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2.48 Menu card






Изучите предлагаемое Вам меню. Выберите блюда. Расскажите официанту, что бы Вы хотели заказать. Используйте фрагменты приведенного ниже диалога.

Study the menu card above. Choose dishes. Tell the waiter what you would like to order. Make use of clichés of the dialogue below.

Waiter: What would you like?

Client: I would like … for a starter.

Waiter: Would you like some wine?

Client: No, thank you. I would like a glass of beer.

Waiter: Anything else?

Client: Salmon with cauliflower sauce, please.

Waiter: Would you like a piece of cake?

Client: Yes, I’d love one.

Waiter: With black coffee?

Client: It looks lovely. Yes.

Vocabulary booster




I am Hans. I come from Germany. I am German. My country is in the centre of Europe. The climate in Germany is moderate. It is often hot in summer. It often rains in summer. It is usually warm in June, but very often hot in July and August in the South. It is usually warm in autumn. It often rains in October and November. It snows sometimes in November in the North and in the East. It is usually cold in winter. It often snows in December, January and February. It rains sometimes in winter. It is nice in Germany in spring. It is usually warm in April and May. It rains sometimes in April and May. It is windy sometimes in spring in the North. I like the climate in Germany. Do you?


1. Where does Hans come from?

2. What is the climate in Germany like?

3. Is it cold in Germany in summer?

4. Does it often rain in summer?

5. Is it hot in June?

6. When is it hot in Germany?

7. What is the autumn in Germany like?

8. Does it often snow in October?

9. When does it snow?

10. When is it windy?



British people say: “Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather.” The weather in Britain changes very quickly. One day may be fine and the next day may be wet. The morning may be warm and the evening may be cool.

People talk about the weather more in Britain than in most parts of the world. When two Englishmen meet, if they can’t think of anything else to talk about, they talk about the weather. The weather is a safe topic of conversation. If you do not know each other well enough to talk about personal matters, you can at least sound friendly when you talk about the weather. When two people meet in the street they often say something about the weather as they pass, just to show that they are friendly.


1. Why do British people say that other countries have a climate, in England they have weather?

2. Does the weather in Britain change quickly?

3. When do the English talk about the weather?

4. Why is the weather safe topic of conversation?

5. Why do strangers often say something about the weather when they meet?

6. Do you often say something about the weather?

7. What kind of weather do you like best?

8. Do you prefer sunny weather?

9. Do you like the weather in Moscow? Why? Why not?

10. Do you think weather is a safe topic?

11. What kind of weather is typical for September in Moscow?

12. Which month is the coldest in London?

What is the weather like today? 2.51

It is



bright. [braIt]

awful. ['Lful]




freezing. [;frI:zIN]

chilly. ['CIlI]



cloudy. [#klaudI]



















The sun is shining.

The wind is blowing.

It is raining.

to forecast ['fO:kRst] прогнозировать, предсказывать

weather forecast прогноз погоды

weather forecaster метеоролог

sunshine ['sAnSaIn] хорошая погода

temperature ['temprItSq] температура

to expect [Ik'pekt] ожидать


Закончите предложения, используя активную лексику.

Complete the sentences, using the active vocabulary.

1. I like when it is ___________, the sky is blue, the weather is bright.

2. According to the ___________ we expect a short period of sunshine.

3. The ___________ is going down. It is freezing.

4. It is ___________, it is going to rain.

5. It is cold and wet. It is ___________.

6. The climate in Europe is ___________.

7. Rather ___________ in the first half of the month, very mild in the second half.

8. A cold and ___________ start with some significant snowfall and sharp overnight frosts.

9. ___________ weather with plenty of sunshine will begin to move east.

10. Although April can bring both ___________ and windy weather, beautiful spring weather is in store for the country on Wednesday and Thursday.



Articles with the nouns ‘school’, ‘town’, ‘bed’, ‘hospital’.

Артикли с существительными ‘school’, ‘town’, ‘bed’, ‘hospital’.

В английском языке существует целый ряд имен существительных, которые образуют с предлогами устойчивые сочетания без артиклей и которые могут иметь другое, отличное от аналогичных выражений без артикля, значение. Кроме того, эти имена существительные могут в различных контекстах употребляться с артиклями.


Kate goes to school. (She learns there.)

My mother goes to the school to accompany me. (She goes to the building, she doesn’t learn there.)

Let’s meet at the school. (The school is our meeting place.)

Now she is at school. (She learns there.)


Объясните употребление артиклей.

Explain the usage of the articles2.

1. There is a school in the village.

2. The school where she learns is quite near.

3. I am waiting for her from  school.

4. It is far from the school.

5. He is still at  school although he is eighteen.

6. She is meeting her school friends at the school.

7. We learn such things at  school.

8. The school has a good football team.


We live in town. (We live in the centre of town, neither in the suburbs nor in the country.)

