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B.will have been seeing

C.will be seeing

8. “John has an exam tomorrow, doesn’t he?” “Yes. In fact, at this time tomorrow, he … the exam.”

A.will have been taking

B.will be taking

C.has taken

9. “Are you typing another report?”

“Yes. By the time I finish this one, I … twent y three reports


A.will have been typing

B.will have typed

C.will be typing

10.“Those two people have been dancing all evening .” “Yes. By 11 o’clock, they … for four hours.”

A.will have been dancing

B.will have danced

C.will be dancing

8.Выберите правильный ответ.

1.Next Monday, Amanda 1) will have been starting / is starting work. She 2) is going to work / will work for a large company in the city center. By the end of next week, she 3) will be finishing / will have finished her training.

2.My parents have been married for almost thirty years. In fact,

this time next month, they 1) will be celebrating / will have been celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. They 2) will have been living / will be living in the same house for twenty-five years by next Thursday, and, by the time my father is sixty, he 3) will work / will have been working for the same company for forty years.

9.Употребите глагол в скобках в нужном времени для обозначения будущего действия.

1. My grandmother is very old. She … (be) ninety next month. 2. I’m afraid I … (fail) my exams this year. 3. Thi s time next week, they

… (lie) on a sandy beach. 4. The team … (leave) the

office by 9 o’clock

tomorrow. 5. By 10 o’clock Sue … (drive) for twelve

hours. 6. Jenny …


(see) Paul at work, so she can give him the letter. 7. The film … (start) by the time they get to the cinema. 8. Tom expects he … (get) a pay rise

soon. 9. By 6 o’clock the secretary … (type) for th

ree hours. 10.I hope I

… (buy) my own car by the time I’m thirty. 11. I …

(help) you carry your

shopping. 12. Martin … (do) the work by Sunday even ing. 13. Mother … (go) to the supermarket tonight. She has already made her shopping list. 14. The play … (start) at 6 o’clock. 15. Laura and George … (go) on holiday next week. They have already bought tickets. 16. Wash your hands. Dinner … (be) ready in five minutes. 17. We … (not/go) to Penny’s party tonight because Jack is working. 18. The football match … (begin) in a few minutes. We’d better hurry up. 19. Jane will have to get up early when she … (start) her new job. 20. We’re very late. Mum … (return) home by now.

10.Переведите на английский язык.

1.Я думаю, что он будет участвовать в этой работе. 2. Не опаздывайте. Я буду ждать вас в библиотеке в 9 часов. 3. Приходите в 6 часов. Директор подпишет все документы к этому времени. 4. Весной будет три года, как я работаю в этой фирме. 5. “ Что ты будешь делать завтра в 8 часов?” “ Я думаю, что я уже приготовлю обед и буду смотреть телевизор.” 6. Что ты будешь делать, если погода будет плохая? 7. Если он позвонит мне, я расскажу ему об этом. 8. Поторопись! Когда он придет, ты все еще будешь упаковывать свои вещи. 9. Завтра в это время мы будем обсуждать наши планы. 10. Завтра будет месяц, как я жду его ответа. 11. Она не собирается оставаться здесь больше ни одной минуты. 12. Он улетает завтра в Лондон. Он пришлет телеграмму, как только прибудет туда. 13. К концу месяца я дочитаю эту книгу. 14. Я не пойду гулять, пока не кончится дождь.

15.Поезд уже уйдет к тому времени, когда мы приедем на станцию.

11.Употребите глаголы в скобках в нужном времени.


1. The ship … (go) to the north when a storm … (bre ak) out. 2. By

this time next year you … (graduate) from the Insti

tute. 3.

They …

(drive) at about forty miles an hour when the accident …



When I … (get) to the station, I … (learn) th

at the train … (leave)

a few minutes before. 5. All last week he …

(prepare) for the exams.


