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Industrial tribunal

A This German presenter hosted TV show which assembled groups of journalists to discuss topical problems. At its height, and as a result of the ability of the presenter, the programme attracted 100 million viewers. He lost his job after revelations that he was a “desk was criminal”; during the Second World War he had written newspaper articles in favour of Nazi activists, such as executions.

B This air hostess was sacked after she returned rather overweight to work, six months after giving birth. The airline company claimed that their image would suffer and that the hostess was having difficulty moving down the aisle in the plane.

C This captain was the first to leave his sinking ship. He escaped on a helicopter where he claimed he was able to coordinate the operation better. He left 160 passengers on board, all of whom survived. He was dismissed for unethical behaviour.

D This man, whose job involved high precision technical work, was dismissed for drinking alcohol at home on a Sunday night. He had signed a contract which stated that he was not allowed to smoke, drink alcohol or take high-cholesterol snacks either at work or home.

Exercise 24. Make up dialogues on the following topics:

  1. You are talking to a foreigner looking for a job in Ukraine. Explain the employment problems in this country.

  2. Your younger sister made up her mind to become an actress. Try to discourage her.

  3. You are interviewing Peter Wilson who after 40 years of full working life and 30 years as managing director of his own company is now retired.

Exercise 25. Writing assignments:

  • Who should be paid most?

  • My job stereotypes.

  • What’s my line?

  • To succeed in life one should have a drop of talent or an ocean of endeavour?


Pre-reading discussion

  • Discuss the saying "The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy." ­­­— Malcolm Forbes, Publisher

  • What are the steps people undertake to choose a job?

  • Name three things which are the most important for you in choosing a job.

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Finding permanent or summer employment is often a difficult and confusing process, with hectic deadlines, stress-inducing interviews, and unfamiliar rules of etiquette. However, by becoming familiar with the recruiting schedule and process it is possible to land the perfect job with little effort.

1. Write a cv/resume

The first step is to compose a CV/resume. Many word processing programs, including Word and Framemaker, have resume templates. Searching on the Internet will yield both personal CV/resume posted online in addition to the many sites which describe how to write a CV/resume. The most important information to include is relevant professional and class experience. Large laboratory or research projects can be listed as experience as well, especially if teamwork and problem solving were involved.

Less important but still significant is a list of skills such as computer competence and foreign languages, as well as awards or honors. Finally, be sure to include contact information, including your phone number, street address, e-mail address, and web page URL.

Resumes traditionally open with a purpose or objective. This is a two or three sentence overview of your skills, qualities, hopes, and plans. But this trend is increasingly becoming optional, as the statement doesn't do a good job in differentiating students.

Sometimes to apply for a job, the employer will send you an application form. You should still use a cover letter, and send your CV/resume also unless told not to. Application forms need as much care to write as CVs/Resumes. Plan everything you will say on a separate piece of paper. Only complete the real form when you are exactly sure what is the best thing to say. Follow the directions and keep the form neat.

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