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4. Выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями по содержанию текста.

1. The British police have no judicial power.

2. The police have judicial functions to impose a fine without the involvement of a court.

3. The policing in London is in the hands of Scotland Yard.

4. British policemen always carry firearms.

5. The Police forces in England do not cooperate with each other.

6. It is not necessary for policemen to be well-educated.

5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

1. What are the functions of the British police?

2. What is the Сode of Practice designed for?

3. How are the British police organized?

4. Are women allowed to serve in the police forces?

5. Why is it important for the police to work in close contact with the public?

6. Работа в парах. Прочитайте информацию о работе подразделений полиции в Англии (1- 9). Используя названия, данные в рамке, определите полицейские подразделения.

Dog handling Crime prevention Traffic wardens Drugs Squad Community relations

Mounted police Scenes of crimes and forensic science Murder Squad Flying Squad

1. … All forces have a department of officers trained to give advice on how citizens may best protect themselves and their property against criminals. They often visit schools and make presentations to children.

2. … The job of Community Liaison Officers is to improve relations between the police and the different parts of the community they serve, including young people in the area. This includes race relations work and visiting of schools.

3. … These officers are specially skilled in training and handling police dogs, whose duties may range from protection against violent criminals to assisting in the investigation of crime. (drug, terrorism).

4. … Even in these modern times the police still make use of horses as a particularly effective means of crowd control.

5. … Scenes of Crimes Officers are expert in visiting the scenes of crimes and searching for clues. They take fingerprints or the castings of shoe-prints, and remove any item of interest which will require laboratory examination. Police officers are also trained to work in the laboratories.

6. … These officers must become expert in the identification of a whole range of prohibited dangerous drugs and substances.

7. … These branches of the force deal with the most serious investigations into murder and other violent crime, such as armed robbery.

8. … These officers wear plain-clothes and specialize in detective work.

9. … Their job is to make sure that drivers obey the parking regulations. It is the police who are responsible for controlling offences like speeding, careless driving and drunken driving.


1. Согласны ли вы со следующими утверждениями, характеризующими работу в полиции в России?

1. The police enjoy trust and respect of citizens.

2. People seldom turn to the police for help.

3. Policemen always behave properly and never break laws themselves.

4. Policemen are always ready to help people in case of emergency.

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