Water … (change) into ice when the temperature … (drop) be low

zero. 7. We … (see) your brother a week ago, but we

… (not/see) him

since then. 8. When we … (reach) the wood, we … (fi

nd) that strangers


… (occupy) the spot which we … (choose) for our pic

nic. 9. Up to now I

… (not/hear) anything from him. 10. I … (know) him


ever since we …

(be) children. 11. By the time he is thirty he …


ecome) a great

musician. 12. When I get back, they probably … (hav

e) supper. 13. I

shall cash the cheque as soon as the bank … (be) op

en. 14.

He very much

wanted to go to the Far East as he never … (be) the

re. 15. He … (go) to

the theatre every Sunday. 16. When we … (come) home

she still …

(make) dinner. 17. I … (try) to explain it to you f or half an hour, but you

… (not/listen) to me. 18. Ann is a good girl. She a

lways … (help) her

mother about the house. Today she … (help) her sinc

e morning. She …

(already/wash) the floor. Now they … (cook) dinner.



12. Выберите правильный ответ.



When Jake 1)… the door, he knew someone 2) … i

n the house.

Things were different. Earlier that morning he 3)

… a man standing

outside, and now he wondered if this man 4)… for hi

m to leave the

house. Jake went into the kitchen. The window was open. He was sure he 5)… it earlier. Next, he went into the garden. Jake knew something very strange 6)… on. He went back into the house. He had just got to the top of the stairs 7) … he heard a noise coming from the bedroom. Slowly, he opened the door and there, lying in the middle of the bed, was his sister! She 8) …! Jake was very relieved.


A. has opened

B. opens

C. opened


A. had been

B. is

C. has been


A. was seeing

B. had seen

C. has seen


A. is waiting

B. waited

C. had been waiting


A. had closed

B. was closing

C. had been closing


A. was going

B. went

C. have been going


A. after

B. when

C. while


A. was sleeping

B. slept

C. had slept

13.Выберите правильный ответ.

1.George has known Jane for / since two months. 2. How long ago / How long have you had your car? 3. She has yet / just left for America. 4. We are playing in the concert next week / last week. 5. He sometimes /ever plays football with his friends. 6. I since / always go shopping on Fridays. 7. Sam has yet/ never won a prize. 8. We went to a party last night / tonight. 9. He already / often gets up early in the


morning. 10. I have already / ever written seven books. 11. 11. Have you eaten just / yet? 12. Jack is being very friendly these days / soon.

14. Употребите глаголы в скобках в нужном времени.

1. – Where is Bill? – He … (do) his homework in his bedroom. 2. – Is this your purse? – Yes! I … (look) for i t all morning. Where was

it? 3. – I … (see) this film before. – Well, I ha

ven’t. Do you mind

watching it again? 4. – Tom … (seem) very sad. What

’s wrong with him?

– Oh, he got some bad news this morning. 5. – Jim’s

performance at the

concert was wonderful. – Well, he … (practise) a l ot recently. 6. – How

did you break your arm? – I broke it when I … (ski)

in France. 7. – Did

you enjoy your holiday? – Well, it didn’t do the wa y I … (plan) it, but it was fun. 8. – Joe is going on holiday next week. – Yes, I know. This

time next week he … (fly) to London. 9. – … (you /

complete) your report

by Friday?

– Yes, I’ll give it to you on Thurs day evening. 10. – Do you

live in Leeds? – No. I work in Leeds, but I … (live

) in York.

15.Переведите на английский язык.

1.Он был счастлив: он написал отличный доклад. 2. Где ты был с прошлой пятницы? 3. Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомнила, что она оставила книгу в поезде. 4. Они живут в этом доме уже пять лет. 5. Вы должны отдохнуть, вы слишком много работали сегодня. 6. Мы не получаем от нее писем уже несколько месяцев. 7. Ты знал, что он не написал курсовую работу? 8. Я уже две недели жил у друзей, когда получил письмо. 9. Наступила зима, и теперь мы опять будем ходить на каток. 10. Я думаю, что они будут здесь через полчаса, если поезд не опоздает. 11. Завтра в это время мы будем подъезжать (приближаться) к Сочи. 12. Он уехал на север несколько лет назад и с тех пор живет там. 13. Все уже лягут спать к тому времени, когда мы вернемся. 14. Закройте окно. Идет дождь, и стало холодно. Погода сильно изменилась с вчерашнего дня. 15. Когда я вошел, он положил книгу, которую читал, на стол и встал, чтобы поприветствовать меня. 15. Было холодно, так как солнце еще не взошло. 16. Я напишу вам после того, как поговорю с ним. 17. Я знаю его давно и могу сказать, что он хороший человек.

