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МГИМО_Практикум по юридическому переводу

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готовке к проведению общего собрания акционеров устанавливаются Советом директоров.

1.3Письменное уведомление о созыве собрания и его повестка дня должны быть направлены акционерам не позднее, чем за 30 дней и не ранее чем за 60 дней до даты его проведения. Повестка дня собрания не может быть изменена после уведомления.

1.4К компетенции общего собрания акционеров относятся следующие вопросы:

1)внесение изменений и дополнений в устав Общества или утверждение устава Общества в новой редакции;

2)реорганизация Общества;

3)ликвидация Общества, назначение ликвидационной комиссии и утверждение промежуточного и окончательного ликвидационного балансов;

4)определение количественного состава Совета директоров Общества, избрание его членов, определение их вознаграждения и досрочное прекращение их полномочий;

5)определение предельного размера объявленных акций;

6)уменьшение уставного капитала Общества путем уменьшения номинальной стоимости акций или сокращения их общего количества путем приобретения и погашения части акций.

7)избрание членов ревизионной комиссии Общества и досрочное прекращение их полномочий;


8)утверждение аудитора Общества;

9)утверждение годовых счетов, бухгалтерских балансов, счетов прибылей и убытков Общества, распределение его прибылей и убытков;

10)порядок проведения общего собрания;

11)образование счетной комиссии;

12)дробление и консолидация акций.




1. Translate into Russian and learn the terms:

To carry out the overall management of the Company’s activities, to be elected by an annual general shareholders’ meeting, to be elected by the Board members from among their body by a majority vote of all Board members, for a period of one year, to convene meetings of the Board of Directors, to preside over such meetings, to cause meeting minutes to be kept, to be held as necessary, in the event of a tie vote, to be entitled to a casting vote, to delegate one’s voting rights to each other, to be entitled to one vote, minutes shall be kept according to the es-


tablished procedure, the Board of Directors shall be exclusively competent to decide the following matters.

2.Fill in the table. Wherever verbs are used in the English version, use appropriate nouns in the Russian version.


2. созыв годового и внеочередного общих собраний акционеров Общества, за исключением случаев, предусмотренных федеральным законодательством


4.другие вопросы, отнесенные

ккомпетенции Совета директоров, связанные с подготовкой и проведением общего собрания акционеров


determine the guidelines of the Company’s business

approve the agenda for the general shareholders’ meetings

increase the Charter capital of the Company by increasing the par value of the shares or issuing new shares by the Company within the limit of the authorized shares


6. размещение Обществом облигаций и иных ценных бумаг


8. приобретение размещенных Обществом акций, облигаций и иных ценных бумаг в случаях, предусмотренных настоящим Уставом


10. представление рекомендаций по размеру выплачиваемых членам ревизионной комиссии Общества вознаграждений и компенсаций и определение размера оплаты труда аудитора

determine the market value of property in such cases as provided by federal law

form and remove the Company’s executive body and fix any remuneration or compensation payable to such body



12. утверждение внутренних документов Общества, определяющих порядок деятельности органов управления Общества


14.заключение крупных сделок, связанных с приобре-тением и отчуждением Обществом имущества


16.Вопросы, отнесенные к исключительной компетенции Совета директоров Общества, не могут быть переданы на решение исполнительному органу Общества

use the reserve fund and other funds of the Company

establish branches and open representative offices of the Company

decide such other matters as provided by this Charter and federal law

3.Draw up an appropriate article of the Charter (“Board of Directors”) on the basis of the terms and statements contained in the table.




1.Translate into English using the expressions in brackets:


Совет директоров осуществляет общее руководство дея-

тельностью Общества (to be responsible for the overall management of the Company’s activities).Члены Совета директо-

ров Общества избираются годовым Общим собранием акционеров. Председатель Совета директоров и его заместители избираются членами Совета директоров из их числа большинством голосов сроком на один год (Chairman of the Board of Directors, deputies, to be elected by the Board members from among their body by a majority vote). Председатель Совета директоров Общества организует его работу, созывает заседания Совета директоров и председательствует на них, а также организует на заседаниях ведение протокола

(to arrange for the activities of the Company, to convene meetings of the Board of Directors, to preside over meetings, to cause meeting minutes to be kept). Заседание Совета директо-

ров правомочно (имеет кворум), если на нем присутствует не менее половины от числа избранных членов Совета ди-

ректоров (to be competent, to have a quorum). Решения на за-

седании Совета директоров принимаются большинством голосов присутствующих (resolutions at meetings of the Board of Directors, to be passed by a majority vote of the at-


tending members). В случае равенства голосов право решающего голоса принадлежит Председателю Совета дирек-

торов (in the event of a tie vote, to be entitled to a casting vote).

