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Unit 5 Safety Measures

Ex.1. Before you read the texts talk about these questions:

  1. What are the causes of electrical fires?

  2. What are the ways to prevent electrical fires?

  3. What are some of the hazards of working with electricity?

  4. What are some of the risks people may take when dealing with electricity?

  5. What safety rules reducing electrical hazards do you know?

Electrical fires

Thousands of electrical fires happen every year. The annual amount of electrical fires can reach 28,000 only in Great Britain. These fires caused about one billion pounds in damages. The fires can result from various reasons.

        1. Faulty wiring causes electrical fires.

        2. Frayed wires often ignite other subjects.

        3. Sometimes people place combustibles too close to electrical appliances. This also causes fires.

However, electrical fires can be prevented. Every electrician must take appropriate precautions.

Remember to follow the safety rules in every place where electricity is available. For example:

  1. It is important to maintain electrical wiring properly. Always evaluate all wires. Make sure they are not frayed or damaged

  2. Fixed wiring must be installed. Make sure wiring is in areas where it will not overheat.

  3. Replace any light bulbs that flicker.

Winter months are the most dangerous for electrical fires. The electrical load increases: people use their electrical heaters, lights and appliances more often during the winter season.

Ex.2. Match the words (1-5) with their definitions (A-E).

1. fixed wiring 4. evaluate

2. combustibles 5. ignite

3. faulty

A. not working properly;

B. wiring secured to a wall;

C. to set fire to something;

D. objects that can quickly catch on fire;

E. to decide on an object’s usefulness.

Ex.3. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.

maintenance, combustibles, overheat, electrical fires, flicker, fixed wiring

  1. (1)…. are caused by faulty wiring.

  2. It is important for wires to have proper (2)… .

  3. Do not place wiring in an area where it can (3)… .

  4. Bulbs that (4)… should be replaced immediately.

  5. Wherenever possible, it is best to install (5)… .

  6. People sometimes place (6)… too close to appliances.

Ex.4. Listen and read the safety pamphlet. What are some safety rules that reduce electrical hazards?

Electrical safety

Although electricity is a part of everyday life, it still has many hazards. Following a few simple safety rules can save your life.

Electricity shocks people when their bodies become part of an electrical path between

  • a live wire and the ground or

  • two live wires with opposite chargers.

Being shocked can cause serious burns. It can also paralyze muscles. Electrocution is also a major risk when working with electricity.

To reduce electrical safety hazards always

  • de-energise power sources before working with electrical equipment /

  • follow lockout/tagout procedures.

Remember: all electricity, including static electricity, can be dangerous. Never take risks.

Ex.5. Match the words (1-4) with their definitions (A-D).

  1. shock; 2. paralyze; 3. lockout/tagout procedure; 4. hazard

A. something that is not safe;

B. to make the muscles stop moving

C. to pass electricity through the body;

D. a rule to lock energy sources and label electrical equipment when it’s being


Ex.6. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.

burn, risk, de-energise, live wire, static electricity, electrocution

  1. Touching a (1)… is very dangerous.

  2. A serious (2)… should be seen by a doctor.

  3. Electricians (3)… sockets before they work on them.

  4. (4)… can be prevented by following safety rules.

  5. (5)… often builds up on door knobs.

  6. There is always a (6)… of getting hurt at work.

Ex.7. Listen to the conversation between two electricians and complete the sentences.

Electrician 1. Thanks for letting me (1)….

Electrician 2. No problem. This job has a lot of (2)… It’s important to learn (3)…

Electrician 1. So yesterday you were telling me about the (4)…

Electrician 2. Right. Basically, never start working on (5)… until you know the (6)….

Electrician 1. Okay, that makes sense. Is that all?

Electrician 2. No. Then you (7)… so that no one can turn it on again.

Electrician 1. Got it.

Electrician 2. Finally, (8)…. being repaired.

Ex.8. Use the conversation from ex.7 to fill in a safety checklist.