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Текст для самостоятельного изучения Washington, dc

Washington is the capital of the United States of America. The city was founded in 1791. It is situated on the Potomac river. The city is not very large. It is in the District of Columbia. This city was named after the first president of the United States.

The center of the city is the Capitol. It is the highest building in the city which contains the Senate and the House of Representatives. Not far from the Capitol is the Congressional Library. The official residence of the President of the United States is the White House. The White House is one of the oldest buildings in the city.

Washington is a large cultural and scientific center of the country. Washington attracts a lot of tourists from many countries due to (благодаря) its restaurants, fashionable hotels and different places of interest such as the National Academy of Sciences, the Congressional Library, the National Museum, the National Gallery of Art, the White House, the Monument to George Washington, the Lincoln memorial, the Jefferson memorial. Washington is the political and economical center of the USA, but there are no skyscrapers in it so the density (плотность) of population is not as high as in the other states.

Дополнительные материалы к занятию «City»

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Do you like Moscow?

  2. Is Moscow a noisy city?

  3. What places of interest in Moscow can you name?

  4. Is the architecture of Moscow beautiful?

  5. What is the main square in Moscow?

  6. Do you want to visit Birmingham (['bɜːmɪŋəm]) and why?

  7. Is Birmingham a city of great beauty with marvelous palaces, cathedrals, churches and government buildings?

  8. What is the official residence of the President of the United States?

  9. Are there skyscrapers in Washington?

  10. What is the leading financial, scientific, administrative and educational center of the USA?

  11. What is the longest and widest street in New York?

  12. What famous monument statue in New York do you know?

  13. What attractions does Paris have?

  14. What do you know about Louvre?

  15. What is Marseilles ([ˌmɑː'seɪ]) famous for?

  16. Who founded Rome?

  17. What is the most important economic, industrial and financial centre of Italy?

  18. What is the largest port of Spain and second largest city of this country?

  19. What famous museum of Madrid do you know?

  20. Can you advice all your friends to visit Berlin and why?

  21. Are there a lot of historic sites in Berlin?

Asking the way



Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Buckingham Palace? Am I going in the right direction?


Certainly, sir. Go straight ahead for two blocks and then turn right. You can`t miss it.


Is it far?


I think it`s about a mile. (that`s rather close). You`d better go there on foot.


Thank you. You`ve been very helpful.


That`s all right.



Can I help you sir?


Yes. Could you tell me where the British Museum is? How do I get there?


Well, the quickest way is to get the tube, Northern Line, to Tottenham Court Road station. It`s just round the corner. Or you can take Bus 3.


Do I change the bus?


Yes. You change to bus 11. It goes directly to the British Museum.


Do you know if it is open in the morning?


Oh, yes. It opens at 9 o`clock in the morning.

The admission is free.


Thank you very much. Good-by.


No thanks at all, sir.


Stranger 1:

Excuse me, m`am (разговорная сокращенная форма [maem] от madam.

I think I`m lost. Could you tell me how to get to California Bank? (Do you know where the exchange counter is?)

Stranger 2:

Of course. It`s on Tenth Street, just across (from) the Library.

Stranger 1:

On Tenth?

Stranger 2:

That`s right. Do you know where that is?

Stranger 1:

I`m afraid I don`t.

Stranger 2:

Well, you follow this street, Sunset Road (go two blocks), then take a second turn (turning) on your left and the Bank is in front of you. (turn to the right at the traffic-lights).

Stranger 1:

Thank you. You`ve been extremely helpful.

Stranger 2:

You are welcome.


Stranger 1:

Excuse me. Does this bus go to the Library of Congress?

Stranger 2:

No, this bus won`t take you there. You`ll have to change at Dupont Circle. The buses are packed, It`s rush-hour.

By the way, you can get there by subway.

There`s a subway station over there.

Stranger 1:

O.K. Thanks a lot.

Stranger 2:

It`s nothing. Good luck!