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UNIT 6 Difficult Choice (if and when clauses).docx
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III. Comprehension check

1. Answer the questions:

  1. Where do the Nolands live?

  2. What do they do?

  3. What kind of idea has their son Eric got?

  4. What did Eric ask his parents for?

  5. Why did Robert Noland refuse to help his son now? What two reasons does he have?

  6. Why is it impossible to say that Eric’s idea will work?

  7. What questions does Robert have about the site?

  8. When will Robert think again about lending his son £5,000?

  9. Why does he think it’s important for Eric to finish his University studies before he starts his website?

  10. What will happen if Eric leaves University without a qualification?


1. Complete the sentences with if, when, before, unless or until.

1. I will have a bath, before I go to bed.

2. I’ll decide what to do, … I get my exam results.

3. … I finish work on time tonight, I’ll meet you for a drink.

5. I’m coming to London tomorrow. I will ring you, … I arrive.

6. … it’s a nice day tomorrow, I will go swimming.

7. I will loose my job, … the business starts to get better.

8. Wait here, … I get back.

9. … you have any problems, just ask for help.

10. I’ll leave the company, … my boss gives me a pay rise.

11. … I don’t work late tonight, I will have to work on Sunday.

12. I want to get home, … it gets dark.

13. I will have driving lessons, … I pass my test.

14. Give me your address, … you go home.

15. I will pay you back, … I next see you.

16. I’ll go to bed, … this programme ends.

17. Come on! … we hurry, we’ll catch the bus.

18. … I play tennis with Justin, he always wins.

19. I’ve lost my bag. - … I find it, I’ll let you know.

20. … they offer me a good salary, I will take the job.

21. I’ll leave at the end of the month, … I don’t like this new job.

2. Match the boxes together to make up ten sentences with if-clauses.

E.g. If it rains, we’ll stay at home.

I’ll meet you at the station if you come by train.

3. A tour guide is giving instruction to her group. Choose the correct phrase a-g to complete the sentences.

A as soon as they get into the park

B if you go on the water ride

C before the parade starts

D when the parade takes place

E when we get off the bus

F If anyone is not here by six

G if you don’t hurry

Tour guide: It’s now ten to nine. The park opens at nine o’clock. We’ll join the left-hand queue … . I’ve already got tickets so we don’t have to buy them. The most popular ride is the Giant Roller-Coaster. People will hurry towards it … . You’ll have to queue for at least an hour … . Remember that the restaurants are full between twelve at two, so it’s a good idea to eat earlier or later. The parade starts at three o’clock. You’ll need to find a good place … . If you have small children with you, they will want to be at the front of the crowd. The rides will have very short queues … . So if you don’t like parades, it’s a good time for the busiest rides. But don’t forget, you will get very wet … . Please, be back at the bus at ten to six. … we’ll leave without them.