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  1. Russian police

The organizational structure, methods and traditions of the police of the Russian Federation as well as the functions and organization of Ministry of Internal Affairs differ from the police of western countries.

One unique feature of policing approach in Russia is the system of territorial patronage over citizens. The duty of a policeman is to maintain close relations with the residents of his district. He is also responsible for tackling minor offences like family violence, loud noise, residential area parking etc.

Police personnel carry firearms, but are not permitted to carry their weapons when they are off duty.

Another unique feature is the use of conscripted soldiers from the Internal Troops for regular urban policing. On 1 March 2011 Russian law enforcers were renamed from militia to police.

  1. British police

The police in Britain are organized very differently from any other country. Most countries have a national police force which is controlled by central Government. Britain has no national police force although the police is supervised by the central Government’s Home Office. There is a separate police force for each of 52 areas into which the country is divided. Each has a police authority — a committee of local county councilors and magistrates. The policing of London is in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Force with headquarters at New Scotland Yard. The forces co-operate with each other but it is unusual for members of one force to operate in another’s area unless they are asked to give assistance.

All members of the British police must gain a certain level of academic qualifications at school and undergo a period of intensive training.

The police are helped by a number of special constables — members of the public who

work for the police voluntarily for a few hours a week. Women make up about 10 per cent of the police force. The British police generally do not carry firearms, except in Northern Ireland.

The police now use advanced modern equipment. This ranges from

motorbikes and squad cars to helicopters.

  1. Foundation principles of civil legislation of the rf

Civil legislation is founded on the recognition of the equality of participants in the relations which regulate the inviolability of property, the freedom of contract, the impermissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone whomsoever in private matters. Citizens (physical persons) and legal persons acquire and exercise law rights through their own free will and in their own interest. Civil law rights may be limited on the basis of federal law and only to the extent that is necessary for purposes of defending the foundations of constitutional order. Goods, services and capital shall vote freely throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Limitations on the movement of goods and services may be imposed by federal law.

Civil legislation determines the legal status of participants in civil law relations. Citizens (physical persons) and legal persons are the participants in relations regulated by civil legislation. The Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal formations may also participate in relations which are regulated by civil legislation. Civil legislation regulates relations between persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Inalienable human rights and freedoms are protected by civil legislation. Civil legislation is not applicable to property relations based on administrative or other governmental subordination of one party to another.