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(франшизу), переоборудовать магазин, перспективная оценка продаж, противоречивость (несоответствие), придерживаться правил.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences using the words below.

to do by the book

to take over


on the grounds of











1.The police were careful _____ everything ________.

2.The movie has already _________ over $10 million.

3.There were several ____________ in his report.

4.________ she got a job and moved to London.

5.His only reason for investing in the company was _______ it ______.

6.They _________ the failure of their plan to lack of financing.

7.The airline _________ financing of $150 million from private investors.

8.The Act prohibits discrimination __________ sex and marital status.

9.We _________ the plant last year.

Exercise 5. Give the summary of the file.

File 3


Make sure that you know these words. Find Russian equivalents to them.

a (business) contact – a person, especially in a high position, who can give you useful information or introductions which will help you at work or socially

to award (the franchise) – to grant

to smell a rat – to recognize that something is not as it appears to be or that something dishonest is happening

without prejudice – If a decision or action is made without prejudice to a right or claim, it is made without having an effect on that right or claim


What on earth (do you mean?) – used when you are extremely surprised, confused or angry about something

to mislead – to cause someone to believe something that is not true on signing (a contract) – directly after signing (a contract)

on the understanding – If you do something on the understanding that something else can or will happen, you do it because someone else has promised that it can or will

back tax – tax failed to be paid on time

to turn down the application – to refuse, to reject, to decline as much again – the same amount again

pleasantry – a polite and often slightly amusing remark, usually made to help other people feel relaxed

to be in bad (good) shape – to be in bad (good) condition

hypocritical – about a person who says one thing and does another, usually smth worse to be effectively bankrupt – to be an absolute, real bankrupt

to stand (the decision) – to remain true or in force; to remain valid

to deserve – to have earned or to be given something because of the way you have behaved or the qualities you have

to mismanage – to organize or control something badly

to pay back – to return smb money that you owe them; to repay

balance – the amount of money you have in a bank account, or the amount of something that you have left after you have spent or used up the rest

Θ Margareta Tntz asks Isabella Hallberg for $70000. Two of Ms. Tntz’s premises are in urgent need of structural repairs. She requests the loan so that the work can begin, in order to make the building ready for shopfitting as soon as the franchise is awarded. Confident that the central management will make an exception in Ms. Tntz’s case, Isabella Hallberg agrees to the loan.

When Isabella Hallberg receives Scott Ringer’s letter turning down her application, she arranges a meeting with Margareta Tntz. On the advice of her lawyer, she sends the following letter after the meeting.

Read the letter.







Margareta Tntz


47 Akersgate


Oslo K – 117 81



28 may 20…


Dear Ms Tntz,

Further to our conversation of today’s date, I’m writing to confirm what was discussed.

As I understand it, you have signed contracts with builders for structural repairs to your shop premises. You were required to pay 20% of the contract price of $68 000, on signing.

This sum was paid out of money lent to you by me on the understanding that it would be spent on converting your stores to Body Care Centres.

However, my application for permission to award you a Body Care franchise has been turned down, and these convertions are now not necessary.

In these circumstances, I must ask you to repay the full amount within seven days. I hold you liable for the debt in full.

Yous truly,

Isabella Hallberg

Notice: Without prejudice: words typed in a letter in order to indicate that nothing written in the letter is legally binding.

Θ Exercise 1. Listen to the recording of the meeting. Is the letter on the facing page a

fair account of what was said?


Which of these points were also discussed at the meeting?

1)Mrs Hallberg led Ms Tntz to believe that it would be safe to sign a contract with the builders.

2)Mrs Hallberg does not believe that Ms Tntz paid 20% of the contract price to the builders.

3)MsTntz would gladly repay the debt, but she is not in a position to do so.

4)Ms Tntz will not be able to repay the debt as soon as she can.

5)Ms Tntz will not be able to repay the debt, unless she gets the franchise.

6)Ms Tntz is going to contact Mr Ringer herself.