При решении вопросов на заседании Совета директоров каждый член Совета директоров обладает одним голосом

(to be entitled to one vote at a Board meeting). Передача голо-

са одним членом Совета директоров другому члену Совета директоров запрещается (to delegate one’s voting rights to each other).


1.Translate into Russian relying on the expressions in brackets. Remember the highlighted terms and word combinations. Apply the principle of reverse translation to the underlined sentence:


The current operations of the Company shall be managed by its General Director (individual executive body) (единоличный исполнительный орган) and its Executive Board (collective executive body) (коллегиальный исполнительный орган). The General Director shall be the chairman of the Executive Board (исполнительная дирекция) (collective executive body).

The rights and duties of the General Director and the Executive Board members, the dates and amounts of remuneration payable to them (сроки и размеры оплаты услуг) shall be determined in a contract to be entered into between each of them and the Company.


The authority of the Company’s executive bodies (both individual and collective) (к компетенции относятся) shall include all matters related to managing the current operations of the Company, except as reserved to the exclusive authority of the general shareholders’ meeting or the Board of Directors of the Company.

The executive bodies of the Company (both individual and collective) shall cause any resolutions of the general shareholders’ meeting or the Board of Directors to be implemented (организуют выполнение решений)

The General Director shall be elected by the annual general meeting for a period of four years. The General Director’s term of office shall run from the date of his election by the annual general meeting until the general Director or his successor is elected by the annual general meeting to be held 4 years later. The election and early removal of the Company’s General Director shall be effected by the annual general shareholders’ meeting as provided in the Regulations of the General Shareholders’ Meeting (Положение об общем собрании акционеров) and the Regulations of the General Director. The executive Board shall be the Company’s collective executive body and shall, under the guidance of the General Director, make decisions concerning the immediate current management of the Company’s operations between general meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors.The number of the Executive Board members shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The members of the Executive Board shall be annually approved by the Board of Directors upon the proposal of the Company’s General Director. The executive Board shall act pursuant to this Charter, the Regulations of the Executive Board to be approved by the Board of Directors, and other internal


regulations of the Company. The executive Board shall meet as necessary. The qualifications (требования) that any person shall meet in order to be elected as General Director or to the executive Board shall be set forth in the Regulations of the General Director or the Regulations of the Executive Board, respectively. No person may concurrently serve as General Director or member of the Executive Board and as member of a governing body of any other entity without the consent of the Company’s Board of Directors.




1.Read, translate and remember:


1.Management of the activities of a general partnership shall be carried out by mutual agreement of all the participants. The foundation contract of the partnership may provide for cases when a decision shall be adopted by a majority of votes of the participants.


2.Each participant in a general partnership shall have one vote, unless a different order of determining the number of votes of its participants is specified in the foundation contract.

3.Each participant in a partnership, regardless of whether or not he is authorized to conduct the affairs of the partnership, shall have the right to acquaint himself with all documentation on management of its affairs. Refusal of this right or its limitation, including by agreement of the participants in the partnership, is void.


1.The highest body of a limited liability company (LLC) is the general meeting of its participants.

An executive body shall be created within a LLC to carry out the day-to-day management of its activities and shall be answerable to the general meeting of its participants. A singleperson governing body of the company may also be selected from among non-participants.

2.The powers of governing bodies of a company, as well as their decision-making procedure and procedure for acting in the company’s name, shall be defined in accordance with the Civil Code of the RF, the law on limited liability companies, and the company charter.

3.The following matters fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the general meeting of participants of a LLC:

1)amendment of the company’s charter, change in the amount of its charter capital;

2)formation of executive bodies of the company and early termination of their powers;