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Listening test

Ex. 1 Study the following words and word combinations.

all-star cast – спектакль в котором участвуют только звезды

сompletely carried away – совершенно увлечен, восхощен

staging – постановка

stage effects - сценические эфекты

too marvelous for words – слишком великолепно, чтобы выразить словами

beyond description – неописуемо

appreciative audience – чуткая/благодарная публика

Ex. 2 Listen to the dialogues and supply the missing words.


- Let’s go and buy some lemonade juice, I like drinking something during an (1)_______ .

- That’s a good idea. I feel thirsty, too.

- Well, Ann, and how do you like the play?

- The (2)_______ is perfect to my mind. Why, it doesn’t seem like acting! Each actor (3)_______ his part so realistically, so true to life.

- No wonder. The (4)_______ of this theatre is really outstanding. Besides, tonight an (5)_______ _______ is playing.

- Yes, indeed. I was completely (6)_______ _______ by their acting.

- And the (7)_______ is superb.

- Yes, especially in the first (8)_______ of the second act.

- Here is the refreshment room. Let’s drink some grape juice.

- O.K.

- Isn’t that the third bell? The lights are (9)_______ , and I think I hear the (10) _______ _______ _____ .

- Let’s hurry. That’s our staircase, to the right. I am not sure which (11)_______ is ours. Here’s an (12)_______, she will show us (13)________ our seats.


- Well, and now that the (14)_______ is over, what’s your impression of it?

- Everything is just wonderful! The play itself, the (15)_______ , the (16)_______ _______ , the acting were too marvelous for words.

- You are right, especially the acting – that was simply (17)_______ description.

- You know, at times I completely forgot myself. And what an appreciative (18)_______ ! Did you ever hear such (19)_______ of (20)_______ from (21)_______ every time the curtain went down?

- I’ve never seen an audience (22)_______ so much before. I think there were more than five (23) _______ _______ . I clapped so much that my palms hurt even now.

Ex. 3 Translate into English the following sentences.

  1. В сегодняшнем спектакле играют только звезды. 2. Я была совершенно увлечена игрой актеров. 3. Декорации превосходны, особенно в первой сцене второго акта. 4. Я слышу, что оркестр настраивает инструменты. 5. Я не помню, какой проход наш. Я думаю, билетер укажет нам наши места. 6. Постановка и сценические эффекты были слишком великолепны, чтобы выразить словами. 7. Какая благодарная публика! Ты когда-нибудь слышал такие взрывы аплодисментов от зрителей каждый раз, когда опускался занавес? Актеров вызывали больше пяти раз.

The cinema

Focus Vocabulary

cinema disaster film

film fantasy film

movie horror film

action / adventure film science fiction film

biopic soap opera

cartoon thriller

comedy western

war film

Cinema is a medium of mass entertainment, it is both an art and an industry, it has a powerful impact on our mind and soul.


Cinematograph is one of the wonders of the modern world. In 1895 the Lumiere brothers gave the world's first real cinema show in Paris to an audience of thirty-three spectators. The first film they showed was "The Arrival of a train at a Station". Moving pictures seemed so real that the audience was frightened to death by the train rushing at them from the screen.

Cinematograph is an art of our time. It's as complicated as the twentieth century itself. Everyone can find something to his liking in a broad variety of its genres. Those who seek pure entertainment and rest to the mind prefer musical comedies, detective films, thrillers, horror films and westerns. Other people consider that movies should be a thought provoking and earnest art than all fun.

Ex. 1 Think of an old person that you know quite well, for example, a grandparent or a neighbour. Which of the following statements on the cinema would he/ she agree with? In the space provided, write 5 against any statement he/she would totally agree with and 0 against any statement they would totally disagree with. Put 4, 3; 2 or 1 to show intermediate attitudes.

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