18.Если он придет после того, как я уйду, дайте ему письмо, которое лежит на столе. 19. Я шел уже около часа, когда, наконец, увидел маленький домик недалеко от реки. 20. Я сразу понял, что это тот дом, о котором мне говорил мой друг. Я подошел к дому и


постучал. Какая-то женщина сидела у окна и читала. Услышав стук, она всала и подошла к двери. 21. Вчера, когда я стоял на остановке, я заметил, что какой-то человек смотрит на меня внимательно. Я узнал своего друга, с которым учился в школе. Я не видел его с 2002 года и был очень рад , что встретил его.

16.Выберите правильный ответ.

1.“Was Tom pleased with the newspaper article abou t him?” “No, he was angry because his name …wring.”

A. spelt


B. had been spelt

C. is spelt


2. “Did you buy the picture?” “No, it … to me for


my birthday.”

A. was given

B. gave

C. is given



“Are you going to buy a wedding dress?”

“No. My

dress … by

my mother.”





A. is being made

B. is made

C. made



“Have you arranged the party yet?” “Yes. All the

invitations …







A. are sent

B. have been sent

C. sent



“So, have you had your book published?”

“Yes. I t … in all

bookshops from June 1st.”




A. will be

B. is

C. is being



“Do your cats eat a lot?” “No. They … once a day

, that’s all.”

A. is fed


B. are fed

C. fed



“Did you hear about the burglary



“Y es. The

thieves… now, haven’t they?”




A. have been caught

B. were caught

C. are caught


“Can you swim?” “ Oh yes. I … how to swim

when I was five.”

A. have been taught

B. am taught

C. was taught


“Doctors have to do a lot of work.” “Yes, but th ey … well.”

A. be paid

B. are paid

C. pay


10. “Where does that lady keep her jewellery?” “It

… in a safe

somewhere in her house.”




A. is kept

B. are kept

C. was kept



11. “What is happening over there?” “Oh, a new cine

ma … .”

A. is being built

B. is built

C. was built


12. “How is Kevin?” “Well, his car … last night, so

he’s upset





A. is stolen

B. has been stolen

C. was stolen

17. Употребите глаголы в скобках в нужном времени пассивного залога.

1. I’m going to a party tonight. I … (invite) by my friend. 2. Tom didn’t go to the meeting yesterday. It … (cancel). 3. After the boys … (rescue) from the river, they were taken to hospital. 4. I have a beautiful

jumper which… (knit) by my grandmother. 5. The

new bridge …

(build) already. 6. The tables … (set) before the r

estaurant opens

tonight. 7. Breakfast … (serve) every day from 7 a. m. to 10 a.m. 8. He … (consider) to be a very talented musician. 9. Tic kets … (sell) until the day of the concert. 10. Some new magazines … (just / bring). Would you

like to look them through? 11. The exercises … (usu

ally / correct) by

the teacher at home. 12. Many new houses … (build)

in our city lately.

13. They will pay the money as soon as the goods …

(deliver). 14. The

goods … (not / examine) yet at the custom-house. When they …

(examine)? 15. The question which … (discuss) now a

t the conference is

very important. 16. The documents … (not / sign) ye

t by the manager.

They … (check) now. 17. This room … (not / use) for

ages. 18. Don’t

look now, but I think we … (follow). 19. Last night

tow men … (kill) in a

fight in a nightclub. 20. English … (speak) as a

se cond language by

millions of people.


18.Переведите на английский язык.

