и устоям.

4) Раз уж мы заговорили о праздниках, могу ли я узнать, что тебе подарить на Рождество?

5) При условии не возврата ипотеки, ваша квартира может быть конфискована в пользу банка.

6) Вы можете найти предметный указатель в конце учебника.

7) Ученый должен отстраниться от субъективности в своих научных опытах.

8) Предметомэтнопсихолингвистики является этническая картина мира и язык, а также их влияние на жизнедеятельность человека.

Task 13. Read an abstract and choose the words from the brackets to put into blanks:

History of Clinical Psychology

Even as clinical psychology was … (grow, growing, grew), working with issues of serious mental … (dystress, destress, distress) remained the domain of psychiatrists and … (neurologists, neirologists, nevrologists). However clinical psychologists continued to make inroads into this … (area, areas, areal) due to their increasing skill at psychological assessment. Psychologists’ … (riputation, raputation, reputation) as assessment experts became solidified during World War I with the … (develop, development, developed) of two intelligence tests, Army Alpha and Army Beta, testing verbal and nonverbal skills … (respectively, respective, respect), which could be used with large groups of recruits. Due in large part to the success of these … (test, tests, testing), assessment was to become the core discipline of … (clinic, clinically, clinical) psychology for the next quarter century, when another war … (would, will, shall) propel the field into treatment.

When World War II … (break, broke, broken) out, the military once again called upon clinical psychologists. As … (soldiers, soldier, generals) began to return from combat, psychologists started to notice symptoms of psychological trauma … (coins, term, labeled) “shell shock”, eventually to be termed posttraumatic stress disorder, that were best treated as … (son, sun, soon) as possible. Because physicians, including psychiatrists, were over-extended … (in, to, with) treating bodily injuries, psychologists were called to help treat this condition. At the … (some, same, sum) time, female psychologists, who were excluded from the war effort, formed the … (Nationalistic, Ethnic, National) Council of Women Psychologists with the purpose of helping communities deal with the stresses of … (piece, war, world) and giving young mothers advice on child rearing. … (Before, Above, After) the war, the Veterans Administration in the US made an enormous investment to … (sit up, set up, sat up) programmes to train doctoral-level clinical psychologists to help treat the thousands of veterans needing … (careful, care, carefully). As a consequence, the US went from having no formal University programmes … (from, up, in) clinical psychology in 1946 to over a half of all Ph.Ds in psychology in 1950 being awarded in clinical … (psychologist, psychologists, psychology).

Task 14. Read an abstract and put proper words into the blanks. Choose the words from the given list:

Since the time of World War II, two main educational models have developed – the Ph.D. … (1) focusing on research and the Psy.D. practitioner-scholar model focusing on clinical practice. Clinical psychologists are now considered experts in providing … (2), and generally trained within four primarily theoretical orientations – Psychodynamic, Humanistic, Cognitive Behavioral, and Systems or … (3).

WWII helped bring dramatic changes to clinical psychology, not just in … (4) but internationally as well. … (5) in psychology began adding psychotherapy to the science and research focus based on the 1947 scientist-practitioner model, known today as the Boulder Model, for Ph.D. programmes in clinical psychology. Clinical psychology in Britain developed … (6) in the US after WWII, specifically within the context of the National Health Service with qualifications, standarts, and salaries managed by the British Psychological Society.

By the 1960s, psychotherapy had become … (7) within clinical psychology, but for many the Ph.D. educational model did not offer the necessary training for those interested in practice rather than research. There was a growing … (8) that said the field of psychology in the US had developed to a degree warranting explicit training in clinical practice. The concept of a practice-oriented degree was debated in 1965 and narrowly gained … (9) for a pilot programme at the University of Illinois starting in 1968. Several other similar programmes were instituted soon after, and … (10) at the Vail Conference on Professional Training in Psychology, the Practitioner-Scholar Model of Clinical Psychology – or Vail Model – resulting in the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree was recognized. … (11) training would continue to include research skills and a scientific understanding of psychology, the intent would be to produce highly trained professionals, similar to programmes in medicine, … (12), and law. The first programme explicitly based on the Psy.D. model was instituted at Rutgers University. Today, about half of all American graduate students in clinical psychology are enrolled in Psy.D. programmes.

