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About Myself.doc
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9. Выпишите незнакомые слова из диалога 3.

Dialogue 3

Robert: Hello, Dan.

Dan: Hello, Robert. Glad to see you.

Robert: So am I. Well, Dan, will you do me a favour?

Dan: Most willingly. What can I do for you?

Robert: You see, my cousin comes today on a visit from Moscow. I promised to meet her at the station, but, unfortunately I have an exam today.

Dan: Don't worry, I'll help you out, How old is your cousin?

Robert: She is sixteen. She goes to school.

Dan: Is she tall?

Robert: Neither very tall nor short. I think she is of medium height.

Dan: Is she dark of fair?

Robert: Her hair is fair but she has dark eyes and eyebrows.

Dan: So she took after your mother, her aunt, didn't she?

Robert: Not quite. She resembles our grandmother with her straight nose and fair complexion.

Dan: I see. That means, your cousin is very good-looking, isn't she?

Robert: I believe she is, though she is not a regular beauty.

Dan: Now, I suppose, I can find her in the crowd, especially if you give me her name and the number of her carriage.

Robert: Her name is Susan, carriage 5. I'm very much obliged to you. [5]

10. Составьте диалоги о себе по образцу упр. 7.

Используйте лексику урока и упр. 7, 8, 9.

11.Заполните пропуски личной информацией.

My name is ... . I live in ... . I am ... years old. My family is rather ... . We are five. My father works at.... He is ... . My mother works at ... . She is ... . My grandmother is ... years old. She doesn't work. She is ... . My younger sister goes to school.We are all great friends. We like to spend our spare time together. In the evening father ..., mother ..., grandmother ..., my sister ..., I ... . Sometimes we go ... .

12. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How old are you? Do you resemble your mother or father? Is your mother dark of fair? What colour eyes has your father? Are your parents tall? Whom does your sister (brother) resemble? 2. Is your girl-friend good-looking? Is she slender or plump? (Tall or short? dark-eyed or blue-eyed?) Is her hair long or short? Is it straight or wavy? What is her haircut? Does she wear her hair loose or does she have a hairdo? What is her complexion? 3. Your father is a tall broad-shouldered man, isn't he? Does he wear a beard or a moustache? 4. What is the most beautiful thing about your friend's face? (a dimple in the chin, dimples in the cheeks, a mole in the right cheek, fair complexion, beautiful eyes). 5. What is your ideal of the woman (man)? [5]

13. Выразите несогласие с данными ниже утверждениями. Для ответа используйте одно из следующих словосочетаний:

I don’t think so, I’m afraid you are wrong; on the contrary, it’s not so, far from it.

1. It is convenient to live on the ground floor. 2. Now your friends live in the centre of the city. 3. It takes you about forty minutes to get to the University. 3. You keep your books on the writing desk, don’t you? 4. Your sister has a two-room flat, hasn’t she? 5. They are not on the phone, are they? 6. There are no modern conveniences in this house. 7. Ann lives on the top floor. 8. A gas-stove is better than an electric one. [5]

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