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2. Identify the type of peacemaking strategy in each of the examples below.

1. ____________________________________________________

On June 10, 1963, President Kennedy gave a major speech, "A Strategy for Peace." In it he noted that "our problems are man-made and can be solved by man," and then an­nounced his first conciliatory act: The U.S. was stopping all atmospheric nuclear tests and would not resume them unless another country did. In the Soviet Union, Kennedy's speech was published in full. Five days later Premier Khrushchev reciprocated, announcing he had halted production of strategic bombers. There soon followed further reciprocal gestures: The U.S. agreed to sell wheat to Russia, the Soviets agreed to a "hot line" between the two countries, and the two countries soon achieved a test-ban treaty. These conciliatory initiatives did, for a time, warm relations between the two countries.

2. ____________________________________________________

Henry Kissinger's "shuttle diplomacy" in the two years after the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 produced three disengagement agreements between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Kissinger's mediating strategy gave him considerable control over the communications and en­abled both sides to concede to him without appearing to capitulate to one another (Pruitt, 1981).

3. ___________________________________________________

GRIT (Graduated and reciprocated Initiatives in Tension Reduction) requires one side to initiate a few small deescalatory actions, undertaken in ways that encourage the adversary's reciprocation. The first steps in the strategy announce one's conciliatory intent. The initiator states its desire to reduce tension, declares each conciliatory act prior to making it, and invites the adversary to reciprocate. Such announcements create a framework that helps the adversary interpret correctly what otherwise might be seen as weak or tricky actions, and they elicit public pressure on the adversary to adhere to the reciprocity norm. Next, the initiator establishes credibility and genuineness by carrying out, exactly as announced, several verifiable conciliatory acts. This intensi­fies pressure to reciprocate. Making the conciliatory acts diverse—perhaps offering medical information, closing a military base, and lifting a trade ban—keeps the initiator from making a significant sacrifice in any one area and leaves the adversary freer to choose its own means of reciprocation. If the adversary reciprocates voluntarily, its own conciliatory action may also soften its hostile attitudes.

4. __________________________________________________

“I couldn’t help but say to Mr. Gorbachev, just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet. We’d find out once and for all that we really are all human beings here on this earth together”. (Ronald Reagan, December 4, 1985, speech)

5. ________________________________________________

Struggling for civil rights, many marchers willingly agreed, for the sake of their larger group, to suffer harassment, beatings, and jailings. In wartime, people can be persuaded to make great personal sacrifices for the good of their group.

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