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The art of communication.doc
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Тне role of feedback

The importance now attached to feedback belongs to this essentially dialogical concept of communication. Feedback is а metaphor from the electronic world. It means literally the return to the input of а part of the output of а machine, system or process. If you speak too close to а microphone you will often experience feedback. In а wider sense it means the partial reversion of the effects of а process to its source.

Where communication is intentional, and in order to achieve some effect, as it so often is, you may notice that sometimes no response is expected. А lot of everyday instructions fall into this category. For example, а sign in the street saying КЕЕР LEFT is looking for an effect but not а direct acknowledgement or response.

In higher or more complete forms of communication а response is usually either expected or elicited. It may or mау not be followed by an effect, depending on the nature of the communication. If you ask someone what they think of your proposal you will certainly get а response, possibly in the shape of а lengthy discussion. But whether or not your proposal produces an effect is another matter.

What do you think? А man had two sons; and he went to the first and said, 'Son, go and work in the vineyard today.' And he answered, 'I will not'; but afterwards he repented and went.

And he went to the second and said the same; and he answered, 'I go, sir,' but did not go. Which of the two did the will of the father?

This parable of Jesus illustrates clearly the difference between response and effect. The initial positive and negative responses - or feedback - of the sons was no guide to the effectiveness of the communication. One moral of the story for leaders is always judge your communication bу its effect and not bу response. That almost involuntary reaction or feedback,

of course, is still extremely important - not least because it is an early indicator of whether the intended effect is likely to be forthcoming.


1. Highlight the following words and expressions in the chapter and check their meaning in the dictionary.

- irate (an irate customer) – irately (adj)

- to emphasize one’s point

- emphasis (on) – pl. emphases

- to immerse smth in smth – immersed in smth – immersion

- portmanteau (umbrella) term

- dichotomy

- reciprocal – to reciprocate - reciprocity

- tangible – intangible – tangibility – tangibly

- backcloth – against a backcloth of smth

- prophet – prophesy – prophetic

- repository – to repose

- subliminal (subliminal advertising) – subliminally

- simultaneous – simultaneity – simultaneously

- proximate – proximately – proximity (in close proximity to)

- to signpost

- to digress – digression (comp.: to go awry)

- lingua franca

- susceptible (to) – susceptibility

- ambiguous – ambiguity

- overtone

- artifact (var. artifact)

- fallacy – fallacious

- to elicit

2. Dwell on the following issues:

- What is the central idea underlying the concept of communication?

- What are the necessary elements or conditions for communication to happen?

- What the correlation between communication and relationship?

- What original combination makes up the rich texture of human communication?

- What is the origin of the term “lingua franca” and its modern interpretation?

- Who was the first top official to use a microphone? When did it happen? What do you know about this political figure?

- Expand on the author’s statement: “all languages work by overtones”. Adduce your own examples.

- Which factors determine the extend of loss of meaning in translation? What is your knowledge of cross-cultural differences between nations?

- Comment on the role of feedback in communication, the origin of the term. In which cases is this phenomenon not expect?

- What is the key distinction between response and effect and their respective roles in the process of communication?

3. Task: identify and talk about your own major communication problems. Where does the shoe pinch for you?

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