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Workers in the Legal System

Judge is a legal professional who presides over a court of law.

Prosecutor is a lawyer who brings charges against someone and tries to prove them guilty at a trial.

Constable is a low-ranking police officer.

Probation officer is someone who supervises those who have committed crimes but are not sent to prison, or newly released prisoners, both of whom are on probation, which means that for a set period of time they must satisfy the authorities that they are obeying the law.

Lawyer studies or practices Law, usually a member of the legal profession as either a solicitor or barrister.

Civil-rights lawyer – специалист по гражданскому праву.

Criminal lawyer – адвокат по криминальному праву.

Philadelphia lawyer – блестящий юрист; (юрист, искусный в разборе запутанных, сложных дел).

Solicitor is a lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares documents (e.g. wills) and cases.

Barrister is a lawyer who represents clients in the higher courts of law.

Justice of the Peace (JP) is a person (not a lawyer) who can act as a judge in a local criminal court.

Juror is one of twelve members of the jury, made up of members of the public, whose duty it is to hear the cases for and against the accused and reach a verdict of guilty or innocent.

Crimes and Minor Offences:

murder – planning and causing the death of sb.

embezzlement – stealing money from the company where you work

jaywalking – crossing the street in the wrong place

manslaughter – unintentionally causing sb's death

vandalism – destruction of public property

littering – leaving rubbish in a public place

fraud – gaining money through dishonest means

slander – publicly lying about sb.

loitering with intent – remaining in a public place without an obvious reason

mugging – robbing sb. in the street

libel – publishing lies about sb.

kidnapping – holding sb. against their will in order to gain sth.

trespassing – illegally entering sb's property

invasion of privacy – the wrongful intrusion by individuals or the government into private affairs

substance abuse – dependence on an addictive substance, especially alcohol or a narcotic drug, also called chemical abuse

truancy/to play truant – act or condition of being absent without permission, especially from school

burglary/to commit (a) burglary – the act of entering a building or other premises with the intent to commit theft

robbery the act or an instance of unlawfully taking the property of another by the use of violence or intimidation

shoplifting to steal merchandise from a store that is open for business

juvenile delinquency – antisocial or criminal behavior by children or adolescents

civil unrest – one or more forms of disturbance caused by a group of people

breaking of the speed limit – breaking the maximum speed legally permitted on a given stretch of road

abuse of rights – misuse of one’s power; breach of trust/con­fidence; an unjust or wrongful practice

assault violent physical or verbal attack

attempted murder – in the criminal law, attempted murder is committed when the defendant does an act that is more than merely preparatory to the commission of the crime of murder and, at the time of these acts, the person has a specific intention to kill

driving whilst uninsured – driving without insurance

domestic violence – violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or domestic partner usually violence by men against women

illegal gambling is a Federal crime if done as a business


revocation of a privilege (eg driver's licence, hunting permit) – лишение прав

prison term – тюремное заключение

probation – условное освобождение преступника на поруки

court warning – судебное предупреждение (постановление)

parole – досрочное, временное или условное освобождение заключенного из тюрьмы

capital punishment – смертная казнь

community service – общественные работы

heavy (traffic) fines – большие штрафы (за нарушение ПДД)

Some measures to decrease crime rate:

law enforcement

police and citizens should be on the alert

police should be on the beat

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