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Possessive Case of Nouns

  1. Read, translate and remember:

a) 1. the box of the table = the table box, 2. the streets of the city = the city streets, 3. the door of the room = the room door, 4. the streets of our town = our town streets, 5. the boxes of the desk = the desk boxes, 6. the windows of the classroom = the classroom windows, 7. the pages of the book = the book pages, 8. the walls of the room = the room walls, 9. the display of the computer = the computer display, 10. the number of the phone = the phone number, 11. the legs of the table = the table legs.

b) 1. the job of my brother = my brother’s job 2. the tests of this student = this student’s tests 3. the cat of Ann = Ann’s cat 4. the name of my son = my son’s name 5. the name of this student = this student’s name 6. the bags of these boys = these boys’ bags 7. the dog of my sisters = my sisters’ dog 8. the mothers of those children = those children’s mothers 9. the names of those men = those men’s names

c) 1. the child’s room 2. Nick’s tie and hat 3. Ann’s sister 4. that boy’s bag 5. our parents’ car 6. their daughter’s teacher 7. the children’s toys 8. the men’s papers 9. those babies’ mothers 10. these women’s job 11. my mother’s name 12. her sister’s name 13. my parents’ names 14. the students’ tests and notes

d) 1. John’s ball is white. 2. These are John’s parents. His mother’s name is Helen and his father’s name is Bill. 3. These are Jill’s and Bob’s bicycles. Jill’s bicycle is red and Bob’s bicycle is blue. 4. This is Paul and Tina’s house. 5. These are the Ivanoves’ and the Kents’ houses. The Ivanoves’ house is very big and the Kents’ house is small and beautiful. 6. The boxers’ gloves are red. 7. Helga’s computer is old.

  1. Change the word combinations using the possessive case of nouns where possible:

1. the job of my father 2. the boxes of those workers 3. the name of our teacher 4. the dog of Mike 5. the letters of my friends 6. the students of the University 7. the papers of our director 8. the workers of our factory 9. the textbooks and notes of the students 10. the name of his brother 11. the name of their city 12. the room of his brothers 13. the room of my sister and her baby 14. the notebooks of this student 15. the dog of our friend 16. the room of his parents 17. the best tests of Jane and Kate 18. the ties of Nick and Mike 19. the little sister of this boy 20. the rooms of the flat 21. the students of our college 22. the director of the `factory 23. the plate of the cat 24. the friend of the man 25. the instruments of our doctor 26. the pages of the book 27. the flat of his sister 28. the doors of the shop

  1. Choose the right variant:

1. (The eyes of Helen, Helen’s eyes, Helens’ eyes) are green. 2. (My father’s car, My fathers’ car, The car of my father) is old. 3. (The shoes of the girls, The girls’ shoes, The girls shoes) are modern. 4. This is (Peter, Peters’, Peter’s) book. 5. That is (Nick’s and Kate’s, Nick and Kate’s) dog. 6. (My cats’ name, My cat’s name, The name of my cat) is Sherry. 7. (The trees leaves, The three’s leaves, The leaves of the tree) are red in autumn. 8. (The clown’s clothes, The clothes of the clown, The clowns’ clothes) are funny.

  1. Translate into English:

1. Учебник моей сестры 2. студенты нашего университета (University) 3. дома нашей улицы 4. дверь магазина 5. страницы книги 6. директор школы 7. стол учителя 8. автомобиль его отца 9. кошка нашего учителя 10. улицы этого города 11. стол и стул этого ребёнка 12. правильный ответ студента 13. контрольные работы студентов 14. комната моего друга 15. квартира моих друзей 16. друг Марии 17. контрольная работа Петра 18. цветочный магазин 19. ответы Анны 20. сын этого инженера 20. тетради студентов 21. письма экономистов 22. стол директора 23. его сестру зовут 24. её кошку зовут 25. эту девочку зовут 26. наших друзей зовут