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1. technologically advanced nations – развитые в техническом отношении страны

2. the speed of change – темпы перемен

3. to accelerate – ускорять(ся)

4. to work out the patterns of change – разработать структуру перемен

5. toaffect– воздействовать, влиять

6. to rise dramatically – резко возрастать

7. to give up working for a boss – отказаться работать на боса

8. flexible – гибкий

9. to improve your computer skills – улучшить навыки владения компьютером

10. self-employed– работающий не по найму

2. Read the text again and find the correct sentences (a–f) for each gap.

  1. On the other hand, business and professional services, the media, IT, and the biosciences are doing really well.

  2. Because of this, computer programmers and systems analysts will be in much greater demand.

  3. However, understanding other people, their minds, culture and history will be vital.

  4. First of all, don’t panic.

  5. They will also need people who can work co-operatively and get on well in a team.

  6. Because of this, workers will have to be more flexible.

3. Read the article again and answer these questions.

    1. What is ‘future shock’ and how does it affect people?

    2. What are the job areas of the future?

    3. How will careers change?

    4. What skills and personal qualities will people need?

    5. What personal benefits will the new situation bring?

4. In pairs, discuss what things you can do to improve your future career prospects.

Accelerate rapidly, become old-fashioned, become self-employed, do badly, feel comfortable, find smth difficult, have an advantage, have free tme, pay attention to, react quickly, rise dramatically, take a deep breath

5. Complete the sentences below with the expressions given above:

  1. I never really… speaking a foreign language.

  2. If you look at the unemployment figures, they… in the 1990s.

  3. We get so much homework that I don’t… to relax.

  4. I’d like to … one day and not work for a boss.

  5. Rally drivers have to … to avoid accidents.

  6. I… maths…. I always… in maths exams.

Grammar Revision

The participle

12. Translate the following paying attention to the forms and functions of the participles.

  1. The plane flying with great speed leaves behind a stream of white smoke.

  2. Any change in a motion of a body is in proportion to the force pressing on it and takes place in the direction of a straight line in which the pressing body acts.

  3. The law defining the properties of inertia was formulated by Newton.

  4. The professor delivering this report works at our institute.

  5. The method suggested by him was of great practical importance.

  6. A great number of experiments being conducted are based on Newton`s first law.

  7. The second law of mechanics states that a body being pressed by a force moves in the direction in which the pressing force acts.

  8. Studying the various phenomenon of Nature, Newton discovered the law of gravitation.

  9. Being asked to put his ideas on paper Newton did it in a very short period of time.

  10. Having graduated from Cambridge Newton was left there to work as a tutor.

  11. Having been the result of twenty year’s thinking the Principia took Newton only eighteen months to get it ready for publishing.

  12. Having been published in 1687, the three laws of motion are still the basis for many scientific achievements.

  13. Computing machines being used for many purposes, scientists go on improving their characteristics.

  14. Many great achievements of science were made possible by Newton’s laws of motion having been universally adopted.

  15. Early in the 19th century Dalton advanced his atomic theory, the emphasis on the weights of the atoms being his great contribution to the science of his period.