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Block 2. Business letters for different occasions


  • What information do invitations contain? How long are they? Why?

  • What main points are to be covered by a letter of reference?

  • Have you ever made up letters of reference? Has somebody written a letter of reference for you?

Составной частью деловой корреспонденции являются приглашения (официальные и неофициальные), письма, направляемые в ответ на приглашения, рекомендательные письма различного рода (letters of reference and introduction) и пр.

Вышеназванные письма, как и рассмотренные в BLOCK 1, должны быть написаны сравнительно кратко, стилистически выдержано. Приглашения, как официальные, так и неофициальные, требуют ответа. При этом, если Вы направляете отказ посетить мероприятие, Вы должны объяснить адресату причины, вынудившие Вас отказаться.

Рекомендательные письма не должны быть слишком пространными. При этом в письме возможно проявление эмоционального расположения к человеку, которого Вы представляете или рекомендуете.

Focus 1

LETTER 1 (A formal printed invitation card)


346 Fitzharding Square

Manchester, VT 23867


I will/ will not* be able to attend the New England Tourism and Travel Corporation Roadshow at the Arlton Hotel in Chicago

Wednesday, October 2, at 6:00

NAME: Andrew Lloyd

COMPANY: Lloyd & Lloyd, Ltd.

* Please delete as appropriate


Franca Lester

Tel. (783) 567-3245

LETTER 2 (Accepting a formal invitation)

May 15, 20…

Dear Mr. Andrews:

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drake thank the Management Team of the Winchester Corporation for the invitation to attend the dinner dance honoring William R. Chesterfield on May 22, which they will be happy to attend.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Drake

Charles Drake

LETTER 3 (An informal invitation)

October 16, 20…

Dear Sirs

We are pleased to announce that we have moved our office to a spacious new building at a new location.

We certainly hope you can join us on that day. Please let us know if you can, so that we can finalize our program.


Alice Adams

Alice Adams

LETTER 4 (Asking for an appointment)

April 2, 20…

Dear Mr. Smith

Ms. Diane Bond, national production manager of our sales catalog division, will be in Boston on Thursday, April 26 and would like to tour your printing plant in nearby Cambridge during that afternoon.

Would it be convenient for you or your assistant to meet her on this date? I will get in touch with you by telephone early next week to make an appointment.


Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon

LETTER 5 (Making arrangements)

March 12, 20…

Dear Ms. White:

I enjoyed talking to you on Tuesday. The Dorset Hotel does have the facilities that our company needs to schedule its annual shareholders’ meeting on April 2, with check-in time scheduled for 9:30 A.M.

I hereby confirm that we have booked the Essex Room, which can comfortably seat 100 people; the Flamingo Suite (spacious seating for at least 15 people) for press meetings; and the Washington Dining Room (seating capacity for more than 100 people) where drinks and luncheon will be served after the shareholders’ meeting.

We also need the following audiovisual and other equipment and services:

  • In the Essex Room:

  • Public address system

  • One VHS videocassette player

  • Four television monitors

  • One overhead projector and screen

  • Coffee and tea service

  • In the Flamingo Suite:

  • One flip chart

  • Coffee, beverages

  • In the Washington Dining Room:

  • Public Address system

  • One motion picture projector

  • One motion picture screen

  • Beverages

  • Luncheon (including wine service)

I will telephone you on March 29 about the arrangements as outlined above. Please send me your written confirmation.


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