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Киреева Куклина англ

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speak frankly, I don’t like people who hear only themselves.

9. Переведите на английский язык, используя инфинитив:

a) Дом, который надо построить; текст, который надо перевести; выставка, которую надо посмотреть; письмо, которое надо отправить; статья, которую надо опубликовать.

б) 1. Я рад, что купил билеты заранее. 2. Вопрос, который предстоит обсудить, имеет огромное значение. 3. Вы помните, кто ушел из лаборатории последним? 4. Профессор Иванов принял наше предложение первым. 5. Наша задача выполнить эту работу как можно скорее. 6. Мне потребовалось много времени, чтобы перевести эту статью. 7. Чтобы сделать хороший доклад, ему пришлось прочесть много книг. 8. Я не помню, чтобы я говорил вам об этом. 9. Трудиться долг каждого. 10. А. С. Попов первым изобрел радио. 11. Новое здание, которое будет построено вместо старого, спроектировано молодым архитектором. 12. Вот бумага для рисования. 13. У нас много вопросов, которые нужно решить. 14. По правде говоря, я не смогу закончить эту работу сегодня. 15. Прежде всего, вам надо обратиться к врачу. 16. Честно говоря, я не хочу видеть его сегодня.

в) 1. Он хочет, чтобы его послали учиться. 2. Я хочу, чтобы меня включили в список участников конференции. 3. Она надеется, что ей покажут курсовые работы этих студентов. 4. Я рад, что мне помогли. 5. Он не любит, когда ему мешают. 6. Он только хотел, чтобы с ним поговорили.

Конструкция “For … to + infinitive”

The “for … to + infinitive” construction

1.Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1.The only thing for him to do was to join us.

2.It won’t be necessary for us to measure the distance between these two points.

3.Is the question too difficult for her to answer?

4.We waited for the concert to begin.

5.Here is the book for you to read in the train.

6.For the meeting to be a success much preliminary work must


be done.

7.We are waiting for the jury to announce their verdict.

8.It will take a number of years for the two sides to come to an agreement.

9.It will be convenient for all of us to have the examination on


10.It was difficult for scientists to find the positron though they believed that there should be a positive electron with an opposite charge to the negative electron.

11.There is no need for the steamer to call at Tuapse.

12.It was necessary for him to return immediately.

13.There is no reason for us to change the terms of payment.

14.There was no time for them to examine the goods that day.

2. Дополните следующие предложения:


1. It is necessary for her … . 2. It is advisab le for them … . 3. They

waited for us … . 4. It was important for them … .

5. There was no

reason for him … . 6. It is time for me …

. 7. It is quite natural for you

… . 8. It is very unusual for a teacher…





1. When we finished packing it was time for … t

o … . 2. He took a

taxi as it was necessary for … to … . 3. They took

a porter because the

luggage was too heavy for … to … . 4. If you wish t

o pass your exam

well it is necessary for … to … . 5. An engineer mu

st know strength of

materials otherwise it would be impossible for … to

… . 6. You must be

attentive in class otherwise it will be difficult for … to …

. 7. Grandmother

should put on her glasses otherwise it’ll be impossible for … to …

. 8. It’s

late, it’s high time for … to …





3. Из данных слов и выражений составьте предложения, употребляя конструкцию “for … to + Infinitive”:

It is necessary


take a different view

It is important


take some interest in politics

It is essential


confront reality/face facts

It is impossible


deny the progress of science

It is easy


say that

It is too cold



It is difficult


do this work in such a short time


It is too late

your son

go for a walk

It is desirable

these students

prepare for the exam better

4. Перефразируйте


используя the “for … to +

Infinitive” construction:

Example: He held the door open so that she could get in. He held the door open for her to get in.

1.I think the best thing would be if you see him for yourself. 2. She held out the telegram so that I might see it. 3. It’s quite natural that you should think so. 4. The first thing he must do is to ring them up. 5. Let us wait till they settle this matter. 6. This is a problem you should solve all by yourself. 7. I shall bring you the article that you may read. 8. I gave an umbrella to the children lest they should get wet through. 9. It is unbelievable that a man should go so far beyond his limit. 10. He spoke loudly so that everyone might hear him. 11. There is nothing that I may add. 12. It is very unusual that he should have said such a thing. 13. It’s high time you knew Grammar well. 14. This is a boy you can play with.

