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A) verbs

  1. (p.218) reek v

  2. (p.227) indict v

  3. (p.229) sully v

  4. (p.229) abhor v

  5. (p.229) hurl v

  6. (p.231) rant on v

a) throw

b) spot

c) smell

d) complain

e) hate

f) convict

B) other parts of speech

  1. (p.218) hectic adj

  2. (p.218) deliberately adv

  3. (p.218) whole adj

  4. (p.219) brazen adj

  5. (p.220) heretofore

  6. (p.226) a whole lot

  7. (p.226) odd adj

  8. (p.227) elaborate adj

  9. (p.227) far-fetched adj

a) so far

d) intricate adj

c) stormy adj

d) unbelievable adj

e) cautiously adv

f) undamaged adj

g) very much

h) shameless adj

i) unusual adj

7. Revise phrasal verbs and idioms with ‘stick’

a) Match the phrasal verbs and idioms with their definitions

  1. stick around

  2. stick at/to/by sth

  3. stick by sb

  4. stick out

  5. stick up for sb/yourself 

  6. stick in your mind

  7. stick in your throat 

  8. stick your neck out

  9. stick to your guns

a) to do or say sth when there is a risk

b) to stay in a place, waiting for sth to happen

c) to refuse to change your mind

d) to continue doing sth despite difficulties

e) to be difficult or impossible to accept

f) to be loyal to a person

g) to support or defend sb/yourself/sth

h) to be remembered for a long time

i) to be noticeable or easily seen

b) Fill in particles around, at, by, in, out, to, up

1. Don’t worry—I’ll stick ___ for you. 2. One of his paintings in particular sticks ___ my mind. 3. Don’t stick your arm ____ of the car window. 4. She taught her children to stick ________ for themselves at school. 5. Stick_________; we’ll need you to help us later.

6. If you want to play an instrument well, you’ve got to stick ____ it. 7. They stuck ____ their decision. 8. They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it would stick_______.  9. She didn’t like the course but she stuck _____ it to get the certificate. 10. They are sticking ____ for a higher pay rise. 11. She finds it impossible to stick ____ a diet. 12. Stick _____ for what you believe.

8. Translate into English in writing

1. Вы знакомы с Ричардом Эллетом, обозревателем газеты «Вашингтон Пост»? 2. Попытка президента увернуться от ответа на вопрос репортера вызвала раздражение аудитории. 3. Вы все еще считаете Бормана благоразумным и предусмотрительным человеком? 4. Он не получал никаких доходов от бизнеса, если верить его налоговым декларациям за последние 3 года. 5. У нее из головы не выходит мысль о том, что незадолго до смерти муж застраховал свою жизнь на солидную сумму.6. Это тщательно разработанный заговор, цель которого убрать администрацию президента, которая у них как кость в горле. 7. Они подложили фальшивую служебную записку, чтобы подставить президента.

9. Translate into Russian

1. I have been speaking to Warner off and on all day. In principle, he has agreed that Morgan will acquire NASO and that it will pay a very fair price for the shares, given NASO's difficult situation. Investment bankers at Winthrop, Hawkins & Company will handle the transaction. Depositors will be made whole, and Morgan will honor all of NASO's foreign exchange and derivatives contracts. Pending your approval to­night, an announcement will be made early tomorrow morning with respect to this development. The markets will respond very positively. I expect the Dow to re­gain most of the losses it has sustained in the past two days. 2. He had visions of the authorities coming for him at any time—of them throwing him against the wall, shack­ling him with handcuffs and leg irons, and reading him his rights before ducking him into an unmarked police car. 3. The financial markets are tanking. The President’s approval rating is going to take a nosedive. He'll lose the election by a landslide. They're going to accomplish with this conspiracy what no assassination plot could have ever done.


Questions 1 – 6

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1 – 6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. You will hear each extract twice.

Extract One

You will hear a trainee lawyer who works for an international law firm talking about his six-month placement in the firm’s Milan office.

1 He feels that the Milan office was a good choice for the placement because

A he had already had contact with some of the people there.

B it provided a contrast to his usual working environment.

C it gave him the chance to work in new areas of the law.

2 He believes that as a result of his placement he is now

A more accurate in his work generally.

B more able to delegate work effectively.

C more aware of the value of some of his usual work.

Extract Two

You will hear a conversation between a lawyer and her client.

3 What problem does the client have?

A A neighbour is suing him for damages.

B He’s unable to continue with certain aspects of his business.

C The local authority is accusing him of contravening its zoning laws.

4 How does the lawyer feel about the forthcoming hearing?

A unsure whether it will finally resolve the matter or not.

B concerned about the evidence the opposition will bring to it.

C worried that it will rely on the understanding of technical detail.

Extract Three

You will hear two partners discussing the performance of two young lawyers at their firm.

5 What impresses the male partner about the lawyer called Claudia?

A her ability to work independently

B her commitment to the cases she works on

C her willingness to work closely with her colleagues

6 The female partner feels that the lawyer called Pedro

A should spend more time analysing his clients’ needs.

B needs to refer more of his queries to her.

C would benefit from further training.