1.Моего брата посылают в командировку. Сейчас он готовится к отъезду. 2. Эта книга была написана до того, как автор стал знаменитым. 3. Он серьезный человек. На него всегда можно положиться. 4. За старой женщиной ухаживает ее младшая сестра.

5. Исследовательская работа ведется во всех институтах нашей страны. 6. Русский музей в Санкт-Петербурге, который был поврежден во время войны, теперь полностью восстановлен. 7. Над ним смеялись, когда он сказал это. 8. На них смотрели с большим интересом, когда они появились в зале. 9. Я уверен, что его будут


слушать с большим вниманием. 10. Если мне предложат эту работу, я, конечно, соглашусь. 11. Нам сказали, что он уехал на завод, и что его ожидают не раньше 8 часов. 12. На днях мне рассказали очень интересный рассказ. 13. Что производится на этой фабрике? 14. Наш завод оборудован современными машинами. 15. Когда пришел директор, все было готово: документы были проверены, и письма были напечатаны. 16. Это соглашение недавно заключено. 17. Мне еще ничего не говорили об этом. 18. В нашем городе сейчас строится новый театр.


The infinitive

1. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на различные функции инфинитива. Назовите функции инфинитива:

1. It was impossible to explain what he meant. 2. To make a choice between these two proposals was quite difficult. 3. To see is to believe. 4. To swim in the Black Sea was a real pleasure. 5. It takes him nearly an hour to get to work. 6. He wants to accept your offer. 7. He wants to be accepted to the Institute. 8. He is happy to have been accepted to the Academy. 9. I am sorry to have interrupted you. 10. This is the problem to be solved as soon as possible. 11. That was a nice seaside place to spend the holidays. 12. I need a pen to write with. 13. Lomonosov was the first to use the Russian language in scientific books. 14. She was the last to speak at the meeting. 15. We were the first to ring him up and to tell the news. 16. He told us nothing about his plan of research work to be carried out next year. 17. I have something interesting to tell you. 18. There was nothing interesting at the exhibition to attract our attention. 19. To master this speciality one must work hard. 20. To improve drawing skill one must draw every day. 21. A certain temperature must be kept in picture galleries to preserve paintings. 22. To come to my office in time I must leave at 7.30. 23. They were looking for somebody to help them with the experiment. 24. He was nowhere to be seen. 25. He was too excited to explain his position clearly. 26. The student was clever enough to solve any mathematical problem.


2. Скажите, что действие, о котором идет речь, произошло в прошлом, по образцу. Переведите предложения:

Example: We are glad to see you.

We are glad to have seen you.

1.She is happy to meet you. 2. I am glad to be invited to the party.

3.We are glad to hear the news. 4. She is sorry to keep you waiting.

5.He is happy to speak at the meeting. 6. I am sorry to trouble you.

7.I am glad to help him. 8. He was glad to be helped. 9. They were happy to take part in our expedition. 10. He was happy to work with the famous scientist.

3. Видоизмените предложения, употребив Passive Infinitive, по образцу. Переведите предложения:

Example: We are glad to meet you.

We are glad to be met by you.

1. I don’t want to ask about it. 2. She wants to tell the story. 3. I am glad to invite them. 4. I don’t like to interrupt you. 5. She hopes to provide you with everything necessary for the work. 6. He is happy to paint you. 7. This little boy likes to read. 8. I want to show you a new picture. 9. He was glad to have helped his friend. 10. I want to listen to you.

4. Ответьте на вопросы по образцу, используя Infinitive в функции обстоятельства:

Example: Why did you go out? (buy some bread)

I went out to buy some bread.

1. Why do you have to go to the bank? (change some money) – I have to go … . 2. Why did she knock on your door? (wake me up) – She … . 3. Why are you saving money? (go to Canada) – I … . 4. Why is Ron going into hospital? (have an operation) 5. Why are you wearing two pullovers? (keep warm) 6. Why did you go to the police station? (report that my car had been stolen) 7. Why did she telephone you? (invite me to a party) 8. Why did you shout? (warn everyone of the danger) 9. Why are you going to Spain? (learn Spanish) 10. Why did you ask me about it? (get some additional information)


5. Используйте в данных предложениях подходящий по смыслу глагол в инфинитиве:

Examples: The minister has a bodyguard to protect him.