4.Ответьте на вопросы:

1.Is it necessary for you to do your homework every day? 2. Is it easy for you to study well? 3. What is the easiest subject for you to study? 4. What is the most difficult subject for you to study? 5. Is it possible for you to come home as late as you want? 6. Is it possible for you to get up as late as you want? 7. Is it necessary for you to go to the library every week? 8. Is it important for you to study well? 9. Is it necessary for you to work in the reading-room? 10. What are the most important things for you to be successful in future life? 11. Is it necessary for a future engineer to know English?

5.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1.Он объяснил это правило еще раз, чтобы каждый студент понял его. 2. Все ждали, чтобы семестр закончился и начались каникулы. 3. Молодому человеку трудно сейчас найти работу.

4.Невозможно, чтобы он оставил свою дочь дома одну так поздно.

5.Он говорил слишком быстро, чтобы я мог понять его. 6. Он дал нам несколько своих статей, чтобы мы использовали его данные в нашем исследовании. 7. Лектор говорил достаточно громко, чтобы все могли слышать его. 8. Очень важно, чтобы вы прочли


автобиографию Эйнштейна. 9. Необходимо, чтобы этот вопрос был решен как можно скорее. 10. Ужасно, что они так себя ведут. 11. Вам нет необходимости отвечать на это письмо сразу же. 12. Ему необходимо быть здесь завтра в 5 часов. 13. Нам трудно сделать эту работу в такой короткий срок. 14. Текст был слишком трудный, чтобы он мог перевести его без словаря.

Сложное дополнение с инфинитивом

The objective-with-the infinitive construction

1.Найдите в следующих предложениях The Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. I want you to describe her appearance. 2. He wants me to design a monument to this famous general. 3. They want us to celebrate the anniversary of the foundation of our town. 4. We wish our consumer goods to meet the requirements of the population. 5. I would like my sister to listen to the weather forecast. 6. They wish the article to be published next month. 7. We know him to have been an excellent portrait painter. 8. We know Kramskoy to succeed in understanding and revealing the deep inner world of the poet. 9. She didn’t ex pect me to estimate the significance of his work. 10. I did not expect her to arrive so quickly. 11. We expected them to come to the same decision. 12. When do you expect her to submit her project? 13. We believe her to earn her own living herself. 14. We believed them to have changed the plan. 15. We know the report to have consisted of two parts. 16. We consider Lomonosov to be the founder of the Russian literary language. 17. He considered himself to be the happiest man when he got an opportunity to attend our party. 18. We found them to be interested in the problem. 19. Everybody found the hall to be a nice place for dancing. 20. We saw the car stop at the door. 21. Nobody noticed him leave the room. 22. They felt him tell the truth. 23. He made us prepare short reports on current events. 24. Our teacher makes us listen to the tapes and fulfill English laboratory works.

2. Составьте предложения, используя The Objective-with-the

Infinitive Construction:


I want


to interrupt you.


I’d like


to be interrupted by you.



Do you want


to tell the news.


I don’t want


to be told the news.


I didn’t expect


to accept your invitation.


I dislike


to be accepted to the University.


I hate


to go sightseeing.




to wash one’s hands.




to change one’s opinion.




to express one’s opinion.




to drop litter in the street.




to smoke in public places

3. Переделайте следующие предложения, заменив придаточные

предложения The Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction.

Следуйте образцу:

Example: She watched how he went away. – She watche d him go away. We knew that they would come soon. – We knew them to

come soon.

1. I’ve never heard how he spoke about his life in India. 2. We knew that they had already arrived. 3. He saw that the secretary came in. 4. I don’t think that these people are very intelligent. 5. The peoples of the world consider that their leaders are able to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. 6. I didn’t expect that she would catch the train. 7. She thought that we had influenced their decision. 8. We know that the East End of London is unattractive in appearance. 9. We know that this ancient building was destroyed and rebuilt several times. 10. We expected that he would do his best to help us. 11. He expects that great sums of money will be spent on housing construction in this district. 12. We suppose that the underground is the most convenient means of transport. 13. I saw that she entered the house. 14. Have you heard how he plays the piano?

