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Where’s my key?

Where’s my key?

Have you seen my key?

I can’t seen to find my key.

Have you seen my key?

It’s not by the door.

It’s not on the chair.

It’s not on the floor.

It’s got to be somewhere.

It’s not on the hook.

It’s not anywhere.

Can’t you see?

I’ve looked and looked,

I’ve looked just everywhere.

Come and look,

Come and look,

I’ve just found your key.

It’s right on your key-ring, dear.

Where else would it be?


№ 1 I would like to know what____________taught are required in your country. 1) education 2) qualifications 3) subjects 4) knowledge

№ 2 She was so____________that she lost all her money at the casino. 1) unlucky 2) lucky 3) luck 4) lucidly

№ 3 Sam telephoned but there was_____________at home.

1) nobody

2) no

3) everybody

4) nothing





№ 4 Life is getting ...







1) as hard as

2) harder and harder


3) hardly

4) more and more hard

№ 5 They offered me the job because I had much ...



1) ideas

2) degrees

3) certificates


4) experience


№ 6 St. Bernard dogs are named after a monastery high up in ...


1) theAlps

2) anAlps

3) aAlps






№ 7 We should arrive_____________Paris at six in the morning.


1) at

2) in

3) to

4) out of






№ 8 Few people like him______________of his bad manners.


1) because

2) since

3) though



in case



№ 9 I slipped away while the others ...






1) had lunch

2) were having lunch



had had lunch

4) are having










№ 10 The answer_____________from the sellers greatly surprised us.

1) receiving

2) to have received

3) having received

4) received

№ 11 I was taken_____________when I heard she'd married him. She'd never loved him.

1) upon 2) aback 3) away 4) on

№ 12 We____________ pay for the tickets as Fiona won them in a competition. 1) mustn't 2) hadn't to 3) didn't have 4) to couldn't





Past Simple and Present Perfect

1.Explain the use of the tenses.

1.I have just received a letter from my friend John.

2.I received a letter from my friend John yesterday.

3.Has David finished his painting?

4.Did David finish his painting on Monday?

5.When did he finish his painting?

6.I haven’t seen Tim for a week.

7.I didn’t see Tim last week.

8.When did you see him?

9.I was a teacher for three years. Now I’m a housewife.

10.I have been a teacher four three years.

11.John has phoned me.

12.John phoned me last night.

13.John has never phoned me.

14.Mother has made a delicious cake.

15.Mother made a delicious cake for Kate’s birthday.

16.I haven’t seen this film.

17.I didn’t see this film in my childhood.

18.He turned on the computer, found the program and began to work.

2.Choose the correct time expression to complete the sentences.

1.They flew to Tokyo last week / over the last week.

2.We’ve met some nice people two weeks ago / during the last two weeks.

3.I haven’t been toAustralia last year / up till now.

4.My sister has visited eight different countries over the last two months / last month.

5.They haven’t been abroad in 1990 / since 1990.

6.Have you read any good travel books recently / last summer?

3.Make interrogative and negative sentences using the words in brackets.

1.You have been toAmerica. (ever, never)


2.Molly has worked in an office. (ever, never)


3.Colin has gone home. (yet, already)



4.John and Wendy have eaten breakfast. (yet, already)


5.Peter has finished his project. (ever, yet)


6.They have seen the GreatAmerican Lakes. (ever, never)


7.Jane has gone to work to Australia. (already, never, yet, ever)


8.I have found a new job. (already, yet)


4.Make the sentences negative and interrogative.Ask general questions. Put special questions to the words in bold.

1.They have moved into a new house. (2)

2.They moved into a new house last week.


3.Alex has just returned from Paris. (2)

4.Alex returned from Paris two days ago.


5.We have lived in Moscow for five years.


6.We lived in Moscow for five years. (2)

7.Ann visited the White House when she was in Washington.

8.She saw the Statue of Liberty during her trip to NewYork.

5.Make sentences in the Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1.My niece / start / to walk…………………


2.My father / retire / in 2007. ………………


3.Jane and Mike / go to work / toAustralia / last year. …………………………………..


4.I / buy / a new motorcycle yesterday. …………………………………………...


5.I / find / a new job……………………………………………………………….


6.The Browns / move / to another town two weeks ago. ………………………...


7.I / join / another football club. ………………………………………………….



8.John / become / a millionaire when he won the race. …………………………...


9.You / already / see / the Great American Lakes? ………………………………..


10.You / be / ever / to Broadway? ………………………………………………….


11.Mike / see / already / the Statue of Liberty? ……………………………………


12.Ann / visit / the White House? ………………………………………………….


6.Write true sentences.

1.I have just come back from Paris.


2.I came to Barnaul a year ago.



3.I haven’t seen my friends for 10 years.


4.I have never seen a tiger.


5.I bought a new computer yesterday.


6.I have never driven a car.


7.I came to the University in my car yesterday.


8.The teacher hasn’t come into the classroom yet.


9.My friend has become a millionaire.


10.I haven’t passed my exams yet.


7.Ask questions and answer them using the prompts.

