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Language in use for analysis

rich display of synonymous expressions

emotionally-coloured / neutral words

characteristic features peculiar to the syntax and vocabulary

rich sensualism

the barest economy of expression

careless colloquialisms, vulgar colloquial phrases

charming simplicity

powerful, rich images

explosion of emotion

scientific observation

the stylish elegance of the prose

the key word

the metaphoric picture

the frequent use of

The imagery employed by the writer

the effectiveness of the stylistic device for conveying…

crisp and direct writing

brilliant, idiosyncratic language

to be a miracle of precision

to use colour and word-sounds

to possess the most original talent

to contribute into the illusion of

to lend vitality to

to personify nature

to stand in glaring contrast to

to produce an effect of

to adopt the style imitating that of

to add a dramatic flavour to the extract

Style: plain / clear / calm / humorous / conversational / flaming / jeering / coarse / pompous / concise and laconic / utterly devoid of sentiment / high-flown / elevated / grand

Manner: matter-of-fact / suggestive / exceedingly tense

Language: violent / old-fashioned / colourful

The atmosphere of the growing suspense is created by…

The rhythm and the intonation of the prose imitate…

The ironic intention of the author affects the style.

The syntax contributes to … effect

The grammatical constructions favoured by the author are…

The effect is highlighted by the use of…

The writer resorts to various expressive means and stylistic devices …

Each word is in place, every sentence is constructed with the aim of contributing sharply to the ultimate and clearly envisioned effect.

An acute observer of people and situations, the writer describes them in few words, but with great sensitivity.

II. Strategies

  1. Plan your literary analysis essay. Your outline can help you organize your thoughts, but keep yourself open to new ideas and interpretations that occur to you as you draft. To start your draft, you might begin with a thesis statement.

  2. Organize your draft. Keep in mind the following points for making your analysis effective:

  • In the introduction to your literary analysis, identify the title and author of the work you are analyzing, and briefly state your main point.

  • Provide enough of a summary of the work, so that your essay can be clear to those unfamiliar with the work. Avoid giving a detailed plot summary.

  • Cover all the points suggested in this Guide (genre, social and cultural context, thematic structure, the author’s tone and intent, composition, view-point, type of narration, methods of characterisation, setting, language and style, imagery, etc).

  • Use quotations from the text to show that your statements are valid. Explain how the quotations support your ideas about the text. Avoid long quotations. Remember to place quotation marks at the beginning and end of the passages quoted. Place the page reference in parentheses after the quotation.

  • Don’t misrepresent your understanding of a literary work for the sake of convenient interpretation. In case the work of literature reflects two opposing value systems or suggests two contradictory views of human nature, let your interpretation reflect such complexities.

  1. Reread and reflect. Review your writing.

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