4. Переделайте следующие предложения, заменив The Objective- with-the Infinitive Construction придаточными предложениями.

Следуйте образцу:

Example: I knew the message to be urgent. – I knew that the message was urgent.

1. They thought him to be an eminent scientist. 2. We expected the partners to agree on a number of issues. 3. He knew the work to be under way. 4. His fellow-countrymen thought Gandhi to be a prophet. 5. He


expected the masses to fight for their independence. 6. We assume these errors to be of no importance. 7. We suppose his discovery to be accidental. 8. We consider him to be a real genius. 9. We heard somebody open the door. 10. I believed that they would consider the phenomenon. 11. She heard something fall on the ground. 12. He heard somebody call his name. 13. We noticed the captain appear on the bridge. 14. We expect the contracts to be signed tomorrow.

5. Дополните предложения из раздела А предложениями из раздела Б, используя The Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction:

А. 1. I didn’t want … .



1. He left the room.





The director of the



2. Somebody touched her.


plant expected … .












He thinks…





















She hopes…













delivered in time.






She felt…



They wi ll ask me about it





again and again.






They wish



6. Somebody came in the room.


Nobody noticed…








tapes after













Our teacher often makes…












weeks ago.








Do you want…



Her husband bo

ught everything





for the party.






10. He heard…


10. Their a rticle will be published





as soon as possible.




11. The captain ordered…


11. I will go wi

th you.



6. a) Обсудите отношения между родителями и детьми,

используя The Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction:




to be polite.




to be intelligent.




to be kind.




to be friendly.




to be honest.




to be hardworking.





to be punctual.




to come home in time.




to study well.




to go in for sports.




to wash one’s hands before meals.




to help about the house.




to go to bed early.




not to be rude.



not to be stupid.





not to be lazy.




not to be dirty.



not to be forgetful.






not to be unhappy.







not to be unkind.




not to smoke.




not to dance all night.




not to stay away from classes.




not to drink strong drinks.




not to stay up late.




not to listen to music all day long

Children want


to be kind.




to be friendly.




to understand them.

to give them pocket money. to buy them all they want. to leave them alone.

to help them with their problems.

b)Задайте вопросы о ваших отношениях с родителями и друзьями и ответьте на них, используя The Objective-with-the

Infinitive Construction.

c)Задайте вопросы вашему другу и выясните, чего он/она ожидают от своих друзей, преподавателей, родителей.

7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык,

используя The Objective-with-the Infinitive Construction:

1. Я сомневаюсь, что он перевёл этот текст сам. 2. Преподаватели


не любят, когда студенты опаздывают. 3. Я думаю, эта проблема будет решена в ближайшем будущем. 4. Мы знаем, что его машину украли в прошлом году. 5. Он не хочет, чтобы кто-то об этом знал. 6. Никто не заметил, как она ушла. 7. Никто никогда не слышал, как он поёт. 8. Директор приказал, чтобы оборудование было установлено как можно скорее. 9. Мне не нравится, когда вы так себя ведёте. 10. Я думаю, ваш компьютер уже отремонтировали. 11. Мы надеемся, погода завтра будет хорошая. 12. Не заставляйте его есть кашу, если он не хочет. 13. Я верю, что они поймут меня. 14. Я никогда не видел, чтобы он плакал. 15. Что заставило вас поступить подобным образом?

Сложное подлежащее с инфинитивом

The subjective-with the infinitive construction

1. Переведите на русский язык:

A.1. This river is believed to be suitable for navigation. 2. The river Thames is known to divide the city into two parts. 3. Many famous generals and admirals are said to have been buried inside the Cathedral. 4. This ancient Cathedral is considered to have been designed by an

outstanding English architect. 5. This monument is considered to have been erected as early as the 11th century. 6. Mathematical analysis is considered to be a difficult subject. 7. Sports events are reported to have aroused great interest and to have attracted a lot of spectators. 8. The trade union conference to be held next month is reported to be attended by many foreign guests. 9. This factory is known to produce modern furniture. 10. Wood is regarded to be the oldest material used in engineering structures. 11. English is supposed to belong to a branch of Germanic family of languages. 12. Her progress is thought to have surpassed all imagination.

