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Багновская П.Е., Дашдамирова И.В.

Методические рекомендации по английскому

языку для студентов 2 курса факультета

заочного обучения СГУС

Смоленск 2021




Багновская П.Е., Дашдамирова И.В.

Методические рекомендации по английскому

языку для студентов 2 курса факультета

заочного обучения СГУС

Смоленск 2021

УДК 8 (англ.) (07) ББК 81.432.1

Б. 75

Методические рекомендации по английскому языку для студентов 2 курса факультета заочного обучения СГУС.- Смоленск: СГУС, 2021.- с.16

Методические рекомендации подготовлены ст. преподавателями Багновской П.Е. и Дашдамировой И.В

Рекомендованы к изданию редакционно-экспертным советом Смоленского государственного университета спорта.

Подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков СГУС.

©Багновская П.Е., Дашдамирова И.В., 2021

©Смоленский государственный университет спорта, 2021.


Методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов 2 курса факультета заочного обучения СГУС, изучающих английский язык.

Основной целью дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в неязыковом вузе на факультете заочного обучения является обучение практическому владению иностранным языком, которое включает обучение переводу спортивной литературы и формирование иноязычной речевой деятельности для повседневного и профессионального общения. Задача изучения иностранного языка в неязыковом вузе заключается в том, чтобы научить будущего специалиста в области физической культуры, спорта и туризма получать необходимую информацию на иностранном языке и дать ему элементарные навыки общения на иностранном языке, особенно в современных условиях расширяющихся международных культурных и спортивных связей. Исходя из этих требований, методические рекомендации предполагают понимание иноязычной информации и умение выделить наиболее существенное.

Структура пособия включает в себя спортивный словарь каждого семестра, тексты для домашнего чтения, комплекс грамматических упражнений, вопросы по устным темам «Наша академия», «Спорт в нашей стране», «Великобритания»


2 курс

3 семестр

I. Перепишите слова и выражения в свой спортивный словарь, напишите их транскрипцию, пользуясь англо-русским словарем, и выучите их:


оборудование, снаряжение

to fence








indoor track-and-field stadium


light athletics

легкая атлетика



national team

сборная страны

national champion

чемпион страны

physical culture

физическая культура

physical education

физическое воспитание

sport hall

спортивный зал





skiing base

лыжная база

sport society

спортивное общество



physical culture

физическая культура

to go (went, gone) in for sports

заниматься спортом

kind of sport

вид спорта

branch of sport

вид спорта


вид спорта, соревнование, событие





gym (gymnasium)

спортивный зал

to have the first (second) degree

иметь первый (второй) разряд

to become (became, become)


Master of Sports

мастер спорта

Merited Master of Sports

заслуженный мастер спорта

Honoured Master of Sports

заслуженный мастер спорта

to train

тренировать (-ся), готовить







to take (took, taken) part in

принимать участие



to participate

принимать участие





to compete






to contest










(to) win (won, won)

победа, побеждать, выигрывать



II. Прочтите и переведите следующие тексты. Выпишите незнакомые слова по каждому тексту в словарь с транскрипцией и переводом:


The Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism was founded in 1950. The Academy buildings contain several gymnasiums, laboratories, lecture rooms, classrooms, etc. In the new building of the Academy, which has been built not far from the old one, we can see sport halls where our wrestlers, basketball players, volleyball players, fencers have their trainings. Near the Academy there is an outdoor stadium. Our Academy has three hostels. There is a large library with a comfortable reading-hall at the Academy.

The Academy trains PT instructors (teachers of physical culture) and coaches. There are three faculties at the Academy. The course of studies lasts 5 or 6 years in the extra-mural faculty. There are 14 chairs at the Academy: the chair of anatomy, the chair of physiology, the chair of foreign languages, many special chairs in different sports. The students study the following theoretical subjects: the theory of physical education, pedagogics, many sport subjects, such as skiing, track-and-field, sport games, gymnastics, etc. To become good specialists of physical education the students have to train regularly and persistently. They spend a lot of time in training in sports halls and stadiums. Every week they have three or four work-outs. There are many Masters of Sport among the students of the Academy. Some of them take part in national and international competitions.

