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Теория рекламы (1).doc
1.1 Mб

1.Match the words and definitions from the columns; use them in the examples of your own:

1. improvements a. happening at the


2. consumer b. smn who sells smth;

3. purchase c. a kind of situation

in which people or

4. competitive organizations try

very hard to be

5. to distinguish more successful

than others;

6. to acquaint

7. seller d. to be able to recognize

and understand the

8. to carry out difference between two

similar things or people;

9. initial e. smn who buys and uses

products and services;

10. to convince

11. purpose f. the thing that an event

process or activity is

supposed to do

g. to do smth that needs to be

organized and planned;

h. to give smn information

about smth;

i. to persuade smn to do smth;

j. the act of buying smth;

k. a change or addition that

makes smth better;

2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words and word- combinations; restore their context

a. покупатель

b. быть направленным на выполнение чего-либо

c. рекламная деятельность

d. напоминающий

e. хорошо составленный текст

f. агитирующий

g. почтовая реклама

h. поддерживать приверженность к чему-либо

i. порождать необходимость в чем-либо

j. выбор экспрессивных слов

3. Find the odd-one out

  1. consumer – user – seller - buyer

  2. change – improvement - betterment

  3. initial - primary - final - first

  4. agitating – persuading – discouraging - convincing

  5. to distinguish - to combine - to discern - to discriminate between

  6. to fulfill - to implement - to carry out - to stand idle

  7. contending - rival - competitive – noncompeting

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the exercises above

  1. The main function of _______ is to inform the _______ about the _______ or his goods, and the details of products.

  1. With the help of _______ the _______ makes the correct decision on _______ .

  1. The main aim of ______ or _______ _______ is to _______ the possible _______ with the new goods in the market, a place of its sale.

  1. The ultimate objective of _______, convincing or _______ advertising is to influence mentality of the person by means of _______ _______ ___ ___ ___ _______, _______ ___ _______ _______ in order to _______ in him ______ for the given goods or service.

  1. The buyer _______ the promoted goods from all similar goods and _______ the _______ to get these goods.