In the town there are two cinemas. (In this town there are two cinemas.)

On Mondays I go to town to go shopping. (I live in the suburbs or in the country where there aren’t many shops.)

It’s about twenty miles to the town. (It’s about twenty miles to this town.)


Объясните употребление артиклей.

Explain the usage of the articles.

1. Oxford is a town in England.

2. The town is well-known for its university.

3. She usually spends much time in  town.

4. If you go to  town, call on her.

5. She is a stranger here, she is from  town.

6. Is it a town or a big village?


She is in bed now. Call her later, please. (She is sleeping.)

There is an extra blanket on the bed. (… on this bed.)

They go to bed very early. (They go to sleep very early.)

Please, come to the bed. The patient cannot see you. (… to this bed.)


Объясните употребление артиклей.

Explain the usage of the articles.

1. I go to bed at 10 pm.

2. Stay in bed, if you feel ill.

3. The bed is very expensive.

4. I cannot move the bed, it is very heavy.


Our colleague is in hospital. (He is ill.)

I left my coat in the hospital. (… in the building.)

He is out of hospital now. (He is not ill any more.)

When you get out of the hospital, call me, please. (the building)


Объясните употребление артиклей.

Explain the usage of the articles.

1. She spends about two weeks in hospital every year.

2. He often goes to the hospital to see his wife.

3. There is a hospital near the railway station.

4. The hospital where she works is very old.

5. Is it a hospital?

6. The hospital is well-known for its new equipment.



Составьте предложения со следующими выражениями.

Make up sentences using the following expressions.

from hospital; out of bed; in town; to school; from town; into bed


Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ее сейчас нет дома, она в больнице.

2. Мы едем в город, хочешь с нами?

3. Мои дети сейчас в школе. Они приходят в 2 часа.

4. На нашей улице находятся школа и больница.

5. Иногда по выходным она остается в постели до 11 дня.

6. Он все еще в постели. Он болен.

7. Кровать в углу свободна.

8. Давай встретимся в школе в 5.

9. Это книги и газеты из города.

10. Я хочу купить новую кровать.





Ответная фраза

(I’m) sorry.

Это основные фразы, которые используют, чтобы извиниться на английском языке.



Don’t worry.

Never mind.

Not at all.

No trouble at all.

It doesn’t matter.

I’m glad I was able to help you.

I quite understand, etc.

I’m very/ terribly/ so sorry.

I’m sorry

for making this mistake.

to keep you waiting.

I’m late.

За фразой Im sorry могут следовать указанные контрукции, в которых указывается причина извинения.

Don’t worry.

Never mind.

It doesn’t matter.

That’s alright.

No trouble at all.

I’m sorry but

I’m afraid but

I’ve broken the car.

Эти фразы более уместны, если вы извиняетесь перед человеком, который не знает, что случилось. Здесь «извините» имеет значение «к сожалению».

Don’t worry.

Never mind.

It doesn’t matter.

Excuse me.

Фраза, которую употребляют, чтобы вежливо попросить разрешения пройти; чтобы привлечь внимание человека, которoго вы не знаете.

В ответ на просьбу помочь:



By all means.

With pleasure.

Excuse me! Can I pass?

Excuse me! Can you help me?

I hope you don’t mind …

Извинение за то, что вы уже сделали или начали делать без разрешения.

That’s right.

It’s OK.

Never mind.

I hope you don’t mind I have used the car.

Pardon3? What did you say?

Извините, что вы сказали?

Фраза используется в случае, если человек не расслышал что-либо и просит собеседника повторить сказанное.

Следует повторить вашу последнюю реплику, которую не расслышал ваш собеседник.

I would like to apologize for our mistake.

Официальные варианты извинений. Довольно часто используются в деловых письмах.

Ответ должен быть официальным.

Например, We are glad that the misunderstanding is cleared up.

Please accept our apologies.


Что бы вы сказали в следующих ситуациях?

What would you say in the following situations?

1. Вы взяли словарь у своего друга и потеряли его.

2. Вы опоздали на лекцию.

3. Незнакомец на улице спрашивает у вас дорогу к музею.

4. Вы обещали позвонить коллеге, но не смогли.

5. Вы обидели своего друга.

6. Вы в автобусе и случайно наступили на ногу другому пассажиру.

7. Вы хотите выйти на следующей остановке, но в автобусе много людей и вы с трудом пробираетесь в выходу.

8. Вы разговариваете с начальником и не расслышали его вопрос.

9. Вы звоните в компанию и хотите разыскать своего знакомого.

10. У вас просят в долг, но вы не можете помочь.


Завершите диалоги. Complete the dialogues.

1. - You are late again, Andrew!

- ____________________.

2. - You didn’t call me yesterday!

- ____________________.

3. - _____________! Can you help me?

- Sure!