1.you / see / Mary? (Yes)


2.Jim / eat / his / meal? (No)



3.Mark / buy / a new bike? (Yes)


4.she / read / that book? (No)


5.they / clean / the house? (yes)


6.John / talk to / his parents? (Yes)


7.you / phone / your father? (No)


8.Jenny / live here / three years. (How long?)


9.Kim / be / a teacher / 2004. (Since what time?)


10.they / work / here / six months. (How long?)


11.Peter / know / them / last year. (Since when?)


12.Rob / be / ill / Tuesday. (Since what time?)


8.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1.A: I …(1)…(see) this film before.

B: Me too, but I love this actor. He…(2)…(play) a lot of good roles. A: Tom Cruise? I…(3)…(meet) him, you know.

B: Really? When?

A: When I…(4)…(be) in LosAngeles on holiday.

2.A: Who is that man?

B: He’s an artist. He’s…(1)…(paint) a lot of beautiful pictures.

A: I think Van Gogh…(2)…(paint) the most beautiful pictures ever. But his life…(3)…(be) miserable.

3.A: I…(1)…(just / hear from) an old friend of mine. B: Oh, really?

A: Yes. Jim…(2)…(write) to me. I…(3)…(get) the letter this morning. B: That’s nice. When…(4)…(you / first / meet) him?

A: He…(5)…(live) next door to me for more than three years, but he…(6)…(move) away last June and I…(7)…(not / see) him since.


9. Complete the conversation between a mother (M) and her daughter (D). Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past simple. Explain the use of the tenses.

D: Hi, Mum! I (1) ___________ just _______________ (get back).

M: Oh, Amy, welcome home, darling!When (2)

____________you _______ (get back)?

D: Yesterday! The plane (3) _______________ (land) at about 10pm.

M: Oh, I was so worried. The last time I (4) ______________

(have) any news was that call from Tanzania [ˌtænzəˈniːə]. Where (5) ________________ you _______________ (be) since then?

D: Oh, everywhere. We (6) _______________ (go) to Uganda [uːˈgɑndə], Malawi [məˈlɑwiː] and Mozambique


M: ‘We’? Who’s ‘we?

D: Oh, mum. I (7) ___________________ (meet) a fantastic man. His name is Brian.

M: That’s wonderful, dear. Where (8) ______________you

_____________ (meet) ?

D: On a safari [səˈfɑriː] in Kenya [ˈkenjə]. M: Oh…

D:And I’ve got some great news for you and dad. We (9)

_______________ (get married).

M: Married! When (10) __________you

____________________ (get married)?

D: I’ll tell you all about it when we see you tonight. Brian and I want to take you out for dinner.

10. Say that you have already done what you are asked to do:

e.g. Don’t forget to answer the letters.

-I’ve already answered them.

1.Don’t forget to buy the tickets.


2.Don’t forget to write to Mr. Smith.


3.Don’t forget to wash the dishes.


4.Remember to dust the bookshelves.



5.Remember to cook the pudding.


6.Don’t forget to post the letter.


7.Remember to pack our things.


8.Remember to clean your shoes.


12. Translate into English

1. Я только что сломала свой карандаш. 2. Вчера он пригласил меня на вечеринку. 3. Я получила два письма на этой неделе. 4. Петровы уехали в Киев? Да. Они уехали туда на прошлой неделе. 5. Мама, наш учитель никогда не видел лошадей. - Почему ты так думаешь? 6. Вчера я нарисовал лошадь, а учитель подошел и спросил: «Что это такое?». 7. Вы видели Кремль? - Нет еще. Мы пришли сюда только час тому назад. 8. Где Том? – Он уехал в Лондон. – Когда он уехал? – Он уехал несколько дней тому назад. - Я никогда не был в Лондоне. 9. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне? – Да. – Когда вы там были в последний раз? – В прошлом году. 10. Где Аня? Почему она не пришла в университет? – Я не видела ее сегодня. Боюсь (I’m afraid), что она заболела. – Вы ошибаетесь (you are mistaken) . Аня здесь. Она только что пошла на лекцию. Но вы не можете сейчас с ней поговорить, так как лекция уже началась. – Когда она началась? – Несколько минут назад. 11. Вы были в Большом театре? Какие оперы и балеты вы там видели? Когда вы были там в последний раз? Что смотрели? 11. В последнее время я не получал писем от своих родителей. – Когда вы получили последнее письмо? – Месяц назад. С тех пор я уже послал им несколько писем. 12. Пойдемте (Let’s go) в ресторан пообедаем. – С удовольствием. Я еще не обедал. – Когда вы вчера обедали? – Поздно.


Past Simple and Present Perfect

1. Выберите правильный ответ.

Job Interview

Interviewer: Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions about the jobs you have had?

Interviewee: Yes, of course. What do you want to know?

Interviewer: ….in another country?

a)Did you ever work

b)Have you ever worked

c)Have ever you worked

Interviewee: Yes, I have. I …. in several different countries.

a)have worked



The last time was three years ago, when I ….a job in Greece.

a)have had



Interviewer: What …. in Greece?

a)did you do

b)have you done

c)did you

Interviewee: I was a tour guide. I liked it. It was hard work but fun. Interviewer: ….. out of work for a long time?

a)Have you ever been

b)Were ever you

c)Are you


a)I have

b)I have been


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