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Text 1. My Family

There are different views on family life. Many people could not live without the support and love of their family. Others say their family life is full of problems and brings them a lot of trouble. There are people who say that traditional family life is a thing of the past. They see many dangerous things - the growing number of one-parent families, the high divorce rate, poor discipline within the family, sex before marriage. Such social problems as poverty, drug taking, and alcohol also ruin family life nowadays. As for me family is the most precious thing, because this is where I find love, understanding and peace. Our family is quite large: it consists of five people – my parents, my elder sister, my younger brother and me.

My father, Victor Ivanovitch, is a tall and well-built man with short dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He is 45. He is an engineer by profession. He works at a plant producing aircraft equipment. By nature my father is a quiet man. My mother is, on the contrary, energetic and talkative. Her name is Olga Petrovna. She is two years my father's junior, she's 43. Our mother is a pleasant-looking woman, with beautiful chestnut hair and soft dark-brown eyes. My mother is a teacher of German. Her pupils like her subject very much and read a great many books in English. Most of all I admire my mother’s ability to combine work with work about the house and she manages it very well. My father is a very practical man as far as his job goes, but in everyday life he is unpractical, and he needs mother to look after him.

I have an elder sister, Helen. She is five years my senior. My sister is a children's doctor, but now she is a housewife. She doesn't live with us as she has her own family. She is married. She has a husband and two children, a son and a daughter. They are twins. My nephew's name is Danil, my niece's name is Dasha. They are only two years old. They are very nice and amusing. I like to baby-sit with them when my sister has some other business.

Our parents don't always agree with what we say, what clothes we wear, what music we listen to and what friends we bring home. They say it's not easy to be parents. As you can see we have problems in our family. On week-ends we often go to the village where our grandmother lives. She is always happy to see us. When I was little she used to tell me fairy-tales and stories of her life. She is in her late sixties. She is in poor health and asks us to come and see her more often.

I have many other relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins. We don't see one another very often, but when we are all together we have a great time.

Задание 2. Грамматический материал

(для всех вариантов)

I. Выберите правильный ответ и поставьте букву варианта ответа на место пропуска.

1. She is the ... daughter of my father's friend.

a) oldest c) older

b) eldest d) old

2. Where ... she come from?

a) does c) is

b) do d) did

3. Jack plays tennis very ....

a) good c) well

b) best d) better

4. Shame on me! I've got... composition in class.

a) the baddest c) the worst

b) worst d) worse

5. I ... agree with you about most things.

a) am not c) aren't

b) don't d) is not

6. My younger sister has got a lot of pens and pencils. She ...

a) like to draw c) like drawing

b) likes drawing d) likes to draw

7. ... people are coming for a meal on Sunday?

a) How much c) How many

b) How old d) How

8. Did you go ... yesterday?

a) anywhere c) anything

b) somewhere d) anyhow

9. ... people are coming for a meal on Sunday?

a) How much c) How many

b) How old d) How

10. Where ... last night, John?

a) did you be c) was you

b) were you d) are you

11. I'm afraid,... no time to do it now. I must be off.

a) it is c) there is

b) there isn't d) there are

12. It... rain in winter.

a) don't c) doesn't

b) isn't d) did not

13. ... him about it.

a) Nobody told c) Anybody didn't tell

b) Nobody didn't tell d) Anybody told

14. How long ... to get to work?

a) does it take you c) do you take

b) do it take you d) it takes you