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Vocabulary Test 6

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.

1. The buyer wanted the furniture manufacturer to cut his prices.

A) do away with B) make use of C) reduce D) review

2. The prime ingredient in table salt is sodium.

A) curious B) unexpected C) effective D) main

3. The temperature of water can accelerate a chemical reaction.

A) quicken B) increase C) delay D) stop

4. He is very enthusiastic about his acceptance to the University.

A) excited B) pleased C) passive D) non-committal

5. What is necessary now is a correct balance of the use of coal, gas, oil and nuclear power.

A) method in B) mixture of C) technique D) technology in

6. The cup was filled to the rim.

A) to the brim B) too full C) overflowing D) half way

7. She always avoided her bad-tempered aunt.

A) disliked B) remembered C) took care of D) evaded

8. I was all alone and felt like crying.

A) sad B) unhappy C) lonely D) unloved

9. He looked up just as the sun emerged from the cloud.

A) vanished in B) covered C) appeared out of D) revealed

10.A flying aeroplane maintains its equilibrium as long as there is sufficient support from the pressure of air or wind against its wings.

A) equanimity B) balance C) ability to fly D) flight path

Vocabulary Test 7

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.

1. A conscientious scientist hardly ever bases his research on a guess.

A) probably B) variably C) scarcely D) undeniably

2. The University basketball team is undoubtedly the best one in the city.

A) persistently B) relatively C) certainly D) practically

3. There is an abundance of ore in the mountain area.

A) a wide variety B) more than sufficient C) a unique type D) a common type

4. Severe criticism does not create a supportive learning environment.

A) harsh B) unfair C) special D) light

5. They adapted slowly because their surroundings were so new to them.

A) warmed up B) adjusted C) frozen D) improved

6. Congress is discussing tax rates tomorrow in a closed session.

A) abolishing B) reducing C) debating about D) revoking

7. He has a fine apartment with all the modern conveniences.

A) house B) flat C) office D) department

8. The child died from lack of care and proper nourishment.

A) excess B) desire C) denial D) absence

9. The basic colours of the spectrum are red, blue and yellow.

A) necessary B) secondary C) exceptional D) primary

10. His attempts to shift the blame for his defeat onto his companion met no response.

A) responsibility B) importance C) reason D) necessity

Vocabulary Test 8

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase.

1. Modern technology was not generally available before the 1930s.

A) at the time of B) prior to C) due to D) thanks to

2. A group of geologists explored the caves.

A) isolated B) inscribed C) tested D) examined

3. Ecologists are advocating measures to clean the polluted areas.

A) supporting B) opposing C) discouraging D) believing in

4. The Mississippi River flood in 1994 was devastating.

A) divisible B) crushing C) damaging D) shocking

5. At times the vital balance between animals and plants is upset by man’s interference.

A) good intentions B) intrusion C) assistance D) withdrawal

6. Congress is discussing tax rates tomorrow in a closed door session.

A) abolishing B) reducing C) debating about D) revoking

7. Suddenly a cloud appeared on the horizon.

A) emerged B) grew larger C) was hidden D) turned back

8. His enthusiasm for sports affected the results of his school examination.

A) effected B) improved C) influenced D) inspired

9. The population of the town is slightly less than one hundred thousand people.

A) even B) a little C) a lot D) much

10. Gradually the participants of the conference filled the conference hall.

A) all at once B) recently C) suddenly D) little by little

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