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11C Sport relief

Ex 103 Speaking

1 Work in small groups. Look at the ideas for ways to raise money for charity and answer the questions.

1 A tennis match between the Wimbledon champion and the president of your country. How much would you pay for a ticket to watch the match?

2 A friend of yours is going to run a marathon and wants people to sponsor her/him. How much money would you give him/her?

3 A lottery. The prize is an evening out with the sports personality of your choice. How much would you spend on tickets in this lottery?


Ex 104 2.30-2.34 Listen to five short conversations and say if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

  1. Dave is going to cycle from London to Brighton to raise money for charity.

  2. He wants his colleagues to cycle with him.

  3. Everybody in the office agrees to give some money.

2.30-2.34 Listen to the conversations again and complete the sentences with Camilla (c), Avril (a), Derek (d), Linda (l) or Clive (cl).

      1. -------------------doesn't have much money at the moment.

      2. -------------------doesn't think that Dave will complete the cycle ride.

      3. --------------------gives the least amount of money.

      4. ----------------------gives £20.

      5. ----------------------- has received some good news.

      6. ---------------------- is extremely busy.

      7. ----------------------is not happy about doing somebody else's work.

      8. -----------------------wants a cup of tea.

Did you know?

1 Work in pairs. Read the information about the British royal family and discuss these questions.

The British royal family has no real political power. Much of their time is devoted to sport and charity. They hold positions in various sports organizations and they are often asked to present the medals at important events. They also take part in various sports. Horse-riding and polo are traditionally very popular with the royals. Members of the family are also very involved in work for charity. They work as unpaid patrons of many charitable organizations and help raise money.

  • What else do you know about the royal family?

Is the head of state in your country involved with any sports or charities?

Unit 11 C

Text p.113

power (n)– 1) сила, мощь

Will power – сила воли

2) энергия, мощность

Electric power – электроэнергия

3) могущество, сила, власть

A party in power – правящая партия

To come to power – прийти к власти

4) возможность

To do all in one`s power – сделать всё возможное

To be beyond one`s power – быть не под силу

powerful (adj)сильный, могущественный, мощный, яркий (о речи, описании)

devote (v) (to) – посвящать,предаваться

To devote one`s life to art – посвятить свою жизнь искусству

To devote oneself to amusements – предаваться развлечениям

devoted (v)– преданный, нежный, посвящённый

Devoted mother – любящая мать

Devoted to sports – увлекающийся спортом

Pre`sent (v) – 1) преподносить, дарить

To present smb with a collection of stamps – Подарить кому-либо коллекцию марок

To present the prizes – вручать призы

To present the medals – вручать медали

Listening p.152(4)

vary (v) – 1) менять, изменять, меняться, изменяться

His mood varies from day to day – Его настроение ежедневно меняется.

2) (from) разниться, расходиться, отличаться

To vary from the type – отклоняться от типа

3) разнообразить

To vary the menu, the programme, the methods - разнообразить меню, программу, методы

various (adj)– 1) различный, разный разнообразный

Various types – различные типы

To come across various people – встречаться с разными людьми

For various reasons – по ряду соображений

At various times – не раз, неоднократно

Variety (n) – разнообразие

Variety in food – разнообразие в еде

Life full of variety – жизнь, полная перемен

Word Combinations

To be popular with популярный, пользующийся известностью среди кого-то

EX.105 Match the words from the list of the Active Vocabulary to their meanings on the right

    1. various

    2. to vary

    3. powerful

    4. to present

    5. power

    6. devoted

    7. to devote

  1. loving someone very much

  2. the ability to influence or control what people do or think

  3. to spend a lot of time or effort doing sth, to dedicate

  4. different and more than a few

  5. to be different in different situations

  6. to give sth to someone formally or officially

  7. able to influence or control what people do or think