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  1. Explain the following.

  1. to bind in law

  2. legal advice

  3. general matters

  4. date of the contract

  5. terms of delivery

  6. termination conditions

  7. the terms of a contract

  1. Match the English word combinations with the Russian equivalents.

  1. to make an offer a. имеющий юридическую силу

  2. acceptance an offer b. договорные обязательства

  3. a verbal agreement c. предложение заключить сделку

  4. a written contract d. стороны в договоре

  5. is binding in law e. устный договор

  6. parties to the contract f. письменный договор

  7. the terms of a contract g. принятие предложения

  8. contractual obligations h. условия контракта

  1. Complete the dialogues by filling the gaps with the correct type of a contract: a loan contract, a lease contract, a hire purchase contract, a service contract, a hire contract

  1. – We rented a car for a week. – What did the _______cover?

  2. – The office’s windows are always dirty. I want them clean regularly by a firm of window cleaners. – You’ll need a good _________.

  3. – I want to buy a new car but we can’t afford to pay the whole price at once. I’m going to pay in monthly installments. – You’ll need to check the interest rate on the _______.

  4. – We’re going to be living in London for about 18 months, so we’re going to rent a flat. – Make sure you get a reasonable ________.

  5. – I’m going to have to borrow a large sum of money for about three years. – Try to get the best ______ you can from your bank.

  1. Answer the questions below.

  • What is a contract binding?

  • In what situations do people need contracts?

  • What types of contracts do you know?

  • What essential elements must a business contact contain?

Language Work

  1. Look and memorise the words:

  1. a loan contract – контракт на получение кредита

a sales contract – контракт на продажу

a purchase contract – договор купли-продажи

an employment contract – контракт найма

a service contract – договор о предоставлении услуг

a consultancy contract – договор о консультировании

a hire contract – договор о найме

a hire purchase contract – договор о продаже в рассрочку

a lease contract – арендный подряд

a turnkey contract – контракт «под ключ»

  1. to draw up a contract – составлять контракт

to sign a contract – подписать контракт

to enter into an agreement – заключить договор

to enforce a contract with someone – обеспечить исполнение контракта

the parties of a contract – стороны договора

  1. Situations when the agreement between the parties was explicit:

  • The relationship between the parties is based on the contract (not on personal relations).

  • The exchange of promises was detailed (not general).

  • Future can be predicted and is included in the contract.

  • Clear beginning and ending to time of agreement.

  • Responsibility is to both parties.

  • Belief in cooperation.

  • If business transaction doesn’t work, both companies try to work together to solve the problem.

Unit 3

Applying For a Job

  • Getting a Job

  • Application Forms

  • A Job Interview

Reading and Speaking (1)

1. What is required to apply for a job?

2. What is the most difficult part to get a job?

How to Apply For a Job

Getting a job begins with locating and applying for jobs that will advance your career plans. It also involves convincing employers that you are the best applicant for their job openings. The way you apply for a job and present your qualifications can greatly influence an employer’s impression of you. Therefore, you should know how to contact employers, how to complete application forms, and how to make a good impression in job interviews.

All these skills can improve your chances for employment. Most employers consider several applicants for each job opening.

One of the most common ways to learn about job opportunities is by word-of mouth. Many jobs are filled by people who have heard of job openings from friends, relatives, teachers and others.

Another way to locate job opportunities is through the classified section of newspapers. Many professional newsletters, magazines, and other trade publications carry advertisements for job openings. From such advertisements you can learn what profession, skills, and experience are necessary for the job. Information about job openings is also available from employment agencies.

You first contact with an employer will be either to apply for a known job opening or to find out if any jobs are available. Your contact with employers should be effective and orderly. The most common ways of contacting employers are by mail, by telephone, and by personal visit to an employer’s office.

Getting a job is a very hard period in the life of most people. Companies choose an employee according to special rules, that’s why there’re special factors, influencing on employer’s choice. Among such factors are: age, sex, experience, family background and marital status, personality.

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