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  1. Dialect words

Dialect is a variety of a language which prevails in a district, with local peculiarities of vocabulary, pronunciation and phrase. England is a small country, yet it has many dialects which have their own distinctive features (e.g. the Lancashire, Dorsetshire, Norfolk dialects).

So dialects are regional forms of English. Standard English is defined as the language as it is written and spoken by literate people in both formal and informal usage and that is universally current while incorporating regional differences.

Dialectal peculiarities, especially those of vocabulary, are constantly being incorporated into everyday colloquial speech or slang. From these levels they can be transferred into the common stock, i.e. words which are not stylistically marked and a few of them even into formal speech and into the literary language. Car, trolley, tram began as dialect words. Some examples of dialects:tha (thee) – the objective case ofthou; brass – money;nivver – never;nowt – nothing.

Answer these questions.

  1. What determines the choice of stylistically marked words in each particular situation?

  2. In what situations are informal words used?

  3. What are the main kinds of informal words? Give a brief description of each group.

  4. What is the difference between colloquialisms and slang? What are their common features? Illustrate your answer with examples.

  5. What are the main features of dialect words?

Colloquial words. Examples with translations (pp. 14-15)

p. 14 some sort of вроде бы в

put sb. through доставать, мучить

keep up продолжать

cope with справиться

stuff дело

chuck = give up бросить

a bad lot (old-fashioned) – a dishonest personплохаярепутация, дурнаяслава

knack for backing = knack умение, сноровка; unlucky knack невезение; back

the wrong horse (idiom) поставить не на ту лошадь (т.е. ошибиться, сделать

плохой выбор, просчитаться)

landed him in = to land sb in sth (informal) – to get sb into a difficult situation bankruptcy court суд по делам о несостоятельности

to have a good time хорошо проводить время

ups and downs (of fortune) взлёты и падения; превратности судьбы

damn it чёрт возьми/подери

old buffer (bloke, card, codger) (пренебрежительно) старый хрыч, старикашка peg out выдохнуться, выйти из игры

by George! Чёрт возьми! Ей богу!

p.15 to be through: She was through with him – она покончила с ним

put up: 1 поднять – Put your hands up! 2 to show a particular level of skill: The team

put up a great performance – played very well

put over передавать

Slang: Examples (pp. 17-18)

Slang сленг – это разговорный или фамильярный стиль речи в определённой области. Арнольд И.В.: Слeнг – сугубо разговорные слова и выражения с грубоватой или шуточной эмоциональной окраской, непринятые в литературной речи.

once in a blue moon phr. в кои-то века, раз в год по обещанию

white elephant обременительное или разорительное имущество; обуза; подарок,

от которого не знаешь как избавиться [король Сиама, желая разорить кого-либо

из своих подданных, дарил ему священного белого слона, содержание которого

обходилось очень дорого]: Duddley doesn’t want the house, it always has been a

white elephant.

your tongue has run away with you вы не знаете, что говорите; давать волю

своему языку

dogs (for feet) ноги; dog более 20 значений в Oxford Dictionary: 1 дрянь, барахло

(о товаре и т.п.); 2 халтура; 3 страшилище (о женщине); 10 проститутка; 13


mug (for face) – рожа, морда

to leg (for to walk)

saucers, blinkers (for eyes) – моргала

trap (for mouth, e.g. Keep your trap shut! – Закрой хлебало!)

a lid (for a hat) – шляпа

a nut (for a head) – голова

a flipper (for a hand)рука

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