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fossil fuels – ископаемое топливо

rotor blades – вращающиеся лопасти

renewable – восстановимый, возобновляемый ( о природных ресурсах)

9. Complete the project aimed at solving a serious energy crises in Britain with either present perfect or present simple of the verbs in brackets.

The answer is blowing in the wind

Britain is in the middle of serious energy crises! We 1______(look for) a new form of energy which will be able to generate enough power in recent years.

Usually the British 2_______(burn) fossil fuels or 3_______(build) nuclear power stations. As a result they emit harmful greenhouse gases, which 4_______( cause) global warming and climate change.

How can we produce enough energy without damaging the environment? What can we use as an alternative reliable form of energy? Wind power.

The countries like Holland and Denmark 5______ ( use) wind power as an alternative source of energy for many years. Britain is one of the windiest countries in Europe, but it 6_____ (be) slow to take advantage of wind power. The strong wind which 7_______ (blow) around Britain’s coastline could easily be used to provide us with all energy needs. All we need now is to set up some wind farms.

Wind farms 8______(be) a number of electricity generating wind turbines, which are tall, slim towers with two or three rotor blades at the top. The wind 9______(turn) the blades, which rotate the pole. Computers monitor the wind direction and speed, and can shut down the turbine if the wind 10_______(become ) too strong. We 11______ already (install) a single wind turbine which can produce enough electricity to power 375 homes, and it never 12______ (make) any noise.

So, wind power offers a solution to all our energy problems by being a renewable, clean and safe source of energy which easy to live and work with.


10. Look at the following pictures and notes, then in pairs discuss what the problems of big cities are and how they can be solved.

Problems:noise, smog, congested roads, gas emission, acid rain, careless disposal of waste, unpleasant smells, unnecessary packaging, scrap heaps, dumping oil/toxic waste/outdated appliances and devices, water/ air / soil pollution, greenhouse effect, growth of population, unemployment

Solution: filters, unleaded petrol, better public transport, fines, biodegradable packaging, recycling, incinerate waste, develop new environmentally friendly materials, ban on careless disposal of rubbish, recycling factories/points, improved waste disposal systems, living outside the city/ in the suburbs, economy water and electricity, develop technologies, plant trees, ride a bicycle

Grammar Focus: Clause of Purpose:

  • (in order) to + infinitive

  • so that + can/will + infinitive

  • so that + can’t/won’t + infinitive

e.g. We should install filters to reduce air pollution.

We should install filters so that we can reduce air pollution.

We should install filters so that we won’t have polluted cities.


11. Your town is facing serious problems. Suggest ways to improve the situation, explaining the results of each suggestion. You can use ideas from units 5 and 6 as well as your own ideas.

Before you write a composition providing solutions to the problems, you should make a list of the suggestions and the results. Start your composition by stating the problem(s) and cause(s), then present each of your suggestions and results in separate paragraphs. Join your suggestions and results using so, consequently, therefore, by doing this, in this way, etc. End your composition by summarizing opinion.


I. INTRODUCTION: 1. state the problem: The living conditions in our city are getting worse and worse. Exhaust fumes and smoke from the factories are polluting the air. Furthermore,………(state other problems). We should do something before it’s too late.