Words: America, psychotherapy, dentistry, much like, although, graduate education, Family therapy, imbedded, in 1973, science-practitioner model, approval, argument.

Task 15. Read the list of words and word combinations. Rewrite them into two groups on the semantic principle. One group consists of clinical psychologists’ professional services, the other includes clinical psychologists’ specialization areas:

1) administer and interpret psychological assessment and testing,

2) conduct psychological research,

3) child and adolescent,

4) family and relationship counseling,

5) forensic,

6) consultation (especially with schools and businesses),

7) health,

8) neuropsychological disorders,

9) development of prevention and treatment programmes,

10) programme administration,

11) organization and business,

12) school,

13) specific disorders (e.g. trauma, addiction, eating, sleep, sex, clinical depression, anxiety, or phobias),

14) provide expert testimony,

15) provide psychological treatment,

16) sport,

17) teach.

Task 16. Read the text “Clinical Psychology” and choose the best variants of answers to the questions:

Clinical Psychology

Clinical psychology is a branch of psychology which aim is solving practical and theoretical questions connected to diagnosis of illnesses and pathological states, psycho-correctional forms of influence on rehabilitation process, and studying the impact of psychological factors on appearing of other illnesses. Clinical psychology’s subject is examining mechanisms and laws of appearance of stable non-adaptive states. Thus, clinical psychology deals with diagnosis, correction and reconstruction of normal healthful individual’s states on the basis of the knowledge about possible non-adaptations.

There are positive and negative types of diagnostics in clinical psychology. Negative diagnostics is used in the case of psychological or somatic problems. Its goal is to diagnose the illness, find pathological functioning mechanisms, differentiate between similar states and disorders. Its results are used in psychiatry, neuropsychology, psycho-correction, etc. Positive diagnostics deals with examining individual psychological features, characteristics of psychological functions and some others. Its data is applied in different expert solutions, individual and group consulting and so on.

All the types of diagnostics used in clinical psychology could be divided into: 1) clinical differentiating-diagnosing and topical; 2) diagnostics in structure of disorders in psychological functioning; 3) diagnostics of patient’s individual features of character; 4) diagnostics of abnormal development in early age; 5) expert testimonies; 6) medical and pedagogical; 7) rehabilitative; 8) psycho-corrective.

As psychopathological states reflect concealed changes of brain disorders, they could not be studied only on the basis of these types of diagnostics, and in the limits of only one science (from http://en.wikipedia.org).


1) What is the definition of clinical psychology as a branch of psychology?

  1. its goal is diagnostics of mental illnesses and pathological states

  2. it is connected to rehabilitation process

  3. it deals with clinical treatment of mental sickness

2) What is the basis of knowledge in clinical psychology?

  1. knowledge of possible illnesses

  2. theory of brain functioning

  3. knowledge about human psychological non-adaptations

3) What are the types of diagnostics applied in clinical psychology?

  1. clinical and laboratory

  2. positive and negative

  3. medical and psychological

4) Where is the negative diagnostics used?

  1. in psychological and somatic dysfunction

  2. in the case of physical problems

  3. in learning disorders

5) What is the aim of negative diagnostics?

  1. to classify brain dysfunction

  2. to treat the illness

  3. to find out the illness and pathologies

6) Where can the results of negative diagnostics be used?

  1. in psychiatry, neuropsychology, psycho-correction, etc.

  2. in psychiatry, neuropsychology and psycho-correction

  3. in psychology and information science

7) What is the positive diagnostics?

  1. it examines psychological features and character

  2. it deals with forensic testimony

  3. it investigates personal character and its influence on possible illness

8) Where could positive diagnostics results be applied?

  1. forensic testimony

  2. expert solutions, psychological consulting

  3. individual and group consulting

9) Is diagnostics of abnormal development a type of clinical psychology diagnostics?

  1. Yes, it is. It is a type of diagnostics together with some others

  2. Yes, it is, but only of abnormal development in early children’s age

  3. No, it is not. It is a branch of age psychology

10) Is clinical psychology the only science to study brain disorders?

