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Способы словообразования: конверсия, словосложение

Рассмотрим один из способов словообразования, конверсию, т. е. образование новых слов из существующих без изменения их написания (табл. 22).

Таблица 22





water – вода

water – поливать

control –


control –


еmpty – освобождать, очищать

empty – пустой, свободный

secure – обеспечивать защиту

secure – защищенный

Хотя о значении таких слов легко догадаться, зная значение одной части речи, при переводе специальной лексики необходимо пользоваться специальными словарями!

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык, пользуясь словарем и приводя два или более вариантов.

Graduate, switch, wire, process, file, scan, complete, model, power, link, access.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Companies can offer secure credit card transactions over the Internet. 2. Most networks are linked with cables, wires or radio waves. 3. There are two separate power feeds coming into the data centre. 4. The company will need to network together more personal computers. 5. You need to feed the data into the computer for processing. 6. You should secure your wireless router to prevent unwanted access to your network.

Следующий способ словообразования, который мы рассмотрим, – словосложение, т. е. соединение двух и более слов в одно. Такие слова пишутся по-разному – в два слова, через дефис или слитно:

clip art clip-art clipart

Таблица 23


Сложные существительные

Сложные прилагательные

noun + noun

bandwidth – полоса пропускания, website

noun + past participle

voice-activated – запускаемый голосом

adjective + noun


noun + present participle

time-saving – экономящий время

verb or

verbal noun

+ noun

Scrollbar – прокрутка,

recording amplifier – усилитель записи

noun + adjective

hands-free – без использования рук

verb + particle

add-on – расширение, setup – установка

Упражнение 3. Переведите на русский язык, пользуясь словарем.

A silicon chip, a search engine, a web portal, a clipboard, a short cut, a laptop, a back-up, a spreadsheet, a feedback, a rollout, a helpdesk, a database, a start-up, market-leading, space-saving, cost-saving, hand-written, menu-driven, stand-alone.

Следует отметить тот факт, что при словосложении может иметь место соединение частей слов:

transistor – transfer resistor – транзистор;

modem – modulator and demodulator – модем;

codec – coder and decoder – кодек, кодер/декодер;

transceiver – transmitter and receiver – трансивер, приемопередатчик.

Особое внимание необходимо уделять терминам-акронимам, т. е. терминам, которые образованы по начальным буквам слов.

radar – radio detection and ranging – радар;

laser – light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation – лазер;

UPS – uninterrupted power supply – источник бесперебойного питания;

IP – Internet protocol – межсетевой протокол.

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите текст.


London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London is one of the most beautiful and fascinating cities in the world. London is a commercial, financial, political, industrial and cultural center of the country. It is also one of the world`s important ports and one of the largest cities in the world.

London was a small Roman town but in the 11th century it became the capital of England. The medieval (cредневековый) London was an important trading center. In the 19th century new forms of transport such as cars and trains appeared in London. Nowadays it is one of the largest cities in the world. It is divided into four main parts: Westminster, the City, the West End and the East End. Westminster ['westminstə] is the political centre of the city. The City is a business centre because there are a lot of banks and offices there. The majority of people work in this part of London. The West End abounds (изобиловать) in shops, hotels, restaurants, clubs, parks and theatres which attract customers and tourists from different countries. The East End is an industrial district of the city. Many parts of London are changing. Some of the poor areas become fashionable and people move into them.

There are a lot of famous sights in London such as the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey ['westminstə 'æbi], Big Ben (renamed the Elizabeth Tower in honour of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee), the Houses of Parliament ['hauziz əv 'pa:lɘment], the Trafalgar Square [trə'fælgə 'skwƹə], St. Paul`s Cathedral. The Buckingham palace ['bʌkiŋəm 'pælis] is the official residence of the Royal family. As for the modern architecture there is the Shard – the tallest building in the EU and the second tallest in Europe after Moscow’s Mercury City Tower.

There are many galleries and museums in London. The national gallery contains the richest art collection of different schools and periods. It is famous for the works of Rembrandt and Rubens. The Tate Gallery is a national gallery of modern art. It includes paintings of many countries. The British museum consists of the national museum of archeology and ethnography. It is famous for its priceless collection of ancient art. It comprises artifacts from different countries.

London has many parks and gardens. The most famous and beautiful ones are the Regents Park (with the Zoo), the St. James Park and the Hyde Park. There are a lot of theatres, concert halls, cinemas, pubs, restaurants, and nightclubs in London. There are two opera houses in the West End. The main theatres and cinemas are concentrated here. They are open till late at night. London becomes very beautiful when people hold festivals there.

Упажнение. 5. Работайте в парах. Обсудите следующие вопросы:

1. What can you tell about the history of London?

2. What are the most famous sights of London?

3. What parks of London do you know?

4. Do you like St. Petersburg?

5. When was St. Petersburg founded?

6. What places of interest in St. Petersburg can you name?

  1. What is the main street in St. Petersburg?

  2. What magnificent palaces and park complexes in St. Petersburg and its suburbs do you know?

  3. Is St. Petersburg an exciting place for every tourist?

  4. What makes St. Petersburg «the cultural capital of Russia»?

Words and phrases for learning

To appear, to divide into, to attract, a customer, a district, an area, to move into, a sight, a palace, a gallery, to contain, to include, to consist of, to comprise, to be famous for, a priceless collection, to hold a festival.