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TEST 20 Adverbs and word order (Units 113-117)

Test 20A

Put each word in brackets into the sentence.

Anna arrives for work, (late)

Anna arrives late for work.

1I like old cowboy films, (quite)

2Have you finished this magazine? (yet)

3This coat is big. (too)

4Have the children had their tea? (already)

5You don't look ill. (certainly)

6We don't go out. (much)

7I think everyone works hard, (fairly)

8I don't know the date of the meeting, (still)

9The others are getting ready, (just)

10I have to go to work, (on Saturdays)

Test 20B

Put the words in the right order to form a statement.

I / love / really / these trousers

I really love these trousers.

1is / rather / silly / this game

2already / I've / paid / the bill

3enough / isn't / loud / the alarm

4easily / Jonathan / passed / the test

5a lot / cards / play / the children

6didn't / enough / sell / they / tickets

7ask / many / questions / too / you

8a member / any more / of the club / I'm / not

9enough / it's / outside / to sit / warm

Test 20C

Read the conversation. Then look at the answers below and write the correct answer in each space.

Martin: Hello, Nancy. (►) How are you? Have you found a job (1)……………….. ....?



No, I'm afraid not, but I'm (2)........

…………..... looking. It's taking (3)……………………longer



than I expected. The problem is there just aren't (4) .........................






And there are too (5) ..........................



people looking for jobs.



Martin: I'm old enough (6)…………………….. remember when there was plenty of work.



There used to be lots of work, but there isn't (7)






I'm afraid I'm (8)…………………. longer as optimistic as I was a few weeks ago.




In fact I feel a (9)



depressed about it sometimes.




Don't worry. You'll (10).............................



find something, I expect.



► a) How

b) What

c) Who

d) Why


a) for

b) of

c) that

d) to


a) longer

b) soon

c) still

d) yet



a) any

b) no

c) now

d) some


a) already

b) more

c) still

d) yet



a) any

b) never

c) no

d) not


a) more

b) quite

c) rather

d) some


a) bit

b) piece

c) quite

d) slightly


a) enough

b) plenty

c) right

d) several


a) already

b) yet

c) soon



a) big


b) lot

c) many

d) much


d) before very long



Test 20 D

Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Write the correct sentence.

► My friend calls always for me. My friend always calls jor me.

1I didn't last night sleep very well.

21 think I need to rest little.

3I-don't work for the company-longer.

4The article is fair interesting.

5Tessa locked carefully the door.

6You aren't enough tall to play basketball.

7We went yesterday to town.

8Hike this music much.

Test 20E

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets.

It's probable that the strike will be over soon, (probably)

The strike will probably be over soon.

1We often go to the cinema, (a lot)

2Adrian wears jeans all the time, (always)

3These shoes are too small, (big)

4I don't live in Birmingham any more, (no)

5Polly spent more money than she should have done in the sales, (too)

Prepositions of place

A Meanings

The bird is in/inside

Sarah is diving in/into

Tom is getting out of

They're waiting outside

the cage.

the water.

the car.

the bank.

The jug is on the table.

The case is on top of the

Emma is putting her

Henry is falling off



luggage on/onto the

the horse.





Rachel is at the bus stop.

The table is by/beside

Jessica is sitting next to

The airport is near


the bed.



The coach is going to

The letter is from

Matthew is walking

Vicky is running away



towards the sun.

from the fire.

There's a bridge over

Tom is under the car.

The plane is above

The temperature is

the river.


the clouds.

below zero.

The cyclist is in front of

The cyclist is behind

Rita is going up the

Daniel is coming down

the bus.

the tractor.


the stairs.

Melanie is running

The cars are going

Trevor is walking along

The car is going past

across the road.

through the tunnel.

the street.

the house.

The house is among

Jackson is between

Jessica is sitting opposite

They're running

the trees.

Memphis and New


around/round the track.





B Position and movement

Most of these prepositions can express either position (where something is) or movement (where it is going). Position: The coin was under the sofa.

Movement: The coin rolled under the sofa.

Now look at these examples with in and on expressing position.

The manager was in the office.

The papers were on the floor. To express movement, we use into and

onto, but we can also use in and on, especially in informal English.

The manager came in/into the office.

The papers fell on/onto the floor.

At expresses position, and to expresses movement.

Position: Vicky was at the doctor's. Movement:

Vicky went to the doctor's.

> page 380 British and American English


1 Prepositions of place (A)

Put in the prepositions. Sometimes more than one answer is correct.

► Sarah is getting out of the

1 David is going...........

2 The furniture is……..


the ladder.

the van.

3 My friend lives in a flat

4 The boss is coming

5 There's a garage…….

............ a shop.

......................the corridor.

the house.

6 We walked ……….

7 There's a statue

8 Tom and Nick are walking

the lake.

................... the museum.

...................the stadium.

2 Prepositions of place (A)

Complete the conversations. Choose the correct preposition.



I felt really afraid when I was walking home from/off the club. All the time I could hear



someone behind/in front of me, but I didn't dare turn round.



I expect you were imagining it.



No, I wasn't. I saw him after I'd come in across/through the gate. He was wearing a long



black coat that came down well below/under his knees.



You know Adam, don't you? He's very strange. He walked right along/past me yesterday as I



was coming among/down the stairs, but he didn't say hello.

Matthew: The other day he was sitting beside/opposite me at lunch, so I couldn't help looking at him, I said hello, but he didn't speak.

3 Between, next to and opposite (A)

Look at the plan and explain where things are. Use between, next to or opposite.

► The bank is next to the gift shop.



The sports shop is ........................

the bank.


The travel agency is .............................

the sports shop and the art gallery.


The restaurant is.............................

the art gallery.


The gift shop is.............................

the bank and the restaurant.


The art gallery is.............................

the travel agency.

4 Prepositions of place (A-B)

Where did the fly go? Put in these prepositions: around, into, on, out of, through, under, up

► The fly came in through the door.


It flew ................

the chair.


It crawled ................

the chair leg.


It stopped……………the desk for a moment.

4It went………….. the telephone.

5It flew…………...the drawer.

6It went………….. the window.

; Prepositions of place (A-B).

Put in the correct preposition.

► Rachel was lying on the grass reading a book.


It's my holiday next week. I'm going



There was a big crowd



the shop waiting for it to open.


That man is an idiot. He pushed me

........................the swimming-pool.


I went ..........................

the chemist's just now, but I didn't notice if it was open.


David hurt himself. He fell ...........................


his bike.


There'sa cafe.…………… .........

top of the mountain. You can have a coffee there before you go down.


The sheep got out ........................



a hole in the fence.


Pompeii is quite.............................


Sorrento. It's only a short train ride.


There's such a crowd. You won't find your friend ………………… all these people.

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