  1. No, it is not. It works hand in hand with neuropsychology

  2. No, it is not. It works in cooperation with medical and other sciences

  3. Yes, it is. Clinical psychology can study brain disorders alone

Task 17. Read the abstracts and match them with their titles, one title is extra:

1) neuropsychology

2) psycho-correction

3) psychotherapy

4) psychiatry

5) psychosomatic

6) pathopsychology

a) Pathopsychology deals with human psyche dysfunction, problems in adequate world comprehension possible because of illnesses of central nervous system. Pathopsychology studies laws and rules of psychological processes collapse in different diseases and factors which help to form effective treatment methods. Practical goals include structural psychological disorders analysis, defining the type and degree of psychological function decreasing process, differential diagnostics, examining personal features of character and investigating the therapeutic influence effectiveness.

There is a difference between pathopsychology and psychopathology. Clinical psychopathology studies, describes and systematizes realization of broken psychological functions. Pathopsychology shows the character of going and specific features of the psychological processes structure which result in symptoms viewing at clinic state, all this is done with the help of psychological methods. The founders of Russian pathopsychology are considered B.V. Zeigarnik and S.Y. Rubinstein.

b) Neuropsychology is a large scientific discipline studying the role of brain and central nervous system in psychological processes which covers the questions of psychiatry and neurology, as well as philosophy of consciousness, cognitive science and artificial neuro-chains. Soviet neurological school dealt with investigation of cause-and-effect relationships between brain dysfunction, their localization and changes in psychological processes. The leading role in neuropsychology creation was played by Soviet scientists A.R. Luria and L.S. Vygotsky whose research became world famous.

c) Psychosomatic examines problems of patients with somatic dysfunction. These illnesses are based on psychological factors. Psychosomatic covers problems of cancer and other illnesses (news about the diagnosis, psychological help, preparing for an operation, rehabilitation, etc.) and psychosomatic dysfunction (going through a sudden or old psychological shock, some heart diseases, hypertonic disorders, asthma and some other illnesses).

d) Psycho-correction is connected to special help to sick people. This branch works out psychological bases of psychotherapy. Psychological rehabilitation as systematic medical psychological activity is aimed at revival of personal social status through different medical, psychological, social and pedagogical acts. Psycho-prophylaxis is the system of activities of preventing psychological disorders. Medical-psychological expertise is also included in psycho-correction.

e) Psychotherapy is the main method of psychological correction which is used by a clinic psychologist. It is a system of techniques and methods applied by a psycho-therapist to change person’s psycho-emotional state, his behaviour and communicative patterns, improve his state and adaptation in a society. Psychotherapy is used for individuals and groups. There are several different branches in it: psycho-dynamics, psychotherapy, cognitive psychotherapy, humanistic, family, gestalt psychotherapy. Recently there appeared transpersonal types of psychotherapy and neuro-linguistics programming psychotherapy.

Task 18. Render the following text into English:

Психотерапия – психологическая помощь, направленная на разрешение эмоциональных проблем и основанное преимущественно на беседе специалиста-психотерапевта с лицом, ищущим помощи. К психотерапевту обращаются люди как с относительно несложными жизненными проблемами, так и с серьезными психическими заболеваниями, например шизофренией; чаще всего они ищут помощи при тяжелых эмоциональных стрессах.

У психотерапии могут быть весьма специфичные цели, например преодоление фобий, или более широкая задача – помочь человеку изменить собственную личность, стать более доверчивым, общительным, способным к созданию стабильных эмоциональных отношений. Психотерапия может применяться в сочетании с другими видами лечения, такими, как лекарственная терапия или терапия средой.

Сердечный разговор между двумя людьми во многих отношениях схож с психотерапией. Однако, последняя предполагает наличие того, кто ищет помощи, и подготовленного терапевта, руководствующегося определенными теоретическими принципами. Усилия психотерапевта оплачиваются; кроме того, он руководствуется этическими ограничениями, обязывающими его сохранять конфиденциальность информации.

Психотерапией занимаются люди с различным образованием и подготовкой; это могут быть психиатры, психологи, социальные работники, медицинские сестры. Однако только психиатры, как получившие медицинское образование, имеют право выписывать лекарства или назначать дополнительные виды лечения. В больницах и клиниках психотерапевты нередко входят в состав лечащей бригады.

Task 19. Read the text “Types of Psychotherapy” and say whether the statements are true or false, correct false statements:

Types of Psychotherapy

Each type of psychotherapy is based on a certain model. Some of these theories try to describe human behaviour in general, some are concerned only with therapeutic practice. Nowadays, the majority of therapists are not followers of one theory, they try to use the best ideas from different sources.

