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Lesson 4


I. Match the words and their definitions given below:

Grade, high school, diploma, vocational, score, higher school, standards, selective subjects, term, admission, middle class, boarding school, mandatory subjects, loan, campus.

Educational certificate of proficiency;

a school where pupils study and live;

being accepted to a school, a club;

the mark given to a student for his work;

subjects that every student must study;

institution for giving secondary education;

subjects that a student may choose;

academic requirements;


record points;


class of society between the poor and the rich;

one of the periods into which the academic year is divided;

place where students live;

sum of money given to a person who should return it;

II. Fill the gaps in these sentences with words from below:

  1. In the UK most children start .................... at the age of five and move to ..................... when they are eleven. They .................. school at sixteen, but most students stay on in the .................... till they are eighteen.

  2. Our teacher was very .................. and we were always ................ if we misbehaved. Sometimes, if we were really ................... we were put in ..................... and had to stay after school.

  3. The ............... is in charge of the ....................... and .................... of a school.

  4. Mary got such good .................. in her exams, that she got a ................. at a Cambridge ..................... and a ............... to pay for her studies. She did so well that she ................ with the first class ....................

detention graduated head honours leave

marks/scores/grades naughty place primary school

punished pupils/students scholarship secondary school sixth form

staff strict University


My education

Read David’s story about his school-days:

My name‘s David. I started school when I was five years old. I enjoyed my time at primary school, made lots of friends and learnt to read and write and do arithmetic.

But when I was eleven my family moved to another part of the city and I had to leave all my friends who went to a different secondary school. It was scary being in a new school with hundreds of older and bigger children I didn’t know. But my new class teacher was wonderful – she really helped me feel more secure in my environment. And she made us all work really hard too!

After working hard for the first year with Mrs Green ‘s encouragement, I really realised I didn’t need to do so much work, so I didn’t make much effort in any classes, because I found everything quite easy. I know this was stupid but none of the teachers pushed me to do better so I just did the minimum amount of work necessary.

When I took my GCSEs at the age of sixteen my results were really poor. That taught me a good lesson and since then I haven’t been so lazy!

Now I’m studying history at uni.

Now read Sally’s story:

I’m Sally. Like David, I was eleven when I went to secondary school. At first I had really hard time because, although I did have two good friends, some of the other children picked on me and teased me because I was quite small for my age. My reaction to this was to be naughty in class and cheeky to the teachers and this got me into troubles – I was in detention a lot. This went on for a couple of years until I became confident. I decided to work hard to show the others that I was better than them. The trouble was that despite my hard work I didn’t do very well in tests and still got bad reports from the teachers. So I really didn’t like school, and I stopped making an effort.

But now I’m in the sixth form, everything is different. I’m interested in the subjects I’m doing, the teachers all treat us like adults and (fingers crossed!) I hope to do well in my exams at the end of the year.

If I get the grades I’m hoping for, I’m going to take a gap year before starting university in two years’ time.

Leo Jones, Making Progress, Cambridge.

Match the words and their definitions given below:

scary, to realise, to push somebody to do something, to pick on somebody, to tease, naughty, cheeky, detention, confident, despite, report, to treat somebody, to take a gap year.

sure that something will happen in the way that you want or expect; disobedient; frightening; to know and understand something; a period of time when nothing is happening, that exists between two other periods of time when something is happening; to behave in an unfair way to someone; a punishment in which children who have behaved badly are forced to stay at school for a short time after the others have gone home; to laugh at someone and make jokes in order to have fun by embarrassing them; rude or disrespectful, sometimes in a way that is amusing; used to say that something happens or is true even though something else might have prevented it; complain; to behave towards sb/sth.; to make somebody do something.


Work in pairs

Retell the story about your school-days, using useful expressions, given above.


You will hear Rachel talking about her school-days. Put ticks in the chart with information about her.

Didn’t like maths or science

Enjoyed outdoor activities

Had to make friends at secondary school

Has a twin brother

Liked English, geography and history

Played tricks on people


Work in pairs

Make up a questionnaire about your university and students’ activity (in the Present Simple Tense), using all the information, discussed before.

After that make up dialogues on the theme. You may use active vocabulary and the following group of useful phrases and expressions in your dialogues:

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