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apple pie

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а: Apple pie. (Яблочный пирог, урок №4 в теме «Еда»)

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Обучающая цель урока: развитие коммуникативной и когнитивной компетенции учащихся.

Задачи урока:

совершенствование навыков говорения по теме «Еда».

развитие памяти, внимания, умений индивидуальной работы.

создание условий для расширения лингвистического и культурного кругозора учащихся.

совершенствование навыков чтения, навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух.

привитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

Формы работы учащихся: фронтальная, в парах, индивидуальная.

На уроке используются элементы:

Оборудование урока: PB, WB, компьютер, дидактический материал, интерактивная доска.

Дидактические материалы: презентация «Apple pie», Приложение 1, Приложение 2.

Ход урока

Организационно-мотивационный этап урока


Hi! Nice to meet you today!

How are you?

Речевая зарядка (подводящий к теме диалог)

- Guys, I believe you know that I’ looking forward to the guests. But unfortunately I’m not prepared. I even don’t know what to cook.

Can you help me? What’s your favorite food? (Слайд 2)

Let’s make up the menu for my little party together. What can you advise me? (There are some useful phrases on the interactive board: You can cook… Would you like to try…? What’s about…?) (Слайд 3)

Проверка домашнего задания

Thank you! There are so many dishes I can cook for my guests. It would be great to make some dishes of our Belorussian cuisine. I know that you had to bring recipes of our national dishes. Are you ready with your homework? Was it so difficult for you? (Слайд 4)

Let’s listen to some of them (P1, P2). Ok! I like your work!

Определение темы урока

Now we’ve got a lot of variants of main course and what’s about deserts? I’d like to surprise my foreign guests with delicious desert. Let’s try to make one of their favorite dishes – an apple pie. I’m inclined to think it’s simple and tasty. (Слайд 5)


At the end of this lesson we’ll know the process of cooking tasty apple pies.


Работа с видеофрагментом с выходом на монологическую речь.

Предтекстовый этап:

You know, my friend sent me the recipe of an apple pie by e-mail. Let’s watch it! (Приложение2) How to make an Apple Pie (Lattice Crust) While watching the video, you are to look at the ingredients and their amounts and match them. You can do it in pairs.

(Слайд 6) (Приложение 3 Hand out)

текстовыйэтап(просмотр видеофрагмента)-The movie “How to make an Apple Pie” (Слайд 7)

Послетекстовый этап:

Now let’s check up your work (Слайд 8). Let’s do it one by one.

We’ve watched the movie about cooking an apple pie. Try to recollect the process of cooking and put the pictures on the screen in the correct order: slice, add, preheat, serve, butter, bake, put, pour, mix, peel (Слайд 9)

Работа с текстом.

Now let’s complete the following recipe using the words above. Please, open your WB at page 40 and find exercise 2. You’ve got a minute to prepare.


So, guys, are you tired? Let’s relax! Please, stand up. Let’s try to cook smth. Ready? Switch on the oven. Take a bowl. Put sugar, oil, and eggs into the bowl. Mix it up. Peel the apples and slice them into pieces, add apples to the mixture. Pour the mixture into the deep ovenproof dish and put it into the oven. Take your sits. (Use gestures showing the process of cooking) (Слайд 10)

Речевая активность

Now guys, have you paid attention that there are a lot of recipes how to cook an apple pie. Please, let’s look at one more. But some problems have happened to the recipe and the order has jumbled. Now, please, arrange the sentences in the correct order. Open your SB at page 61 exercise 5a. So, you have only one minute to collect your thoughts together (Слайд 11).

OK! Let’s check up your work. Please, P1, retell the recipe. Do you agree with it?

Nice! It seems so delicious! I’d like to try a piece of this pie because it’s so browned, flovoured and appetizing. Would you like to try it?

(The words are on the board – (Слайд 12)

Предъявление домашнего задания.

-Ok. Your work is great. Now you know how to cook a delicious pie. Moreover, you know all the necessary words for your recipe.

I believe it’s high time to write down your H/W into your records books – Ex.6 p.62 (Слайд13). You are to talk to your Mum or consult a cookery book or the Internet and write down a recipe for a tasty pie.

Подведение итогов урока

So, guys, what have you learnt today? Do you like cooking apple pies?

1. Выставлениеотметокучащимся.

I suppose you want to know your marks for the lesson. (The teacher explains the marks to the students).


So, our lesson is going to the end. Today we’ve learnt a lot of information about cookery and now I’d like us to make our magic pie. The ingredients of this pie will be our new words, phrases, thoughts and emotions. My ingredients are some new words, only positive emotions and our improved speaking skills. Now it’s your turn. Use the words on the screen: new word-combinations and phrases, emotions, thoughts, feelings, ideas, believes, expectations. (Слайд14)

OK! Let’s mix it up and try not to lose our magic ingredients.

Thank you, guys, for your work/being active. The lesson is over. Good bye.

риложение 1

презентация Power Point « Apple pie.»

Приложение 2

видеозапись «How to make an apple pie?»

Приложение 3

аудиозапись «Релаксационная пауза»

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