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Part 2 Chapters XII-XXII (pp. 36 – 58)

  1. Active Vocabulary.

  • to gratify one’s wish (37)

  • to do sb a favour (37)

  • to offend sb (37)

  • considerate (37)

  • casual (37)

  • to disconcert sb (38)

  • Assistant Colonial Secretary (40)

  • feel at ease (40)

  • to exasperate (42)

  • to tease sb (44)

  • to (mis) judge sb (45)

  • to do sth by stealth (47)

  • do sb justice (48)

  • repulsive (50)

  • be fed up with

  • to speak at length (51)

  • to make (kick) a row (55)

  • to let sb down (58)

a) Find the sentences with these words and reproduce the situations.

  1. Paraphrase:

    1. … the government bacteriologist was no great fry (39).

    2. He put her off with a jest (39).

    3. Kitty was on the defensive (40).

    4. He was always ready to do anyone a good turn (42).

    5. … the Townsends had private means (43).

    6. He never let red tape interfere (42).

    7. He took pains to keep it (46).

    8. …ladies trying to indulge in small talk (59).

    9. … if Walter put his back up (60).

  1. Comment or explain:

    1. He (Charles) plays a winning hand very well, but when he has bad cards he goes all to pieces (41).

    2. … that Walter knew the truth, and if he didn’t it was better perhaps to leave well alone (47).

    3. If he (Walter) wanted to make a scene, it was his lookout; he must not be surprised if he got more than he bargained (49).

    4. He danced rottenly, he was a wet blanket at a party (50).

    5. … a fellow who’d care to wash a lot of dirty linen in public (55).

    6. … it’s to Walter’s interest to keep on the right side of me (56).

    7. … Charlie was right when he suggested that Walter knew which side his bread was buttered.

  1. Questions and Topics for Discussion.

    1. Speak about Walter Fane as seen by Kitty. What qualities exasperated Kitty? What was his social standing? Why wasn’t he popular in the colony?

    2. Speak of Kitty’s acquaintance with Charles Townsend. What attracted Kitty to him? Why did she make so much of Townsend’s accomplishments? What were Charlie’s plans for the future as far as his career was concerned? What was Charlie’s attitude towards his wife and what held them together? What hopes did Kitty set on Charlie?

    3. Discuss how Townsend regarded the situation and its possible outcome? Why was he sure that Walter would make no row? Why did Charlie try to persuade Kitty to leave things as they were?

    4. How did Walter take the shock? What was his state of mind?

    5. What surprised and puzzled Kitty most in the circumstances?

    6. In what way was Kitty’s love affair predetermined by her upbringing?

Part 3 Chapters XXII-XXVII (pp. 60 – 84)

  1. Active Vocabulary.

  • epidemic of cholera (62)

  • a convent (62)

  • of one’s own free will (63)

  • to mock sb (64)

  • on sb’s account (65)

  • commonplace (67)

  • second-rate (67)

  • marry sb for convenience (67)]

  • to cope with sth (68)

  • confidence (70)

  • to gossip (70)

  • to deceive (71)

  • to give sb away (72)

  • to bring charges against (72)

  • to make a condition (74)

  • get infected (81)

  • to expose sb to sth (82)

a) Find the sentences with these words and reproduce the situations.

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