4. - ___________________!

- Never mind.

5. - ___________________. I have forgotten the book.

- Don’t worry. I have another book to read.

6. - _____________________ to cause you all the trouble.

- No trouble at all.

7. - I ____________for all this.

- It’s all right.

8. - There’s a good café at the corner.

- _____________?

- I said there is a good café at the corner.

- Oh, is there? Let’s go there!


Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. 2.63

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Извините, где находится вокзал?

2. Простите, я опоздал. – Ничего, проходите.

3. Я бы хотел извиниться. Я не прав.

4. Прости меня, пожалуйста. – Хорошо.

5. Извини, что заставил тебя ждать. – Ничего.

6. Извини? Что ты сказал?

7. Извините, вы не могли бы мне помочь? – Конечно.

8. Извините, я могу пройти (to pass)?

9. Извините, вы сейчас выходите (to get off)?

10. Я бы хотел извиниться.

11. Примите наши извинения за задержку (delay).

12. Извините, но я сломал вашу машину.



at 3 o’clock

at this moment

в 3 часа

в данный момент


on Monday

on the 1st of May

on my birthday

on the day of his arrival

в понедельник

1-го ая

в мой день рождения

в день его прибытия


in 2006

in January

in the winter

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening

в 2006 г.

в январе






tomorrow завтра

yesterday вечером

today сегодня

this week/ month/ year

на этой неделе, в этом месяце, в этом году

last February/ season/ night

в прошлом феврале, в прошлом сезоне,

прошлой ночью

next July/ century в будущем июле, в будущем веке

yesterday morning вчера утром

tomorrow afternoon затра днем

Внимание! Все фразы с

использованием «last», «this», «next» употребляются без предлога.

Выберите правильное слово или фразу из подчеркнутых в каждом предложении. 2.65

Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each sentence.

1. We are going to the south in the next/ next month.

2. I visit my friends on/ in Sunday.

3. He drives to work on/ in the morning.

4. At/ on/ in the morning of their arrival we should help her.

5. Let’s meet in/ at/ on 5:30.

6. She was born4 in/ at/ on April 6th.


Вставьте не более одного слова в каждый пропуск.

Put one suitable word in each space.

1. We usually go to the theatre ______ night.

2. He travels in Europe ______ summer.

3. I saw5 him ______ afternoon.

4. You will6 see him ______ month.

5. We are going to meet ______ evening.

6. They are leaving ______ morning.


Переведите следующие слова и выражения на английский язык.

Translate the following words and expressions into English.

Завтра утром; сегодня вечером; ночью; в 2003 году; на будущей неделе; в этот понедельник; в прошлую пятницу; в январе; 20 мая; на этой неделе; вчера днем; в день его рождения; в выходные; в течение недели; завтра вечером; утром; днем; в будущем месяце; сегодня утром; в июне; в день их приезда.


Present Simple v. Present Continuous 2.68

Сравнение простого настоящего времени и продолженного настоящего времени

Оба времени обозначают действия, происходящие в настоящем времени, при этом действие в простом настоящем происходит регулярно или обозначает общепринятый факт, а действие в продолженном настоящем происходит в данный конретный момент времени или в момент другого действия в настоящем.



Jim is a businessman. He works five days a week, but now he is on holiday. His life on holiday is different from his usual life.

He usually wears dark suits, but now he is wearing shorts and a hat. He usually works much, but now he isn’t working. He gets up early, but now he is getting up late. He usually makes many phone calls and writes reports, but now he is lying in the sun, he’s drinking cocktails and is enjoying his holiday.


Раскройте скобки, употребив простое или продолжнное настоящее.

Open the brackets, using Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. He usually (to speak) speaks loudly, but now he (to speak) is speaking quietly.

2. She often (to watch) _____________television, but now she (not to watch) _____________it.

3. They (to help) _____________us sometimes, but at the moment we (to help) _____________them.

4. You (not to speak) _____________very fast, but now you (to speak) _____________too fast.

5. She usually (to get up) _____________at 7 am, it is 9 am, but she still (to sleep) _____________.

6. He usually (to go) _____________ to work by bus, but today he (to drive) _____________there.

7. I (to write) _____________to John, but usually I (to call) _____________him.

8. They (to drink) _____________coffee in the morning, but today they (to drink) _____________tea.

9. You (not to smoke) _____________, why you (to smoke) _____________here?

10. The children (to have) _____________ eggs for breakfast, but now they (to have) _____________ toast and marmalade.

11. I (to speak) _____________ English, but now I (to speak) _____________ German.

12. You (to eat) _____________ pizza? You (not to eat) _____________ it!


Объясните употребление Present Simple и Present Continuous в следующих предложениях.

Explain why Present Simple and Present Continuous are used in the following sentences.

1.I am cooking at the moment, as we are expecting guests tonight.

