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I. Are the following statements true or false. Correct the false ones:

  1. Chandler looked like a typical working man.

  2. At the end of each week Chandler went out to have a good time.

  3. He had to iron his suit every week.

  4. Chandler did not know what to do to the girl when she had slipped on the snow.

  5. The girl was dressed like a model.

  6. Chandler hurt his ankle while helping the girl to her feet.

  7. Chandler decided to play a joke on the girl.

  8. Chandler’s story did not impress the girl.

  9. Chandler lived an idle life.

  10. Marian will never marry Chandler.

II. Explain and expand on the following:

  1. So much of the hero’s toilet may be entrusted to our confidence. The remainder may be guessed by those whom genteel poverty has driven to ignoble expedient.

  2. He purchased one gentleman's evening from the bargain counter of stingy old Father Time.

  3. For the next sixty-nine evenings he would be dining in cheviot and worsted at dubious table d'hotes, at whirlwind lunch counters.

  4. Chandler looked at the girl and found her swiftly drawing his interest. She was pretty in a refined way; and her eye was both merry and kind.

  5. Then it was that the Madness of Manhattan, the frenzy of Fuss and Feathers, the Bacillus of Brag, the Provincial Plague of Pose seized upon Towers Chandler.

  6. On the stage of that comedy he had assumed to play the one-night part of a butterfly of fashion and an idler of means and taste.

  7. And yet once or twice he saw the pure gold of this girl shine through the mist that his egotism had raised between him and all objects.

  8. We do-nothings are the hardest workers in the land.

  9. Thus spoke the brave who was born and reared in the wigwams of the tribe of the Manhattans.

  10. She arrived at a handsome and sedate mansion two squares to the east, facing on that avenue which is the highway of Mammon and the auxiliary gods.


III. Give the translation of the following phrases:

  1. a wealthy idler;

  2. commensurate tips;

  3. a delectable evening;

  4. a vespertine dress parade;

  5. glossy hair;

  6. wage-earning girls;

  7. a regular outing;

  8. a self-possessed manner;

  9. a sedate mansion.

IV. Give as many English equivalents as possible:

  1. наносить визит;

  2. компенсировать;

  3. сомнительный;

  4. быть в центре внимания;

  5. вежливость;

  6. холодный прием;

  7. оживлённый разговор.


V. Discuss the following questions and use them as a plan for retelling:

  1. Where was Mr.Chandler employed?

  2. How much did he earn?

  3. What did he do at the end of each week?

  4. How did he spend the next sixty-nine evenings?

  5. How did the evening described in the story begin?

  6. How did Mr.Chandler happen to make the girl’s acquaintance?

  7. How did the girl look like?

  8. What idea came into the young architect’s head?

  9. What did Mr.Chandler suggest they should do?

  10. Why did the girl hesitate?

  11. Describe the restaurant they went to.

  12. How did the atmosphere influence Towers Chandler?

  13. What did he begin telling the girl?

  14. What was the girl’s reaction?

  15. What happened after the dinner was concluded?

  16. Where did the girl go to after the dinner?

  17. How did she explain her long absence?

  18. Could the girl have loved Chandler if she had known the truth?