Exercise 2.

Notice: The word order after two-part verbs like “turn down”.

Correct: the company turned down my application.

Correct: the company turned my application down.

Pronouns – him, her, them etc. Must come after the first part of the verb. Correct: The company turned it down.

Wrong: The company turned down it.

Now write the questions bellow.

The company turned down the application. (When) When did they turn it down?

a) Margareta Tntz won’t give back the money.


b) The company pointed out the mistake.


c) Your recommendations will slow down the growth of the company.


d) She took over the running of the store.


e) They want me to keep up the good work.

(How long... for)..................................................................................................................


Θ At 10.30 on June 5, Isabella Hallberg attends an appointment with Franchise Manager, Scott Ringer. After the initial pleasantries, they get down to business.

Read the dialogue.

Ringer: Well, what can I do for you?

Hallberg: I’d like to discuss Margaretta Tntz’s case with you.

Ringer: I thought that might be the reason for you visit.

Hallberg: I’d like you to reconsider your decision. Ringer: I’m afraid that’s not possible.

Hallberg: I find that very inconsistent – even hypocritical.

Ringer: I’m sorry you feel that way, but the decision must stand.

Hallberg: But why? In all our PR and in all our literature, we stress our high ethical










for women –


of all

our franchisees are


with children. But you won’t allow me to offer a franchise to Margareta Tntz. Why? She is just the sort of person the company needs, and just the sort of a person who deserves

the company’s support.


Ringer: Yes, I can see that from your point of view my decision must


very inconsistent.



It does.



Is she a friend of yours?



No, she’s a business contact. I met her when she applied

for a

franchise. But I like her. And I don’t like the way we are treating her.


Ringer: I think I’d better explain.



I’d appreciate that.


Ringer: Well, to be honest, when I received your proposal, I smelled a rat. So I made some inquiries. And I discovered that Ms. Tntz isn’t what she claims to be.

Hallberg: What on earth do you mean?

Ringer I’m afraid she misled you. She didn’t inherit one pharmacy from her husband. She inherited twenty from her father. Ms. Tntz comes from a very wealthy Norwegian family. Hallberg: Are you certain about this?


Ringer: Absolutely sure. In the last eight years, she has sold 16 stores to pay her debts. At the moment she owes $750 000 in back taxes. She owes her suppliers as much again.

She is effectively bankrupt. That’s why she needs our franchise.

Hallberg: Oh my God...

Ringer By the way, have you seen any of her stores?

Hallberg No-o… I haven’t.

Ringer: That was a mistake. Apparently, they are in very bad shape, and grossly mismanaged. The fact is that she is not a good business person. And I can tell you that we would not want her as a franchisee, now or ever.

Hallberg: But how ... but why were you suspicious?

Θ Exercise 3. Listen to the rest of the recorded conversation. Tick (√ ) the reason which caused Body Care to be suspicious of Ms. Tntz.

a)Isabella Hallberg was lending Ms. Tntz money.

b)Flavel’s products were sold through mail order.

c)Ms. Tntz was making repairs to her shop.

Exercise 4. The Franchise Manager sets out the background to Hallberg’s present situation in a report. Use the clauses below to fill the gaps.

In spite of her inexperience in business matters Isabella Hallberg was appointed head franchisee for Scandinavia in March 200.. Body Care does not normally allow head

franchisees to start sub-franchising ..................

(a). .................. (b) Isabella Hallberg

applied for permission to award a



Margareta Tntz. Mrs. Tntz,

............... (c), planned to close her stores and reopen

them as Body Care Centers.

Inquiries revealed that Ms. Tntz’s

track record


not good, .............. (d).

..............(e), Isabella Hallberg had, in the meantime, lent

Margareta Tntz $70000 to

finance structural repairs to her store premises. Some of the money lent by Mrs. Hallberg belonged to the company. Margareta Tntz is now refusing to repay the money .............. (f). I have indicated that this is not possible.

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