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  1. ___ the addressee’s country

  2. ___ the ZIP Code in the return address

  3. ___ the sender

  4. ___ the addressee’s house number

  5. ___ the street in the return address

  6. ___ the town in the mailing address

25. Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок.


Dear Dr. Mayer,

I am writing to invite you to attend Second International Conference on Synchrotrone Radiation in Materials Science, in Vienna, Austria, March 25-30, 2005. The conference is organized by the University of Vienna and Austrian Physical Society.


  1. Letter of enquiry

  2. Memo

  3. Letter of application

  4. Letter of invitation

26. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки.

To : (1) ___

From : Claire McElroy

Date : (2) ___

(3) ___ : Demonstration of new office equipment

The Sales Manager of Smart Equipment will visit us on (4) ___ to demonstrate their new computer and fax-machine which you are sure to be interested in. Please arrange the time to meet him so that all your staff could be present.


  1. ____ 28 September

  2. ____ Subject

  3. ____ 8 September 2010

  4. ____ Secretarial Supervisor

27. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. The Early History of Preschool Education

(1) The earliest institutions for educating very young children were charitable enterprises that were founded to care for the children of the rural and urban poor while their parents worked. In 1767, in what is now the Alsatian region of France, Johann Friedrich Oberlin organized an infant school called the salle d’asile (“hall of refuge”) for the care and schooling of small children while their parents worked in the fields. The idea was soon caught on, and within a few years similar schools had been founded in a number of French and German cities. In 1833 the French government made these infant schools part of the national educational system.

(2) In 1816 the noted Scottish social reformer Robert Owen founded an “Institute for the Formation of Character” as part of his model community at New Lanark, Scotland. It took care of workers’ children at the cotton mills, from about 18 months to 10 years of age; and there were separate infant classes for 2- to 5-year-olds. The New Lanark experiment led to the opening of England’s first infant school in London in 1818 by James Buchanan, the man who had directed Owen’s institute.

(3) In Italy, a Roman Catholic priest named Ferrante Aporti started an infant school at Cremona in 1829. He had been dissatisfied with the progress made by children in elementary schools. Therefore, in order to prepare them for later schooling, he devised an educational plan that combined intellectual, physical, and moral training for preschool children. The chief drawback of these early maternal schools was that they were largely copies of schools for older children. Young children were required to sit in rows in large classrooms, recite lessons, and spend hours doing reading, writing, and arithmetic.

(4) The change in direction of schooling for the very young came with Friedrich Froebel, the German founder of the kindergarten. He believed that childhood was a special phase in life, during which the individual learned largely through play. He felt that young children should not be subjected to formal instruction, as were older children, but should learn through “self-activity” in play and imitation. They should also be allowed to rest during the day and not be forced into rigid classroom patterns of schooling. Froebel opened his first kindergarten at Bad Blankenburg in 1837. Within 25 years after his death in 1852, his educational theories had spread to the extent that kindergartens had been started in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Canada, Great Britain, Hungary, Japan, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States. (Britannica Student Encyclopedia Library)

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The earliest schools for little children were established not only for working class families but for the rich ones too.

  1. истинным

  2. ложным

  3. в тексте нет информации

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