B.1. Great sums of money are likely to have been spent on the research work in this branch of science. 2. He is sure to have done his best to find out the address. 3. The plane is sure to be the quickest means of transport. 4. The success of the exhibition is likely to surpass expectations. 5. The letter is unlikely to reach him in time. 6. My watch is likely to be five minutes fast. 7. He is sure to have been influenced by them. 8. He is sure to have displayed his great abilities of composing


music. 9. They are certain to inform us about their plans. 10. The application of science and technology in all field is certain to affect the structure of society as a whole. 11. However the mental capacity of computers is unlikely to reach human level in the nearest future. 12. Very soon portable computers are sure to be able to solve almost any problem faster and more efficiently than we can.

C. 1. The exhibition proved to be a success. 2. He proved to be a talented composer. 3. The current in the river seems to be slow. 4. The winter fogs in London seem to be simply awful. 5. This church appears to be made of wood. 6. He seems not to understand the importance of this event. 7. The discussion proved to be too long. 8. They seem not to approve of our plan. 9. They appear to be very interested in their work. 10. At first everyone thought he was lazy, but he turned out to be a hard worker. 11. The doctor chanced to be there at the time of the accident. 12. These two scientists happened to work at the same problem.

2. Закончите следующие предложения, употребляя простой или перфектный инфинитив в активе или пассиве:

1. The speed of the car is known to …


. 2. This team is expected to

… . 3. The diesel engine is known to …

. 4. The results are supposed

to … . 5. The weather is assumed to …

. 6. The radio was thought to

… . 7. The calculations were considered to …

. 8. The new system was

believed to …

. 9. The scientist is always supposed to … . 10. The match

is reported to …

. 11. The road is expected to … . 12. The design is said

to … .


3. Замените придаточные предложения Subjective-with-the Infinitive


Example: It is said that he knows the subject well.

He is said to know the subject well.

A. 1. It is believed that the expedition will return next Sunday. 2. It is supposed that the students have already submitted their term papers. 3. It was said that the performance had been a success. 4. It is supposed that the coming conference is of great importance for our work. 5. It is known that the word “smog” is a combination of the two wo rds “smoke” and “fog”. 6. It is known that the Gulf Stream brings w arm waters to the British shores. 7. It is believed that he spent 10 years in Africa. 8. It is


reported that great construction work is going on in their city. 9. It is assumed that “hot”, “warm” and “cold” are not very definite terms.

B.1. It seems that the strength of this beam is great. 2. It appears that each atom represents something similar to our solar system. 3. It seems that he possesses a valuable collection of pictures. 4. It seems that the weather is improving. 5. It happened that I was ill at that time. 6. It seems that she is seriously ill. 7. It turned out that he had done nothing to help her. 8. It seems to me that he was very tired.

C.1. It is likely that the meeting will take place tomorrow. 2. It is unlikely that my watch is 10 minutes slow. 3. It is certain that the fog is

one of the most typical features of London climate. 4. It is likely that we shall take examinations on the 10th of January. 5. It is sure that computers find wide application in every-day life. 6. It is unlikely that he will be given another chance to take the examination. 7. It is sure that all details of the plan were discussed long ago. 8. It is sure that he was taken with the expedition to the Caucasus.

4. Преобразуйте следующие предложения, употребив The Subjective-with-the Infinitive Construction. Используйте глаголы,

данные в скобках.

Example: History repeats itself. (to know)

History is known to repeat itself.

1. Leonardo da Vinci discovered and laid down immortal principles in the theory of art. (to know) 2. Leonardo da Vinci designed the first parachute (to suppose) 3. Leonardo denied himself meat out of an aversion to the killing of animals. (to say) 4. Applied science will produce a vast increase in entirely new synthetic products of all kinds (to expect). 5. Rapid expansion of industrialization leads to an exhaustion of natural resources (to believe). 6. Close cooperation between scientists and scientific institutions all over the world is one of the most striking characteristics of modern science (to consider). 7. Charles Spencer Chaplin made more people laugh than any other human being in the history of the world. (to know) 8. Tom is worried about something (to seem). 9. That man is looking for something (to be likely) 10. His car has broken down (to appear). 11. She has lost weight (to be sure). 12. The prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall (to be unlikely).