Every academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of every term students take exams and oral tests. Third-year students have practice at different schools of our city. They not only give lessons of physical culture but work as class-masters. At the end of their course of studies students take their state exams and get diplomas. Many of the graduates work in various parts of our country. Some of them work as coaches in sports societies, sports clubs, children's sports centers, others work as teachers at schools.


When people speak about higher education in Great Britain they usually think of university education. There are 48 universities in Great Britain: 36 in England, 8 in Scotland, 1 in Wales and 2 in Northern Ireland.

The leading universities in England are Oxford, Cambridge and London. English universities differ greatly from each other. They differ in the date of foundation, history, traditions, general organization, methods of teaching, way of students' life, etc .Each university has its own problems.

The oldest and most famous universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. They were founded in the Middle Ages. Apart from lectures teaching is carried out by tutorial system, for which these two universities have always been famous. This is a system of individual teaching. Every student has a tutor, who plans his students' work. Each student goes to his tutor once a week to discuss the work which the student has prepared.

Sport is very popular among students. Rowing in fours or eights occupies a leading place in the sporting life of universities. The annual race between Oxford and Cambridge teams has become almost a national festival.

Примечания к тексту:

apart from lectures – кроме лекций carry out – осуществлять

tutorial system – система прикрепления студентов к отдельным консультантам


Physical education is a part of general education in our country. We begin to teach our children to love sports since early childhood. In pre-school establishments they learn to dance, run, jump and play the ball. Physical education is a compulsory subject at school, at all educational establishments. Many people take part in different competitions or go in for sports for fun.

Sport schools play an important part in the system of physical educations. There are many junior sport schools in our country. Thousands of qualified coaches work at these schools and their trainees take part in different competitions. Most of our outstanding athletes are junior sport schools graduates.

There are many physical culture higher educational establishments in Russia. They train physical culture teachers and coaches in different branches of sports. The largest physical culture universities are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Petersburg State National University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, the founder of Russian system of physical education, is one of the oldest in our country.

Among the graduates of these educational establishments there are many Olympic and World champions, recordholders, famous coaches and scientists.

There are splendid natural conditions in our country which make it possible to go in for over 40 kinds of sports including track-and-field athletics, various sport games, aquatic sports, gymnastics, weightlifting, fencing, etc.

If you want to keep fit, you must go in for sports. People who regularly go in

for sports are always healthy and strong. Some people do not go in for sports but they begin their day with morning exercises. Sports not only help people to develop physically but make them more organized in their daily life.

III. Повторите функции и значения слов one, this, that; страдательный залог.

Функции слов one, this, that

One выполняет в предложении три функции: может быть числительным, заменителем существительного, неопределённо-личным местоимением.

1)One – числительное. На русский язык переводится словом


Не gave me one of his favourite books to read. – Он дал мне почитать одну из своих любимых книг.

2)One – заменитель существительного. Употребляется вместо ранее упомянутого существительного в единственном числе, a ones – вместо существительного во множественном числе.

Football is a very old game and a very popular one. – Футбол очень старая

игра и очень популярная (игра).

1 don't like these white flowers, give me some red ones. – Мне не нравятся эти белые цветы, дайте мне красные (цветы).

3) One – неопределённо-личное местоимение. Является формальным подлежащим безличного предложения. На русский язык не переводится.

Неопределённое местоимение one может употребляться в форме притяжательного падежа.

One must know the history of one's country. – Нужно знать историю своей страны.

One must do it. – Это нужно сделать.

Ванглийском языке в качестве слов-заменителей употребляются также указательные местоимения this (these) и that (those). При переводе этих местоимений на русский язык они либо опускаются, либо переводятся соответствующими существительными.

Rivers in Great Britain are not so long as those in Russia – Реки в Великобритании не такие длинные, как (реки) в России.

Your performance is better than that of your friend. – Ваше выступление лучше, чем (выступление) вашего друга.

Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice)

Ванглийском языке глаголы имеют два залога – действительный (Active) и страдательный (Passive). В действительном залоге действие производится подлежащим. Не answered my question well. (Он хорошо ответил на мой вопрос). В страдательном залоге подлежащее не совершает действия, а подвергается действию со стороны другого лица или предмета.

The exercise was written yesterday. – Упражнение было написано вчера. (Упражнение написали вчера).

Страдательный залог образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и причастия прошедшего времени (3 форма) смыслового глагола. Дополнение с предлогом by выражает действующее лицо. Дополнение с предлогом with выражает орудие действия.

The letter was written with a pencil. The book was written by a young writer.

Таблица времён в страдательном залоге:








Indefinite (Simple)

Letters are written





letter will be


every day.

written yesterday.

written tomorrow.


The letter is being








written now.

being written

at 5




o'clock yesterday.





The letter has been

The letter had been














o'clock yesterday.











Future Continuous (будущее продолженное) не употребляется в страдательном залоге, вместо него употребляется Future Indefinite (будущее неопределённое). Времена Perfect Continuous (совершенные продолженные) не употребляются в страдательном залоге. Вместо них употребляются времена Perfect (совершенные).

Выполните грамматические упражнения

1. Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, учитывая изменения значений слов it, that, oneв зависимости от выполнения ими грамматических функций:

It is necessary to train regularly. That coach was a student of our institute. The book that I am reading is very interesting. Our trainer is an experienced one, he is a Master of Sport.

2.Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, учитывая различные значения глаголов (модальное, смысловое, вспомогательное):

My friend is a student. The boy is running fast. The train is to arrive at 5 o’clock. I have the first degree in track-and-field. We have taken part in many competitions. We have to study English.

3.Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, подчеркните сказуемое и определите его временную форму


Образец: We have already translated the text. have translated - Present Perfect, Active

I have been a member of the institute team. The finals for Russia Cup were

played last Sunday. Biathlon has been cultivated in our country only since 1965. Who will be included in the team which is to represent our country? The national gymnastics championship is being held in Moscow now. Football is played by two teams of 11 players each. We had had our training by 8 o'clock in the evening.

IV. Прочитайте вопросы и примерные ответы на них. Умейте отвечать на эти вопросы.

Вопросы по теме «Наша академия»

1.Where do you study? - I study at the Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism.

2.Where is the Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism situated? - The Academy is situated in Gagarin Avenue.

3.When did you enter the Academy? - I entered the Academy in 2019.

4.When will you graduate from the Academy? - I'll graduate from the Academy in 2023.

5.What faculty do you study in? - I am a student of the extra-mural faculty.

6.What year student are you? -I am a second-year-student.

7.What subjects do you study this term? - I study biochemistry, physiology, philosophy, a foreign language and others.

8.What sport facilities are there at the Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism? - There is a swimming pool, an ice palace, sports grounds and a stadium.

9.Are there many Masters of Sport among the students of the academy? – Yes, there are.

10.Where do the graduates of the Academy work? - The graduates of the Academy work at schools in different parts of the country.

11.What specialists does the Academy train? - The Academy trains teachers of physical culture and coaches.

Вопросы по теме «Спорт в нашей стране»

1.What is physical education in our country? – Physical education is a part of general education in our country.

2.When do we begin to teach our children to love sports? – We begin to teach our children to love sports since early childhood.

3.Is physical education a compulsory subject at school? – Yes, it is. Physical education is a compulsory subject at school.

4.Do many people take part in different competitions? – Yes, they do. Many people take part in different competitions or go in for sports for fun.

5.Who works at numerous junior sport schools in our country? – Thousands of qualified coaches work at these schools.

6.What are the largest physical culture higher educational establishments in our country? – The largest physical culture higher educational establishments in our country are those situated in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

7.Who us P.F. Lesgaft? – P.F. Lesgaft is the founder of Russian system of physical education.

8.Is it possible to go in for over 40 kinds of sports in our county? – Yes, it is.

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