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Раздел 18 Внешне похожие слова,

которые часто путают



А. Выпишите пары и группы внешне похожих слов и определите, в чём их различие в написании и по значению.

Б. Переведите предложения.

  1. It is believed that prehistoric man suffered from some of the same dental diseases that afflict modern man.

  2. Every human being begins life as a single cell no bigger that the dot above the letter "i".

  3. In many cases the cause of pneumonia is bacterial.

  4. The kidneys remove waste matter from the body in the form of urine.

  5. The force with which blood pushes against the blood vessel wall is called the blood pressure.

  6. a) The symptoms of brain tumor vary.

b) The number of accessory glands and organs that empty secretions into the alimentary canal is very great.

  1. a) This effect is sometimes boosted by ultraviolet light treatment, b) Many factors affect heartbeat and circulation.

  2. a) Lack of vitamin A affects the body's growth and resistance to disease, b) Most effects on the circulation are indirect and complex.

  3. a) Arterial pressure is also affected by the chemical composition of the blood, b) The movements of the eye-ball are effected by six small muscles.

10. a) It has long been thought that gastric ulcers are related to the production of acid.

  1. The human body has a thorough digestive system which performs chemical rearrangement of food.

  2. After food has been chewed, it passes through the esophagus into the stomach.

  3. Deep fascia is the tough fibrous tissue covering muscles, blood vessels, and nerves.

  4. Though the human body is composed of a vast number of individual units, these units must function together as a whole.


для тренировочного и контрольного перевода

(к части 4)

1. Although there js no clear evidence that hypertension can be prevented by staying thin, keeping one's salt intake low, and eating a lot of green vegetables, and fruit 122

with high potassium content, it seems reasonable to pursue such a course especially if one is slightly obese and has a family history of hypertension.

  1. As far as transplant surgery is concerned, man's best friend is the pig. Pig heart valves, for instance, can be used as replacements for human ones, while, in emergencies, pig skin has been grafted to deal with severe burns. Because pig tissues are the nearest in chemical composition to those of man, they are not so readily rejected by the defence systems of the recipients' bodies as tissues from other animals.

  2. When a muscle contracts many changes occur in it besides shortening. One change that is not obvious, but which can be demonstrated by suitable apparatus, is that it develops what is known as a "current of action". That part of a muscle which is contracting becomes negative to that part which is quiescent, and a current that can be measured by a galvanometer flows from one part to the other.

  3. It is well to remember that all drugs can cause both wanted and unwanted effects on the body. The unwanted ones are called side effects, and these must be balanced against the effects desired in determining if a particular drug will do more harm than good. It is a fact that all drugs have the potential to be both beneficial and harmful.

  4. There are two types of bone: those that develop by replacing cartilage and those that form directly from connective tissue. The latter, which include the bones of the cranium, are usually platelike in shape and form in the skin of the developing embryo. The cranium is moulded to the contours of the brain; it is the growth of the brain that determines the shape of the bones and not vice versa.

  5. The most obviously unusual thing about blood is that it is a liquid, whereas other tissues of the body are solid or semisolid. The blood is divided into two parts: a watery portion, the plasma, and the formed elements. It is the formed elements which give blood its viscosity. It is because the formed elements do not adhere to each other but float individually in the blood that blood remains fluid.

  6. Since the number of red corpuscles in the blood stream remains fairly constant though they are being continually destroyed, it is obvious that they must be replenished from time to time. It is clear that it is not concentration of red blood cells in the blood that controls the rate of red cell production, but instead it is the functional ability of cells to transport oxygen to the tissues in relation to tissue demand for oxygen.

  7. In bronchial asthma there is widespread narrowing of airways, varying over short periods of time either spontaneously or as a result of treatment, due in varying degree to contraction (spasm) of smooth muscle, edema of the mucosa, chronic or recurrent local inflammation of the submucosa with eventual fibrosis, and excessive mucus in the lumen of the bronchi and bronchioles; these changes are caused by the local release of spasmagens and vasoactive substances (e.g. histamine or prostaglandins) in the course of an allergic process.