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12. Giving a presentation

Introducing Yourself

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

We haven’t all met before, so I’d better introduce myself.

I’m _________ from _________.

I hope you’ll excuse my English. I’m a little out of practice.

Preparing the Audience

I’m going to be talking about _________.

I’ll start with _________ and then move on to _________, finally, I’m going to ________.

I think if you don’t mind, we’ll leave questions to the end.

Delivering the Message

Firstly … Secondly … This brings me to my next point …

I must emphasize …

At this point we must consider …

Now, to digress for a moment …

To go back to my earlier point …

Finally …


Before closing I’d like to summarize the main points again.

That’s all I have to say for the moment …

Thank you for listening.

Now if there are any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.


1. Give information about the author and the book.

We've read a very unusual / thrilling / exaggerated / exciting story by ... .

The story is about / deals with / is concerned with / outlines / discusses ... .

The story is written in a form of... (the author's recollections, the dialogue, narration, autobiography).

The scene is laid in ...

2. Give a summary of the extract (story) under consideration.

The action takes place in … .

The story touches upon (deals with) the problems of ... .

The main characters of the story are ... .

The main idea of the story is ... .

4. Give a general definition of the text.

The text is a 1st (3d) person narrative.

The narration is interlaced with descriptive passages and dialogues of the personages.

The narration is broken by digressions.

5. Define the prevailing mood of the text.

The mood of the story is lyrical / dramatic / tragic / optimistic / pessimistic / melodramatic / sentimental / unemotional / emotional / pathetic / dry and matter-of-fact / gloomy / bitter / sarcastic / cheerful.

The story gives food for thought.

The author reveals the nature of his characters through (actions, details, dialogues, etc.)...

6. Characterize the structure of the text.

The plot of the story is complicated (intricate, tangled up, trite, commonplace, simple).

The text has an open plot structure ... .

The text has a closed plot structure and can be divided into the following parts:





6. Give a detailed analysis of every part of the text. Dwell upon the contents of the part and then comment of the stylistic devices used

The plot of the story centres round … .

The narration begins with ... .

In the exposition the author communicates the idea that ... .

The story reaches its climax when ... .

In the denouement ... .

In order to convey the main idea of the passage the author uses the following stylistic devices ... .

The choice of vocabulary and stylistic devices is admirable.

The following stylistic devices contribute to the expressiveness of the passage.

The author makes extensive use of ... to render the story more vivid, convincing, more real and emotional.

The enumeration shows the author's striving for an exhaustive and fully detailed presentation of the phenomenon dealt with.

7. Give the main idea of the story.

Summing it up, ... .

The idea conveyed in the story is ... .

This problem relates to ... .

The moral of the story is ... .

The central conflict of the story is ... .

8. Express your attitude towards the things described.

The story reveals human virtues and vices.

The story is a remarkable insight into human character.

The story is an in-depth study of human nature.

In my opinion ... .

On the one hand ... on the other hand ... .

As far as we know ... .

I believe that ... .

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