Psychoanalysis is one of the types of psychotherapy. It uses method of free associations when the patient is asked to say every idea appearing in his head regardless of the wording or the subject. A doctor pays special attention to patient’s unconscious motives and behaviour. He tries to see the cause of trouble concealed in his unconscious. The most important fact is child’s experience which determines automatic emotional reactions in mature age.

Centered on the client psychotherapy was founded by C. Rodgers. It creates such an emotional setting which allows the client discuss his own emotions without the fear of disapproval and thus, examine the feelings. It is considered that such a freedom would make the patient solve his problems. Very often this type of psychotherapy is combined with psychoanalysis.

Behavioral therapy uses the direction based on behaviorism and the theory of social education rather than on the theory of an individual. According to it, therapist analyses specific forms of behavoiur, which the patient wants to change, and finds out pleasant and unpleasant consequences to make the patient use self-observation, make his self-control stronger and teach him desired conditioned response reactions.

Transactant analysis is another type of psychotherapy. It was introduced by American psychiatrist A. Bern, and it borrows some ideas from psychoanalysis. Psychologists think that each person incorporates the aspects of a “parent”, “child” and “adult”. Problems appear when one individual’s certain aspects (for example, childish impulsiveness) interrelate with a different person’s another aspect (for example, adult’s rationalism). In this case the partners do not understand each other.

Gestalt-therapy produced some methods aimed at helping an individual integrate all parts of his “I”. The separated or non-comprehended parts could be certain feelings or behaviour forms connected to incomplete, non-thought-over situations in the past. As a result of such situations a person could not live here and now, but lives in the world of the past or illusions. Gestalt-therapy makes an individual oppose his usual feelings and behaviour.

Movement therapy is one more type of psychotherapy. It grew out of the idea that emotional states are reflected in different poses and muscle tension. Relaxing or energetic movements can improve psychological state. Methods of movement therapy are numerous and include dancing, massage, yoga and meditation.

Children psychotherapy is a game or play therapy, created for children who are too small to discuss their problems. Psychologist lets the child play as he likes with any of the toys in the special playing room. From the game situations produced by a child and his phrases the doctor could understand the problems which disturb the child. Then, taking part in the play or speaking with parents, psychologist could help solve child’s problems.

Evaluation of effectiveness is complex as psychologists, patients and their families have different evaluation criteria. But the data of specialized research shows that psychotherapy is effective in majority of cases.


1) Each kind of psychotherapy is based on the knowledge received at a higher education establishment.

2) Each psychotherapist is a disciple of one, single theory in his practice.

3) Psychoanalysis is the method of uncensored associations.

4) In psychoanalysis a patient gives his associations using the wording suggested by his psychologist.

5) Psychoanalysis deals with patient’s conscious.

6) Most important factors influencing person’s bahaviour, according to psychoanalysis, are experiences received at a birth process.

7) Centered on the psychologist approach was introduced by Carl Rodgers.

8) In centered on the client psychotherapy a special intimate setting is created.

9) While discussing patient’s problems in centered on the client psychotherapy, psychologist must approve or disapprove his actions.

10) Centered on the client psychotherapy is used together with psychoanalytical method.

11) Behavioral therapy is based on the theory of individual features of character.

12) Therapist in behavioral therapy tries to teach a patient self-consciousness and punctuality.

13) In Russia, behavioral therapy is based on conditional responses theory proposed by I. Pavlov.

14) Transactant analysis was created by a Swiss psychologist A. Bern.

15) Psychologists are sure that each person has several roles integrated in his individuality.

16) Interrelations of people’s different roles is called transaction, thus, the method is called transactant.

17) Gestalt-therapy studies the possible types of cooperation of parts in human personality.

18) A human being can not live in the world of dreams.

19) Gestalt-therapy makes a person follow and get used to his usual feelings and types of behaviour.

20) Movement therapy examines human poses, face, and movements.

21) Movement therapy prescribes yoga as treatment at all diseases.

22) Children therapy helps children to become adults as soon as possible.

23) Children therapist communicates only with children.

24) All scientists think that psychotherapy is less effective than medical curing.

25) Usually a psychologist, his patient and patient’s family have the same evaluation criteria of psychotherapy effectiveness.

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