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Why people work

The work affects the total lifestyle. Almost all of us can expect to spend most of our adult lives working. Why do people work? For three reasons, not necessarily in this order:

1. Money (economic) to provide for physical needs.

2. Contact with people (social) for the feeding of loving.

3. Self-esteem (psychological) for self-respect and pride.

If you were asked the question “Why do you want to work?” your first answer might be - "For money. This, indeed, is a good reason. You will need money to pay for goods and services. Some of goods and services are necessary for your life. They are: food, clothing and shelter (housing). Some services are also necessary, e.g. medical service and education. But often our wants exceed our needs. None of us is satisfied with only being able to purchase the goods and services which are necessary. Whatever you desire in addition to the necessities of life is called a luxury. Of course, a necessity to one person may be a luxury to another.

Money is only one reason for working. There are other important ones. People need contact with others. Although the amount of contact they need varies greatly from one person to another. One of the most hated forms of punishment is to be placed "in solitary". People do not like to be alone. It is difficult to imagine a happy person without even one friend or at least someone with whom to talk. Work provides opportunities for contact with other people. You will find that your place of work will be a source of social contacts and possibly one or two close friends.

The third reason is psychological one. Many psychologists tried to identify the basic needs of all human beings. Their lists usually begin with the most basic needs - life, food and water. After these needs are met, we become concerned about safety. Early man found shelter from the heat, cold, wind and rain by living in caves or cliffs, or by building exude houses in trees. This protection also provided shelter from dangerous animals. Today people live in homes and apartments which provide protection from the elements. No one has to worry too much about being devoured by wild animals.

Once safety needs are met, we look for companionship and affection. Finally, when all these needs have been met, we seek status with others. This is known as self-esteem. It means that you feel good about yourself. Your satisfaction with life depends upon how you feel about your work. The importance of work is not the same for everyone. Some think work is important only because it provides the money to enjoy some leisure time activity. To others, it is indeed a way of life.

How successful you are in life is largely measured by your success in your work. Being successful on a job which interests you helps you to develop a sense of pride. Very often, those who are most interested in their careers are the people who are most satisfied with life. Job success is the chief way we measure our own usefulness, our worth. Naturally, this has a .great effect upon one's personality. Without self-respect, you cannot accept yourself as being a person of worth. If you cannot accept yourself as a worthy person, you cannot accept others as worthy and be truly concerned about them. The successful work gives you self-respect and the feeling of usefulness. If you cannot respect yourself, you cannot respect others.

Discussion questions

1. Do you agree that three above-mentioned reasons are the main ones for working? What else is important?

2. What are the basic needs of all human beings? What is the relationship of a person's career to these needs?

3. Is it possible to imagine a happy person without even one friend? Why do we need a person to talk? What role do your friends play in your life?

Try to give your own variant of translation.

From Leisure

W. H. Davies (1871-1940)

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night;

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

A poor life this is if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

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