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1. Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.

  1. the system of advertising used at Harper & Grant Ltd.;

  2. John Martin’s steps taken when he realised that he needed an expert to supervise an advertising campaign, to check proofs, to make sure that the company used the appropriate media;

  3. the work of an advertising manager entails;

  4. Mr. Windsmore’s views on advertising;

  5. Joanna Harvey’s skills in advertising.

  1. Recount the situation as if you were John Martin. Say who was the highest on your list and why. How did you react upon the news that the next applicant is a woman?

  2. Suppose you are Peter Whiles. What makes you think that your firm is looking up?

  3. Render the situation as if you were Joanna Harvey.

  4. Act out a conversation between

  1. John Martin and Hector Grant about the necessity of employing an advertising manager and rearranging the sphere of responsibilities in advertising and public relations

  2. Peter Wiles and John Martin after the appointment of a new advertising manager.

Unit 9

Productivity – A Work Study Survey

Phrase list

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

to engage consultants

work study technique (review)

to improve efficiency and output

to be keen to do something

to suggest improvements and ways of stepping up

to formulate piece rates and incentive bonus schemes

O. & M. (Organisation and Method)

to run something from top to bottom

to do something with a view to doing something

to do something in conjunction with something

to do something under the scheme

to do sample study / survey*

a soluble problem

an incentive payments scheme

to do something as a spur to productivity

group bonus scheme

to agree to piece rates

to change with the times

to have a hand in something

corporate planning

operational research

critical path analysis

to cause delay and confusion

to be to hand

to bargain for something


Task 1

Consider the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

1. Why does Hector Grant intend to undertake a work study survey?

(to be worried about productivity; to engage consultants; to be a specialist in work study techniques; to improve efficiency and output)

2. Why do top managers prefer to employ outside consultants?

(to be keen to do something; to improve efficiency; to be a specialist in the field; to be experienced in particular techniques; to study work systematically; to suggest improvements and ways of stepping up productivity)

3. In what way do the techniques applied to the study of office systems and paperwork differ from those used in assessing manual work?

(to apply to manual work; to find out the most efficient way of doing something before doing something; the formulation of рieсе rates or incentive bonus schemes; the study of office systems and paperwork; O. & M. (Organisation and Methods); to be applied to routine office jobs; invoice typing)

4. Why did Mr. Scott appear in Harper& Grant Ltd.?

(to call in a firm; to be present at a meeting; to call a meeting; to explain the service to the executives; production methods on the factory floor; to improve something; to consider something; a check on efficiency; to run from the top to the bottom of the firm)

Task 2

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

  • выработка рекомендаций по улучшению и подъему производительности труда

  • установить ставки и размеры сдельной и премиальной оплаты труда

  • повышать эффективность производства и совершенствовать выпуск продукции

  • сделать что-либо, чтобы подстегнуть (стимулировать, форсировать) рост производительности труда

  • система поощрительной оплаты труда

  • организация и методы (анализ хозяйственной деятельности)

  • разрешимая проблема

  • согласиться на сдельную оплату

  • оплата по групповым тарифам (система участия в прибылях)

  • меняться в соответствии с требованиями времени

  • сделать что-либо с каким-либо намерением

  • сделать что-либо в соответствии с планом

  • быть заинтересованным в том, чтобы сделать что-либо

  • пригласить (нанять) консультантов

  • провести выборочное обследование (опытный замер)

  • сделать что-либо в сочетании с чем-либо

  • методика изучения эффективности использования рабочего времени (анализ рабочего времени)

  • корпоративное планирование, изучение хозяйственной деятельности, анализ критического пути

  • приложить руку к чему-либо (способствовать)

  • охватывать (организацию) сверху донизу

  • стать причиной заминки и путаницы

  • быть под рукой