There were no chairs to sit on, so we all had to sit on the floor.

1. We are having a party … Ann’s birthday. 2. I didn’t have enough time …the newspaper today. 3. We’ve got no furnitur e – not even a bed … in. 4. I think I need some new clothes … . 5. Tom didn’t have enough energy … the mountain. 6. There will be a meeting next week … the problem. 7. I need a box … these books in. 8. It’s a pity we haven’t got any pictures … on the wall. 9. I wish I had enough money … a new car. 10. I wish I had some time … a rest.

6. Вместо придаточных предложений употребите инфинитив в функции определения по образцу:

Example: This is a list of words which must be learnt.

This is a list of words to be learnt.

1. We’ll find someone who will help us if you are busy. 2. The project which is to be submitted next week is not ready yet. 3. The work which is to be done by the students includes written translation from English into Russian. 4. The task which is to be fulfilled is quite clear to us. 5. He was the first who made a report. 6. This is the article which is to be published next month. 7. The secretary brought the papers that will be looked through. 8. The problems that will be discussed are vital for our work. 9. The decision which must be made is hardly an easy one. 10. The people that will be invited to the conference will receive special invitations. 11. Teenagers are people who express their desire to be different by dressing alike. 12. Extravagance is a word which describes how other people spend their money.

7. Переделайте предложения в (а) и (б) по данным образцам:

а) Example: The text is too long. It can’t be translated quickly. The text is too long to be translated quickly.

1. The problem is too complicated. It can’t be solved at once. 2. They are too slow. They can’t take part in the contest. 3. The truth is too obvious. It can’t be concealed. 4. The book is too easy. You can read it without a dictionary. 5. This phenomenon is too complex. It can’t be


explained at once. 6. She was so excited. She couldn’t utter a word. 7. He was so angry. He wouldn’t speak to me. 8. She was too tired. She couldn’t go on working. 9. This suitcase is too heavy. It can’t be carried. 10. The work is too complicated. It can’t be done quickly.

б) Example: The text is easy. It can be translated without a dictionary. The text is easy enough to be translated without a dictionary.

1. The student is clever. He can solve the problem quickly. 2. They are careful. They can take part in this dangerous enterprise. 3. The man is energetic. He will succeed. 4. Professor Jones is experienced. He can supervise the work of the most gifted graduates. 5. This factor is important. It should be taken into consideration. 6. She knows English well. She can read Somerset Maugham in the original. 7. The man was not very strong. He was unable to swim the distance. 8. This bus route isn’t very convenient. It won’t be used by many peo ple. 9. The question isn’t very easy. It can’t be answered by every stud ent. 10. The girl is very sociable. She communicates easily.

8. Переведите следующие предложения, используя выражения, данные ниже:

To tell the truth – по правде говоря; to begin with – прежде всего; начнем с того, что; во-первых; to conclude/to sum up – в

заключение; to say nothing of – не говоря уже о …; to put it simply – попросту говоря; to put it briefly; to cut a long story short – короче говоря; to put it another way – иначе говоря; to put it mildly – мягко выражаясь; to speak frankly – честно говоря.

1. Their invention is of great scientific value, to say nothing of its possible economic effect. 2. To put it another way, inventions appear at times when societies need them. 3. To avoid making mistakes is difficult, because, to begin with, to err is human. 4. To put it briefly, this work must be done. 5. To tell the truth, we expected quite different results of this experiment. 6. To put it simply, special devices allow the whole system to function automatically. 7. And to tell you the truth I’m glad to have a companion myself. 8. To cut a long story short, everything ended to her delight. 9. To put it mildly, he is not the best speaker: his voice is low, and he speaks too fast to be understood. 10. To begin with, children should be taught how to speak to each other and to their elders. 11. To