2.He doesn’t cook very often.

3.Is he planning a meeting today?

4.She usually plans all her meetings with her secretary.

5.Is the telephone ringing?

6.The telephone in his flat never rings.

7.Are you writing the report? Is anybody helping you?

8.I always help my friends when they are in trouble.

9.We are building a new plant in St Petersburg.

10.This company builds many houses every year.


Составьте предложения, соединив части из левой и правой колонок. Make up sentences or dialogue, matching the columns.

1.I usually go shopping on Tuesday morning,

2.He is calling them because he can’t come

3.Who is she talking to?

4.Where do you spend your holiday?

5.They usually go for a walk

6.She types very quickly

7.Now he is sitting with his book

8.I translate most sentences correctly.

9.Does she speak any Dutch?

10.Are you enjoying the play?

a I think that is our new colleague.

b but now they are playing tennis.

c but because of a headache she is typing slowly.

d It depends. This year we are going to Cyprus.

e but usually nobody sees him here.

f Yes, very much. But more often I enjoy films.

g but today I am going in the afternoon.

h No, she doesn’t. – But she is speaking Dutch with Eric at the moment!

i But you are not translating this one correctly.

j but usually they call him because they are late.


Найдите и исправьте ошибки в подчеркутых частях предложений.

Find and correct mistakes in the underlined parts of the sentences.

1.We do not play tennis today. It’s rainy. ______________________________

2.She is never drinking Cola. ______________________________

3.It’s 6. She drives home. ______________________________

4.She works as a secretary in this bank. ______________________________

5.(On the phone) I visit a picture gallery. ______________________________

6.She is still at home, she has a cup of tea. ______________________________

7.He can’t answer the phone. He is having a bath.


8.I’m very busy. I read a new book. ______________________________

9.She is in the sitting room. She is vacuum-cleaning.


10.In summer she is swimming a lot. ______________________________


Раскройте скобки, поставив инфинитив в нужную форму.

Open the brackets. Use the proper form.

1.I (to speak) __________ five languages, but I (to speak) __________ English now.

2.He usually (to drive) __________ fast, but today he (to drive) __________ slowly.

3.She (to cook) __________ tasty cakes, but this one is not. It’s too sweet.

4.I (to drink) __________ only tea as I (not to like) __________ coffee.

5.I think he is not in. He (to have a walk) __________ in the park.

6.The men who (to sit) __________ in the hall are our new clients.

7.I can’t go with you to the theatre, I (to leave) __________ for London.

8.He (to go) to the Black Sea every September, but this year he (to go) to the Mediterranean.

9.She never (to lie) but I think she (to lie) to him.

10.Who (to run) there? I don’t think that this is Tom, as he ( not to run) in the morning.



Ответьте на следующий вопрос. Answer the following question.

What do you usually do, but you are not doing at the moment?

Назовите 10 вещей, которые вы делаете обычно, но не делеаете сейчас. Name 10 things that you usually do, but you are not doing at the moment.

Model: I usually read in the afternoon, but now/ at the moment I am not reading.

Переведите на английский язык. 2.76

Translate into English.

1. Он сейчас бегает в парке. (to jog) 2. Она ест пиццу. 3. Они обедают дома, но сегодня они обедают в ресторане. 4. Я слушаю радио. 5. Вы любите апельсиновый сок? 6. Что вы читаете? – Я читаю газету. 7. Днем мы пьем кофе со сливками. 8. Она разговаривает с Тимом. 9. Вы курите? – Не, я не курю. 10. Она мало ест. 11. Кто здесь курит? 12. Он не работает на компьютере в выходные. 13. Мы сидим за столом и ждем Тома. 14. Две женщины что-то обсуждают в углу за столом. 15. Я сейчас пью чай и читаю его письмо. 16. Я редко пишу письма. 17. Он не ходит в кино. 18. Мы идем в кино посмотреть новый фильм. 19. Почему мы едем так медленно? Мы опаздываем. Пожалуйста, поезжай побыстрее.20. Джейн обычно утром в воскресенье встает не раньше 10 утра. Но сегодня только 8, а она уже завтракает.


Common expressions without articles. 2.77

Устойчивые выражения без артикля.

Кроме выражений со словами ‘school’, ‘town’, ‘bed’, ‘hospital’, в английском языке есть целый ряд других существительных, которые также образуют аналогичные выражения с предлогами без артиклей7.

to/ at/ from university/ college (BrEn)

to/ in/ from college (AmEn)

leave/ start/ enter school/ university/ college

to/ at/ in/ into/ from church

to/ in/ into/ out of prison

to/ at/ from work

to/ at sea

at/ from home leave home

at table

by day

at night

by car/ bicycle/ plane/ train/ tube/ boat

on foot

by radio/ phone/ letter/ mail

Вставьте артикли, где необходимо. 2.78

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]